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IDF commander declares holy war

How could terrorist organizations like hamas be compared with Israel???

Israel and its people has contributed greatly to human civilization.

What does hamas done??? suicide bombers and low quality rockets???

What a joke.

BTW, all of those hamas terrorists are happy killing Israelis. I would not be surprised you also have some Israelis who want the same back.

So because Israel has done some so called contributions to humanity, it gains the right to kill civilians. What type of f*cked up logic is this!!!
Muslims are not the only ones who can declare 'Holy Wars'

No you're right Christians did that in Medieval times and got sent packing by Saladin.

So because Israel has done some so called contributions to Israel, it gains the right to kill civilians. What type of f*cked up logic is this!!!

Atheist logic.
garbages like hamas can do nothing but terrorist activities.

Israel has its right to defend itself. A eye for a eye is a method Israel stick to and I fully support that.

In addition, do not twist what I have said. Do not be an idiot.

So because Israel has done some so called contributions to Israel, it gains the right to kill civilians. What type of f*cked up logic is this!!!
garbages like hamas can do nothing but terrorist activities.

Israel has its right to defend itself. A eye for a eye is a method Israel stick to and I fully support that.

In addition, do not twist what I have said. Do not be an idiot.

Again going by your another f*cked up logic if hamas sends a suicide bomber like they used to. And if that suicide bomber blows himself in a market place in Israel killing women and children then that attack would be justified as Israel is also killing children and women. It is after all eye for an eye rule that is working.
How could terrorist organizations like hamas be compared with Israel???

Israel and its people has contributed greatly to human civilization.

What does hamas done??? suicide bombers and low quality rockets???

What a joke.

BTW, all of those hamas terrorists are happy killing Israelis. I would not be surprised you also have some Israelis who want the same back.

israel created hamas http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB123275572295011847
And Muslim world is sitting back like cowards
If hamas send terrorists killing one Israel person, if I were IDF, I would have killed at least 10 hamas for revenge.

If it wants war, I will push the war to its door front. As simple as that.

Again going by your another f*cked up logic if hamas sends a suicide bomber like they used to. And if that suicide bomber blows himself in a market place in Israel killing women and children then that attack would be justified as Israel is also killing children and women. It is after all eye for an eye rule that is working.

Are you going to tell me 9/11 is not done by obl???

If hamas send terrorists killing one Israel person, if I were IDF, I would have killed at least 10 hamas for revenge.

You haven't answer my question. Is hamas killing of Israeli civilians allowed or not? You said civilian deaths are acceptable in a wart??
You haven't answer my question. Is hamas killing of Israeli civilians allowed or not? You said civilian deaths are acceptable in a wart??
Why don't You read up on International Law, then You dont have to ask questions which has
been answered a zillion times.
There is NO international law forbidding killing civilians in wartime.
What is forbidden is attacking purely civilian targets.
Thus an attack vs a large missile storage facility, which kills 10 civilians is 100% legal,
while a suicide bomber that blows himself up on a civilian bus with (by chance) no civilian casualties
except the suicide bomber is 100% illegal.
100 attacks on significant military targets each with 10 civilian dead for a 1000 dead civilians
is more legal, than a single guy getting on a bus where he shoots a fellow passenger.
Numbers does not say zilch. Intention behind killings is all that counts for legality.

There is a side clause, and that is that actions which are believed to be important,
and risk civilian lifes must be measured for proportionality.

A missiles vs a civilian city constitutes a war crime, and Palestinians commit 100+ War Crimes per day.
That would still not allow Israel to use poison gas killing 80% of the Gaza population.

Israel bombs and has killed 150+ civilians, but only investigation of the conditions
by an independent organisation can determine whether they are war crimes or not.

