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"If the Saudis do anything ignorant, we will leave no area untouched except Mecca and Medina"

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What's your plan to save the world from Saudi poisonous ideology? which is.........?

They need to stop poisoning the Muslim Ummah for their political interests. They are in bed with the US and Israel, first thing would be to get away from them. Stop using the petrodollars to fund religious fanatics. Join Russia, China and Pakistan to counter the US and Israel.
I believe people and govts. beyond Saudi Arabia will have hard time believing generals of Iran revolution guards. Operations of General Qasim Sulemani beyond Iran, has not added trust between IRG and Islamic world.

Those who believe Iran would leave Mecca untouched are living in fools paradise.
We have seen Mecca has been under attack by Iranians in history on few occasions and even before black stone was stolen.
Regarding Medina, there has been attempts in history of steeling body of holy messenger.
Anyone still having doubts should read below:

I am a Shia, pray tell what threat do I pose to the Holy land. Is it not my land also.

Iran has its problems, but it is not a extremes exporting country like Saudi.
Hezbollah assad regime & houthis ( who fired missiles to Makkah) are saints .they arnt using chemical weapons on sunnis in syria they arnt kiling sunnis in iraq . stop playing mazlumeen .
Lol it reminds me of this


There is no doubt in anyones mind that they have the most powerful photoshop army in the world along with their "friends and allies" from North Korea.

Here is another gem.

The "superpower's" soldiers in action:


Did they not just lose 11 border guards in an open desert against barefooted militias armed with a few rifles a few days ago?

KSA/GCC/Arab word/US/world/everyone should be really scared. Those Mullah's are to be taken very seriously.
Lel you gulf niggers truly are delusional, go back to eating lizards and drinking camel piss you useless subhuman. Your "people" can't even wipe your own asses without American help, you're currently losing miserably against barefoot Yemeni farmers, and you think Iran will crumble? Top kek.

You monkeys achieved one thing in your miserable race's life in 632 AD and nothing more, for the past 100 years you've been a U.S. and British vassal, for the previous 900 a Turkish vassal, no wonder your hairy shit-encrusted *** is burning right now.

Please don't resort to racism it's not a good look.
Saudi dollars, lol, asshole i uses to like iran before i learned of their cooperation with india in attempts to break pakistan, its personal now beta u made a huge mistake by making pakistan ur enemy, we were above sectarianism yet u choose to see us as a sunni state from ur sectarian spectacles n hell buddy u will pay for that, n lol u have the audacity to brand us as sellouts when u sold ur national security for dollars, lol, the whole world saw iranian backbone the day u signed the nuke deal, bloody cowards lol, as i said u just talk big but when it came to show true guts u choose to suck yankee ****...
You punk!
Yeah we wanted to destroy Pakistan with our pipeline and our offer to connect Gwadar and Chabahar in northern boundaries. You always use to say that, yeah we made that deal when all world powers were standing up against us while you and other Muslim countries had abandoned us because of USA's pressure. What could we do then? Declare a war on whole world?!!! Even Russia and China imposed sancions on us because of the non existent NUKEs. We made a deal with world not an special country, no way was remaining for us
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