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Imran Khan wants open border between Pakistan - Afghanistan

I am not saying a completely open border policy be implemented immediately, but is it possible to make Afghanistan and Pakistan a loose confederation and as things get better a stronger confederation can be worked out.
I am not saying a completely open border policy be implemented immediately, but is it possible to make Afghanistan and Pakistan a loose confederation and as things get better a stronger confederation can be worked out.

confederation? with Afghans? seriously? I'd prefer China over that lawless @&^$hole. For centuries Afghanistan has been nothing but a lawless war zone. They haven't done anything positive in this world. Afghan history is filled with guns, violence and pop fields nothing else. This is a fact not fantasy lala land.

Wrong-Right debate aside,,, I'll tell you what Dr.Israr Ahmad sort-of "predicted" in his interview to Dr.Shahid Masood's program "End of Times",,, He said that he believed that one day Pakistan & Afghanistan will become one country ... before or around Armagadon :)

I am not saying that,!!! it was Dr. Israr Ahmad ...


One more interesting observation; Prophet said Imam Mahdi who will liberate muslims will be his name-sake,,, Prophet's original name was AHMAD,,, IK's full name is Imran AHMAD Khan Niazi ... !!!

Words cannot describe how ridiculous that idea sounds.

[/COLOR]by the way border with Afghanistan is freeeeee already...

Rather it needs to be put on check...

Agree with you on that. The border needs complete overhaul. We need something similar to what we have on the Indian border.

You know what the weird thing is? instead of condemning the recent Afghan raid in Pakistan he shared his dream of having 'open borders' with Afghan ambassador.
confederation? with Afghans? seriously? I'd prefer China over that lawless @&^$hole. For centuries Afghanistan has been nothing but a lawless war zone. They haven't done anything positive in this world. Afghan history is filled with guns, violence and pop fields nothing else. This is a fact not fantasy lala land.

I said "to make Afghanistan and Pakistan a loose confederation and as things get better a stronger confederation can be worked out."

I did not say to make it a complete confederation just overnight.
Wrong-Right debate aside,,, I'll tell you what Dr.Israr Ahmad sort-of "predicted" in his interview to Dr.Shahid Masood's program "End of Times",,, He said that he believed that one day Pakistan & Afghanistan will become one country ... before or around Armagadon :)

I am not saying that,!!! it was Dr. Israr Ahmad ...


One more interesting observation; Prophet said Imam Mahdi who will liberate muslims will be his name-sake,,, Prophet's original name was AHMAD,,, IK's full name is Imran AHMAD Khan Niazi ... !!!
Man! So you are saying Imran Khan is the man of prophecy ..:lol:
Its too much.. Don't compare things too before without having complete information.. :lol:
Ethnic distrubance continued in the region ,I've seen many Afghan Dreaming comments on several other websites They are still in ethno-fobia , More importantly This Ethno-fobia thoughts have hijacked the whole durrand line region .. It will bring nothing just of war without ideology, Cuz Ethinist consider there ethnic group as a religon..
I for once think it is a good idea to finally say it out loud.
This has been our policy since the 1960s-70s and time has come for some one to take it further.

There shall be be a open border between Pakistan & Afghanistan, maybe similar to what USA & Canada had prior to 9/11.
confederation? with Afghans? seriously? I'd prefer China over that lawless @&^$hole. For centuries Afghanistan has been nothing but a lawless war zone. They haven't done anything positive in this world. Afghan history is filled with guns, violence and pop fields nothing else. This is a fact not fantasy lala land.

Words cannot describe how ridiculous that idea sounds.

Agree with you on that. The border needs complete overhaul. We need something similar to what we have on the Indian border.

You know what the weird thing is? instead of condemning the recent Afghan raid in Pakistan he shared his dream of having 'open borders' with Afghan ambassador.

that is because he is a visionary civilian leader not a short sighted military idiot...
confederation? with Afghans? seriously? I'd prefer China over that lawless @&^$hole. For centuries Afghanistan has been nothing but a lawless war zone. They haven't done anything positive in this world. Afghan history is filled with guns, violence and pop fields nothing else. This is a fact not fantasy lala land.

I'd prefer China too but Pakistan is an Islamic country and was founded for Muslims. China and Pakistan share very little similarities in culture and religious beliefs except Xinjiang province.
Majority of Pakistanis still get emotional about Muslim Ummah.

Agree with you on that. The border needs complete overhaul. We need something similar to what we have on the Indian border.

You know what the weird thing is? instead of condemning the recent Afghan raid in Pakistan he shared his dream of having 'open borders' with Afghan ambassador.

