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I hate geniuses!

I don't hate geniuses as such. Genius is a very relative term. Who you think is a genius, might not consider himself a genius as we compare our intellect with another person's intellect. We ourselves might be geniuses for some people as they compare their intellect/knowledge with ours. I had this experience while teaching for a local NGO. The kids were simply in awe with me when I solved mathematical problems for them in the most simplest way possible. For them, I am a genius as is for a classmate who doesn't do well in studies.

If you are talking about exceptional geniuses, I'm not sure but I can safely say that most of them would be extremely down to earth except for a few cases. They might have a certain sort of pride as well, which is fine but it shouldn't come out as too egoistic. I was fortunate enough to work with exceptional people in my first work stint itself but I found that they were just normal people like you and me, just that they took less time to work on something as compared to normal people. They certainly had out-of-box thinking and creativity. I'm talking about the guys from IIT, IIM, etc. They were technically sound but their basic knowledge of other things was poor.

Also, it's natural to feel intimidated when you first meet geniuses. I certainly was and it took me a while to adjust.
It's not about intimidation. The query is about pleasure. I expected the time spent with them to be interesting, enjoyable and as such.

I hate geniuses. I hate scientists, mathematicians, chess champions, prodigious engineers, prodigious economists and other technical prodigies. Earlier when I hadn't met one (or thought that I hadn't) I guessed being in the company of a genius would be riveting, thrilling, exciting etc. Like watching 1978 movie ‘Don’, reading the entertaining excerpts of the novel 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' (by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), listening to great music etc. I had incorrectly thought that their presence is something worth looking forward to in life. But the reality really seems to be different. Now I know the feel of a company of a genius may be no better than workplace banality. I had presumed meeting a genius would be fun. But meeting with genius turned out to be an ordinary experience. It was not much pleasure.
indians suffer from some seriously crazy issues ma' dudes...
I hate geniuses. I hate scientists, mathematicians, chess champions, prodigious engineers, prodigious economists and other technical prodigies. Earlier when I hadn't met one (or thought that I hadn't) I guessed being in the company of a genius would be riveting, thrilling, exciting etc. Like watching 1978 movie ‘Don’, reading the entertaining excerpts of the novel 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' (by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), listening to great music etc. I had incorrectly thought that their presence is something worth looking forward to in life. But the reality really seems to be different. Now I know the feel of a company of a genius may be no better than workplace banality. I had presumed meeting a genius would be fun. But meeting with genius turned out to be an ordinary experience. It was not much pleasure.

I hate geniuses. I hate scientists, mathematicians, chess champions, prodigious engineers, prodigious economists and other technical prodigies. Earlier when I hadn't met one (or thought that I hadn't) I guessed being in the company of a genius would be riveting, thrilling, exciting etc. Like watching 1978 movie ‘Don’, reading the entertaining excerpts of the novel 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' (by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), listening to great music etc. I had incorrectly thought that their presence is something worth looking forward to in life. But the reality really seems to be different. Now I know the feel of a company of a genius may be no better than workplace banality. I had presumed meeting a genius would be fun. But meeting with genius turned out to be an ordinary experience. It was not much pleasure.

I hate geniuses. I hate scientists, mathematicians, chess champions, prodigious engineers, prodigious economists and other technical prodigies. Earlier when I hadn't met one (or thought that I hadn't) I guessed being in the company of a genius would be riveting, thrilling, exciting etc. Like watching 1978 movie ‘Don’, reading the entertaining excerpts of the novel 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' (by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), listening to great music etc. I had incorrectly thought that their presence is something worth looking forward to in life. But the reality really seems to be different. Now I know the feel of a company of a genius may be no better than workplace banality. I had presumed meeting a genius would be fun. But meeting with genius turned out to be an ordinary experience. It was not much pleasure.
@ChennaiDude @fitpOsitive

When surrounded by smart people, your first impulse may be to hide your ignorance, but that's the wrong way to go. If you don't ask questions, you'll never learn. "It's much better to appear uninformed than to give the impression you know something you don't, which can come back to haunt you. “You can't get smarter, either you have it or don’t! But you can always out work the smarter ones,” The day you'll accept the fact that there will always exist smarter people, learning will become much easier
When surrounded by smart people, your first impulse may be to hide your ignorance, but that's the wrong way to go. If you don't ask questions, you'll never learn. "It's much better to appear uninformed than to give the impression you know something you don't, which can come back to haunt you. “You can't get smarter, either you have it or don’t! But you can always out work the smarter ones,” The day you'll accept the fact that there will always exist smarter people, learning will become much easier
It's not about esteem. The query is about pleasure. I expected the time spent with them to be interesting, enjoyable and as such.

