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Imran Khan wants open border between Pakistan - Afghanistan

"open borders" is diplomatic speak for "excellent relations". Let's not blow this out of proportion.

We should focus on improving relations for now. One step at a time. Eventually, once Afghanistan stabilizes and the extremism/gun/drug culture gets under control, both sides can consider the issue. I am sure the Afghans are not crazy about Pakistani extremist organizations either.

When Taliban was ruling Afghanistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan had open borders. Our military was all in the eastern border and in Line of Control in Kashmir. The Pakhtun tribes were in control of their region, and Pakistan was much safer then.

It was only when Pakistan dragged itself in America's war OF terror, we started deploying troops to the western border, but it was a wise move because India has its consulates near the Afghan border. Once indians are out of Afghanistan, we will let Pakhtun tribes once again have full control over their areas near the Pak-Afghan border.

---------- Post added at 06:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 PM ----------

Imran Khan had a conversation we're not sure if he truly said this.

He can always change his decision.

Imran Khan has been saying this forever that let Pakhtun tribes control their own region. FATA was always an autonomous region of Pakistan since Pakistan's independence.
Jiye Imran Khan, but this move isn't good for us. Pakistan is too crowded, especially Karachi, where most Afghans love to camp. FATA is the only region which could "allow" these peeps, as they're sort of tribal and all.

A good way to go about this would be: First kicking all illegal (95%?) Afghans and Bengalis out, then stabilizing Pak and in another 20-30 years we might -consider- "opening" our borders to a nation where 90% of the population despises us.

Still, I think Imran Khan didn't mean it literally, as open borders might aswell mean open arms or something
Open border means no restrictions, checks, no visa or passport required and; free movement in and out.

Open border - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Such an act would be disastrous to say the least. The consequences of this. We're already burdened by the influx of Afghan refugees in the past as is. Imagine, if this were to happen how bad things would get.
Open border means no restrictions, checks, no visa or passport required and; free movement in and out.

Open border - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Such an act we be disastrous to say the least. The consequences of this. We're already burdened by the influx of Afghan refugees in the past as is. Imagine, if this were to happen how bad things would get.

You're right! We will suffer so much, so much, that it gets me thinking: "Will we suffer more than we are suffering now thanks to (musharraf's) NRO?"
You're right! We will suffer so much, so much, that it gets me thinking: "Will we suffer more than we are suffering now thanks to (musharraf's) NRO?"

Just like PTI's office bearers you follow suit with character assassination. Why not debate on the subject in question rather than deviating off topic?

The answer to your question: YES, open borders with Afghanistan is THE reason we're in this mess today. Influx of weapons, smuggling, drugs, criminals, gun culture and etc. You name it.
FATA always remained critical for Pakistan, given the tensions between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Interestingly, Afghanistan was the only country that challenged Pakistan’s admission as a member of the United Nations in 1947, claiming parts of FATA and even KPP. The Afghan side coined (though never clearly defined) the idea of Pashtunistan—an independent country constituting the Pashtun dominated areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan, and according to some in the old Afghan ruling family, constituting the whole of Afghanistan and Pashtun areas of Pakistan. It was never a popular idea in the region, but it was potent enough to create trouble in the minds of Pakistani leaders. Soviet and Indian support for Afghanistan’s claims on Pashtun areas of Pakistan meanwhile increased Pakistan’s insecurity.

Relations between the two countries deteriorated in 1961, as Daud funneled support to militias across the border and then followed up with an incursion by Afghan troops in Bajaur in 1962, which Pakistani forces repulsed.


The people of FATA fought alongside Pakistan Army to defend the borders, their allegiance to Pakistan is unquestionable. The only trouble-making factors are our neighbours in the East and our allies in the Far West. Once, their influence retreats I would also recommend an open border policy between Afghanistan and Pakistan; cordial, brotherly relationships are in the interest of people on both sides of the border.
another thread by people who would rather see Pakistan burn then progress.