A rocket attack on the Nuclear Reactor in Dimona, is much severe than missile attacks on cities.
If such an attack causes a core melt, devastating a large surrounding area killing many thousands,
Would there not be arguments for the unthinkable? Who can claim it is not proportional?
Lets hope noone goes there.
What madarsa education. World knows you are killing civlians and waging war on children and women.
By the way. Remember Auschwitz??? :lol:

Don't quote me when you know nothing of the truth.... Hamas uses them as Shield and kill their own

Hamas encourages to use human shield
Hamas Spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri: Human-Shield Policy Is Effecive - YouTube
When Hamas Puts Civilians in the Line of Fire - YouTube

See one of the Hamas leader's Son
Son of Hamas Leader: Hamas Atrocities Led Me to Convert - YouTube

Don't be fooled by the education... Since 48 all the Muslim worlds were thought to hate Jews and Israel from their Pre-Schools... There is nothing i want to hear from a Muslim about Jews or Israel.. Period

Remember Auschwitz??? :lol:

Jews will never forget the Holocaust, that's the one of the reason she being strong..... Your madarassa education makes you mock, and Israel never gives a Sh!t about a Muslim
If Hamas kill Israel Civilians, it is definitely unacceptable for Israel and IDF. Hamas definitely gets what it deserved.

When those so-called palestinians allow hamas terrorists to hide among them, fire rockets from their places, provide shelter for them, they are accomplices and terrorists as well. They are not civilians any more.

They should have known long ago what consequences they would face when they worked together with those terrorists and supported them.

You haven't answer my question. Is hamas killing of Israeli civilians allowed or not? You said civilian deaths are acceptable in a wart??
Why don't You read up on International Law, then You dont have to ask questions which has
been answered a zillion times.
There is NO international law forbidding killing civilians in wartime.
What is forbidden is attacking purely civilian targets.
Thus an attack vs a large missile storage facility, which kills 10 civilians is 100% legal,
while a suicide bomber that blows himself up on a civilian bus with (by chance) no civilian casualties
except the suicide bomber is 100% illegal.
100 attacks on significant military targets each with 10 civilian dead for a 1000 dead civilians
is more legal, than a single guy getting on a bus where he shoots a fellow passenger.
Numbers does not say zilch. Intention behind killings is all that counts for legality.

There is a side clause, and that is that actions which are believed to be important,
and risk civilian lifes must be measured for proportionality.

A missiles vs a civilian city constitutes a war crime, and Palestinians commit 100+ War Crimes per day.
That would still not allow Israel to use poison gas killing 80% of the Gaza population.

I want you present this so called "international law" which says the exact thing as you said. Looks to be a load of BS. But still present it with a reliable source. I want to read the exact lines as you have said.

Also share me with the process that would determine whether the intention of the attacker was to kill civilians or not.

If Hamas kill Israel Civilians, it is definitely unacceptable for Israel and IDF. Hamas definitely gets what it deserved.

When those so-called palestinians allow hamas terrorists to hide among them, fire rockets from their places, provide shelter for them, they are accomplices and terrorists as well. They are not civilians any more.

They should have known long ago what consequences they would face when they worked together with those terrorists and supported them.

Then all the suicide attacks that have resulted in civilian casualties in Israel are also justified? Right?

You are not trying to answer my question and continuously trying to avoid it for some obvious reasons. :lol:
How clear can I be???

Does the word "unacceptable" mean anything to you???

I want you present this so called "international law" which says the exact thing as you said. Looks to be a load of BS. But still present it with a reliable source. I want to read the exact lines as you have said.

Also share me with the process that would determine whether the intention of the attacker was to kill civilians or not.

Then all the suicide attacks that have resulted in civilian casualties in Israel are also justified? Right?

You are not trying to answer my question and continuously trying to avoid it for some obvious reasons. :lol:
than why dont you get lost? you hate us... u talk crap... u hate our religion . etc etc.... yet you crawl here like a parasite..
you should be the last one to talk religion... because you hate Hindus more... you guys always try to paint everything with religion. ..

Abuse him. Just abuse him

He wants to be abused by those whose ancestors abused his forefathers centuries ago. ;)
you ancestors were also hindus ....
Nuff said

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