It's not about esteem. The query is about pleasure. I expected the time spent with them to be interesting, enjoyable and as such.

My opinion on this is lack of self esteem and insecurity. To make this interaction enjoyable and interesting one has to accept who they are first. I really dont know what you are asking-if you can give me a clear example then maybe I can try to understand your question.
My opinion on this is lack of self esteem and insecurity. To make this interaction enjoyable and interesting one has to accept who they are first. I really dont know what you are asking-if you can give me a clear example then maybe I can try to understand your question.
Compare geniuses with ordinary people. Ordinary people would be boring to interact. On the other hand geniuses are expected to be interesting like say reading a good book, having delicious food, watching a great movie, children enjoying evening time play, listening to melodious music etc.

Compare geniuses with ordinary people. Ordinary people would be boring to interact. On the other hand geniuses are expected to be interesting like say reading a good book, having delicious food, children enjoying evening time play, etc.

Most of the people I know -do the same- "reading a good book, having delicious food, children enjoying evening time play, etc.:- including myself- I wont call them or myself as geniuses.

Once you are old enough go out/travel- see the world interact with different cultures, experience different cultures/food and off-course reading books and spending time with family/ kids etc are all good as well.

Maybe you got this upside down- Ordinary people Vs Geniuses!- No.
Most of the people I know -do the same- "reading a good book, having delicious food, children enjoying evening time play, etc.:- including myself- I wont call them or myself as geniuses.

Once you are old enough go out/travel- see the world interact with different cultures, experience different cultures/food and off-course reading books and spending time with family/ kids etc are all good as well.

Maybe you got this upside down- Ordinary people Vs Geniuses!- No.
No. You didn't read properly. I didn't say only geniuses do these activities and ordinary people do not. I expected that the mere company of geniuses would give pleasure equal to or even more than these activities.

If it makes you feel better, there is no such thing as an overall genius. We all have some innate talent. Some of us are fortunate to realise those talents, others live their whole life without finding it. I once knew someone who was a piano prodigy. He could just play the piano, and never could explain why, "it just came to him". However he ended up failing the second year at university (studying a science course) and had to redo it (despite trying very hard). I think instead of focusing on what others are good at, try to realise your own potential. I will leave you with this:

If it makes you feel better, there is no such thing as an overall genius. We all have some innate talent. Some of us are fortunate to realise those talents, others live their whole life without finding it. I once knew someone who was a piano prodigy. He could just play the piano, and never could explain why, "it just came to him". However he ended up failing the second year at university (studying a science course) and had to redo it (despite trying very hard). I think instead of focusing on what others are good at, try to realise your own potential. I will leave you with this:

You didn't get the point. I have no problem if someone is a genius nor am I cribbing that I am not one. My disappointment is that the interaction with them was not pleasurable. I expected their company to be interesting, enjoyable and as such.

No. You didn't read properly. I didn't say only geniuses do these activities and ordinary people do not. I expected that the mere company of geniuses would give pleasure equal to or even more than these activities.

It does to me- I would like a good balance of both and would not matter who is perceived as a genius or not!- Ultimately everyday gives me an opportunity to learn from your peer to grow as a person-Maybe you need to stop hanging out with these so called geniuses if it does not give you the pleasure of learning and practicing the same.
I hate geniuses. I hate scientists, mathematicians, chess champions, prodigious engineers, prodigious economists and other technical prodigies. Earlier when I hadn't met one (or thought that I hadn't) I guessed being in the company of a genius would be riveting, thrilling, exciting etc. Like watching 1978 movie ‘Don’, reading the entertaining excerpts of the novel 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' (by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), listening to great music etc. I had incorrectly thought that their presence is something worth looking forward to in life. But the reality really seems to be different. Now I know the feel of a company of a genius may be no better than workplace banality. I had presumed meeting a genius would be fun. But meeting with genius turned out to be an ordinary experience. It was not much pleasure.

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