Some times I am amazed our people made it out of caves, with this kind of mentality.

move along people, nothing but propaganda and hate here.
Just like PTI's office bearers you follow suit with character assassination. Why not debate on the subject in question rather than deviating off topic?

Dear…Against what they debate for??? except centuries old argument ‘Imran is new’….. that’s why you just pick anyone’s from 16K to few hundreds….in every of their post there is an abuse hurled towards opponents nothing concrete and substantial…. ….!!

The answer to your question: YES, open borders with Afghanistan is THE reason we're in this mess today. Influx of weapons, smuggling, drugs, criminals, gun culture and etc. You name it.

On the topic, I fully agree that unless there is a stable and strong govt in Afghanistan who can control all these problems head-on there is no way we can ease anything on their borders.
Imran wants open border between Pakistan, Afghanistan

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan said on Tuesday that he wants to see an open border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

According to a statement released by the PTI, Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan, Mohammed Umar Daudzai had a telephonic conversation with Imran Khan. Imran expressed regret that successive Pakistani regimes supported various Afghan groups rather than focusing on what the people of Afghanistan really want.

Imran hoped that both the countries could move forward through the process of dialogue and understanding. He said that Pakistan and Afghanistan should have a relationship “free of the excess baggage of the past and of India,” although he stated that the latter factor cannot be ignored.

Imran also conveyed his concerns of a 1989 repeat, when the US withdraw in 2014.

Ambassador Daudzai briefed Imran about Afghanistan’s heavy investment in human development projects including higher education and how present Afghanistan is different from the past one.

seems he just said it in good faith...

---------- Post added at 09:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 AM ----------

by the way border with Afghanistan is freeeeee already...

Rather it needs to be put on check...

P.S and I have said many times, Imran Khan is a kind of a leader, who rule Regions, not just his native country...

you will see by the second term in government Imran Khan would be a leader figure in the Region...
Imran Khan is a Pakhtun nationalist. He even wrote a book on Pakhtuns being the warrior race.



However you can be proud of being Pakhtun and be proud of being Pakistani at the same time so I still think he's the best for Pakistan out of all other Pakistani politicians.
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Wrong-Right debate aside,,, I'll tell you what Dr.Israr Ahmad sort-of "predicted" in his interview to Dr.Shahid Masood's program "End of Times",,, He said that he believed that one day Pakistan & Afghanistan will become one country ... before or around Armagadon :)

I am not saying that,!!! it was Dr. Israr Ahmad ...


One more interesting observation; Prophet said Imam Mahdi who will liberate muslims will be his name-sake,,, Prophet's original name was AHMAD,,, IK's full name is Imran AHMAD Khan Niazi ... !!!
boring idea in current situation. May be when US and India move out of the Afghanistan and Afghani Taliban returns then it can come handy and something like merger of two states starts (on the basis of Muslim brotherhood).

But right now, only a nutcase will give this suggestion.


Just saw your post, and my point was also same BUT IK is not Mehdi (or AHMAD) which has been predicted by Prophet Muhammad (SAWW). As his not called as "SADIK" or "AMEEN", neither he is from the heritage of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW), lastly, Mehdi will appear in Makah during the hajj season, and people will make him the Khalifa, unlike IK.

ohh come on, you don't hear him in his jalsa? where the hell he even look like Mehdi. (MUSIC etc). You have lost your head even comparing Mehdi and IK :-s
One more interesting observation; Prophet said Imam Mahdi who will liberate muslims will be his name-sake,,,

Oh…I thought it means from my lineage (Hashmi)i.e... Muhammad – Fatima - Hasan/Hussain - Zain-ul-abdin/etc…..My bad…!!

Prophet's original name was AHMAD,,,

Oh….I thought it was Muhammad…….again my bad….!!

IK's full name is Imran AHMAD Khan Niazi ... !!!

Great… PTI will definitely reap “Amazing” results…if it converted your observation in to election slogan as well..!!
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