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IDF commander declares holy war

Israel Carries out Surgical Strikes they don't just fire the Missiles or Rockets onto Gaza. Yet people die why?? because the rockets are fired closely from Civilian areas and stored in their houses, Masques, Schools underground bunkers near civilian areas. When Terrorists fire Unguided Rockets blindly at Israeli Civilians Israel can't sit down and watch its civilians taking hits...

Everytime Hamas fire a rockets its getting its A$$ Kicked and someone in Gaza dies its happening for decade now, Israel has every rights to hit back Its officially recognized by UN where Gaza is not and Hamas is well awar of it, yet why doesn't hamas stop firing Rockets?? Its only killing its civilians
If stupidity had a cure I would personally raise funds yo cure u r pathetic kind. U guys are so mentally blocked and blind. Hopeless really.

Nuff said

How much do u know about the ground realities. Answer none, because instead if paying attention to what really is happening u guys have let ur hate take over. And then yall tell us how liberal yall are. Yet cheering for the death and destruction of an entire race of people just because they are muslims. U guys are nothing but 2 faced fucking hypocrites worst then animals.
Israel is the only tiny winy country giving run for the money to Arabs - Can finish them, should the need be.

If a single man like Osama can kill scores of people with his holy Jihad concept and gets endorsed by OIC members (No Fatwa against him) - What is wrong, if Israel did it?
If stupidity had a cure I would personally raise funds yo cure u r pathetic kind. U guys are so mentally blocked and blind. Hopeless really.

How much do u know about the ground realities. Answer none, because instead if paying attention to what really is happening u guys have let ur hate take over. And then yall tell us how liberal yall are. Yet cheering for the death and destruction of an entire race of people just because they are muslims. U guys are nothing but 2 faced fucking hypocrites worst then animals.
baat to teri bhi sahi hai.jpg

tune to emo.jpg
If you want to counter the Osama types, this is the only way to pay back...
Give them the dose of same medicine...
Unlike India, Israel says: "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" ...
holy war ...
if sunnis weren't full of scums like ISIS , this cancer could be dealt tile now ... petty ...
"If those who deny Israel’s right to exist were morally and logically consistent, they would also deny Pakistan’s right to exist. If it was acceptable to drive over 7 million Hindus and Sikhs from their ancient homelands to achieve Muslim self-determination, then why was it a crime to displace a much smaller number of people to achieve Jewish — and Palestinian —self-determination? ......

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Then come and fight with someone who at least owns a military.

Killing children and then thumping yourself on "holy war". Cowards.
This is always like this..if this happens to u tyen it's cawardness N when Muslims do the same then u call them freedom fighters... U u...u..I don't want to use. Foul language to point figures ..it's always the same like one said Hindustan was invaded by Muslim invaders which forced Hindustanis to convert to Islam which equates I.e. 99.9 % of total population of Afghanistan , Pakistan , India , Bangladesh .. So what we do now ..ask them to leave ..a go home.. And tell me where is their home now.. Lol..so don't be childish n don't always be biased n think that what ever Muslims do is always right n what non Muslims do is shear terrorism n horror...so just grow up ..not in length but in ur sicken mind n see what's happening in real time all around u
Zionist was Europeon Migrated people .. While this is Arab Jews and Palestinian homeland , they are living peacefully from centuries there .. So they are not terrorist hence freedom fighter is more appropriate
living peacefully !
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