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If PAF was Selecting Which MRCA wud Fit


Mar 28, 2009
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If we al assume that PAF had much bigger defense budget in the right circumstances and they like india had $10-$12 billion to buy the MRCA which would best fit PAF current/future doctrine.

Ie which would they choose. ( i am replacing mig35 to FC20 has its the same scenario)

So which wud PAF have and why. 126 fighters MMRCA

1. Typhoon/ Rafale - latest and most expensive with new BVR missle TWIN ENGINED RCS on both less than 0.3sqm both offering pakistan full TOT but hellishly pricely at $90-100m each...easily will last longest in service upto 2040 in both RAF & France air forces.

2. USA twin engined F18SH or F16/60 both with best AESA radar APG79/80 and vst array of strike weapons full combat proven. only 50% TOT and always threat of sanctions. But best of USA legacy fighters and much cheaper at $60-$70m each. RCS only 0.5 for f18sh and 1sqm for F16

3. FC20. from PAF main supplier china.. True 4TH GEN FIGHTER with TVC and high composites but lacking the cutting edge radar and weapons mix and world class engines of above options from the west. BUT a bargin at $40m each.

4. Gripen very smart late 4 gen fighter with all that Rafale & Typhoon offers but single engined only. Good TOT offered and reasonable prices at $55m each. Mix and match the radar and weapons from both Europe & USA...

** Would PAF go with FC20 and risk a total dependancy on China. Is that Wise.

Or do they go with combat proven USA technology and get partial TOT on AESA for future use on JF17.

Or will PAF go for Typhoon Rafale and spend 50% more to get the latest /best from Europe.

Its a tough call ????
I would go with Rafale, and not invest too much money on JF17 as it has no match against any of 5th Generation Aircraft. Gripen is also a good option but I will pass that on basis that Saab move some of their technology to India.
Light class
i would sell/ dispose all the jf17 block1 jets[gradually]...

*of the jf17 family,would keep only the latest block... try to bring it at par with block40 f16s.[100jets]
medium weight class

we really need aircrafts of middle wight 4.5 generation in most numbers.. . so they might aswell handle the heavy weight class jets of india

out of the single enjine there are only 3 options..
f16 block52, fc20, grippen....

f16 and grippen can be embargoed....

*f16s [60]

*so upgrade fc20 as much as possible and deploy them in bulk....[250 jets to deal with su30s and f18s]
ultimately inhouse production of fc20 would be costeffctive
heavy wt class

russians are out of question

f18..production line of this 80s jet is ending

eurofighter too costly

*would go for 2 -4squadrons of rafale for airsuperiority/deep strike.[plus it would gain leverage to buy french avionics for jf17]

apart from this, i think...
1]i think paf shoulg have a couple of squadrons of the best jets around.[rafale]

2]veriety is also a key factor.. if 1 jet kind fails/gets embargoed in battle,, other types should be able to compensate

3]jf17 and j10 should have marked different systems and capabilities so that india doesnt have a simple/ clear strategy to deal with both of them.. they should keep guessing

4]i would not waste my time and recources in creating radicle changes in the jf17block2 design, rather invest in the better design of j10 as it has more potential of reaching block 6o level.. it would be more cost effective.. also inhouse production would be even more costeffective...

5] compare the potential of almost equal jf17 block2 and fc20... choose the better one and mass produce it.gorget about the other...no need to go for2 aircrafts that would end up with almost same specs

6] use the extra money on rafales rather than on research of a radicle jet... deveolped countries do the research[like china]... we should buy the jets to fill up our deficiencies quickly which are growing