I think we need more security in western borders not because the Afghan nation itself is any threat, but there are too many foreign intelligence agencies in Afghanistan at the moment such as RAW and CIA. In the future when these foreign intelligence agencies are out of Afghanistan then its the best time to talk about open borders not now.
Oh…I thought it means from my lineage (Hashmi)i.e...
Yes many hadees say "my family"... but some also say his namesake :)

Abu Dawud : Book 36 : Hadith 4276
Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib (A "Hashmi" Narrating it to rest ur agitated soul :) ):

AbuIshaq told that Ali looked at his son al-Hasan and said: This son of mine is a sayyid (chief) as named by the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him), and from his loins will come forth a man who will be called by the name of your Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and resemble him in conduct but not in appearance. He then mentioned the story about his filling the earth with justice.

Oh….I thought it was Muhammad…….again my bad….!!
Yes your bad indeed,,, His parents gave him name AHMAD,,, only later his grandfather gave him name Muhammad.

Even in old scriptures he was referred to as "AHMAD" ... Quran:61:6:And remember Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah (sent) to you confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving glad Tidings of an Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad."

& just to make it easy on ur & z9-ec's soul, I wasn't suggesting anything,,, it was just an observation ...
I'd prefer China too but Pakistan is an Islamic country and was founded for Muslims. China and Pakistan share very little similarities in culture and religious beliefs except Xinjiang province.
Majority of Pakistanis still get emotional about Muslim Ummah.

Muslim ummah is nothing but a fictitious myth. Here's further proof:

Afghans have nothing positive to contribute. We should rather secure our borders. We should not burden Pakistan any further with other problems.
This would be a fatal mistake for Pakistan. Such a mistake would give rise to drug trade, smuggling and god knows what. Perhaps, he needs a history lesson on what happened in the 80s.

Heck, we should send all Afghan refugees back and militarize the border to the levels we have with India.

Last time I remember there was an open border between afg and pak and the Taliban stopped complete drug trade by destroying its source come out Musharaf world that scumbag is gone n not gonna comeback in power. Feel the change.

---------- Post added at 01:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 AM ----------

Imran Khan has gone crazy, don't vote for this guy.


Thnx but no thnx, V will do
confederation? with Afghans? seriously? I'd prefer China over that lawless @&^$hole. For centuries Afghanistan has been nothing but a lawless war zone. They haven't done anything positive in this world. Afghan history is filled with guns, violence and pop fields nothing else. This is a fact not fantasy lala land.

Words cannot describe how ridiculous that idea sounds.

Agree with you on that. The border needs complete overhaul. We need something similar to what we have on the Indian border.

You know what the weird thing is? instead of condemning the recent Afghan raid in Pakistan he shared his dream of having 'open borders' with Afghan ambassador.

Watch your ****** mouth assh0le. It wasn't what your ancestors said when they were being enslaved by Marathas and they asked for Afghan help. You thankless piece of cr@p.

Yours is a country with barely 60 years of history and you talk crap about how Afghanistan has no history. hahaha, biggest joke ever.

Look who you have in your avatar, Musharaf, hahaha. We call him "Besharaf" in Afghanistan, meaning a person without dedency and principles. lol
Watch your ****** mouth assh0le. It wasn't what your ancestors said when they were being enslaved by Marathas and they asked for Afghan help. You thankless piece of cr@p.

Yours is a country with barely 60 years of history and you talk crap about how Afghanistan has no history. hahaha, biggest joke ever.

Look who you have in your avatar, Musharaf, hahaha. We call him "Besharaf" in Afghanistan, meaning a person without dedency and principles. lol

Read history. For over 500 years Afghanistan has been a lawless war zone. What contributions has Afghanistan for a better world? or betterment of it's people? nil. Afghan help. lol.

For the past 2 decades we have had the influx of millions of Afghan refugees. They are a huge burden on Pakistan.

Last time I remember there was an open border between afg and pak and the Taliban stopped complete drug trade by destroying its source come out Musharaf world that scumbag is gone n not gonna comeback in power. Feel the change.

Heck, that is the reason of all ills in Pakistan. We should NOT make that same mistake again.
Read history. For over 500 years Afghanistan has been a lawless war zone. What contributions has Afghanistan for a better world? or betterment of it's people? nil. Afghan help. lol.

For the past 2 decades we have had the influx of millions of Afghan refugees. They are a huge burden on Pakistan.

meh you are too stupid to argue with. First read some books then argue. If Afghanistan has no history then why you name your missiles after Afghans, Abdali, ghauri and so on?

Read about the 3rd battle of panipat where Indian muslims (including modern pakistanis) asked for help against Marathas.
Battle of Panipat (1761) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was Afghans who saved your ancestors countless times from anahilation.

Do you know Sher Shah suri and the great trunk road?

anyway read some history and then come and talk.

apologies to sensible pakistanis. This idiot is getting on my nerves.
meh you are too stupid to argue with. First read some books then argue. If Afghanistan has no history then why you name your missiles after Afghans, Abdali, ghauri and so on?

Read about the 3rd battle of panipat where Indian muslims (including modern pakistanis) asked for help against Marathas.
Battle of Panipat (1761) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was Afghans who saved your ancestors countless times from anahilation.

Do you know Sher Shah suri and the great trunk road?

Durrani Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read more. They attacked Mughals and muslims.
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