5]we really need aircrafts of middle wight 4.5 generation in most numbers

6]rafale plus fc20 combo would be deadly.. mass induct anyone of them

7]now countries are opting towards lesser number of jets in an inventory... and mostly multirole jets[U.S.A 1500 F35s]rather than many jets of the same league[f15/f16/f18/jf17/j10]... and small number of airsupirioriy squadrond[ U.S.A F22] U.S.A doesnt need veriety cuz they have the best jets anyway

perhaps gradually we will end up with this ratio of jets
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Hmmm you know i would have pushed the limits of MRCA tender 64 Jets plus 32 on table...but i won't be inviting Swedes and US..its going to be British/French/Russians...1 year or 1000 years US will chokeslam us..in the end i would pick Rafale 64 of them plus option to upgrade 32-36 FC-20s radars and other crucial avionics..
what about F 35 lightning or SU 35 are the best options than Eurofighter and rafale
I would invest 3-4 billion on JF-17 equip it with best Avionics, Head Sighted Mount etc..and from the rest of the money buy F16 Block 60 with Aesa Radar and Aim120 that should be able to tackle any indian jet except 5th Generation Indian Fighter.
ok guys why not be realistic and ask fc20 from what i gather it uses the saturn lukshya engine at present which as no tvc not even 2d no question about 3d vectoring then how does the thread starter mention tvc in the fc20/j-10b?

also people have called for the su35BM well there are 7 of them at present how do you expect to have them .... when its the testing bed for the pakfa

rafale:- yes a big possibility if there is funds be be warned of engine snags which are till to be fixed

f-18 no way amecica is not giving you those

mig35 :-- the clause of mig rules out sales to pakistan.

options are very limited here if pakistan draws a tender tomorrow i think it will attract a lot of salers true but the config they will provide wont be what paf is looking for
Moscow as the thread starter i have assumed PAF will have same options as IAF today so F18 SH are in the bidding.

Remember i said lets remove the current bounderies that Pakistan has for one second..
ok guys why not be realistic and ask fc20 from what i gather it uses the saturn lukshya engine at present which as no tvc not even 2d no question about 3d vectoring then how does the thread starter mention tvc in the fc20/j-10b?

also people have called for the su35BM well there are 7 of them at present how do you expect to have them .... when its the testing bed for the pakfa

rafale:- yes a big possibility if there is funds be be warned of engine snags which are till to be fixed

f-18 no way amecica is not giving you those

mig35 :-- the clause of mig rules out sales to pakistan.

options are very limited here if pakistan draws a tender tomorrow i think it will attract a lot of salers true but the config they will provide wont be what paf is looking for
F16 Block 60 is best option but if PAF manages to get that kind of money it will not be fool enough to buy America fighters lol.It will be most likely French, Europen or Chinese equipped with better avionics.
I would invest 3-4 billion on JF-17 equip it with best Avionics, Head Sighted Mount etc..and from the rest of the money buy F16 Block 60 with Aesa Radar and Aim120 that should be able to tackle any indian jet except 5th Generation Indian Fighter.

Perfect said.

I feel that infact PAF is doing what you said. but they are not going behind F16 Block 60, they are going towards J10B, which would be more dangerous then F16 Block 60.
Moscow as the thread starter i have assumed PAF will have same options as IAF today so F18 SH are in the bidding.

Remember i said lets remove the current bounderies that Pakistan has for one second..

ok thanks sir i agree you are right in the approach would you please mind explaining the tvc part of fc 20 lets have the real config of planes at the present time and not what it might be in the future that will make a healthy discussion...
At the moment they are under development phase. Untill they come in Market we might have more options.

the su35 is in service already with the russian airforce since ages the one is development is SU35BM or flanker 35-E- class its different than the su35 so need to specify which one you are mentioning
the su35 is in service already with the russian airforce since ages the one is development is SU35BM or flanker 35-E- class its different than the su35 so need to specify which one you are mentioning

SU-35BM is the export version of Su35, which is I think under development.

Besides its very hard to get Russian fighter becuase India will cry on the deal.
SU-35BM is the export version of Su35, which is I think under development.

Besides its very hard to get Russian fighter becuase India will cry on the deal.

no its no only an export version its an updated and new aircraft much different from the su35 except for the airframe which is based on the flanker 27 model

also i am waiting for a clarification on the tvc on fc20 at present the present saturn engines have no tvc at all not even 2d
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