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Balkanization of India is viable but I don't care

Jan 16, 2013
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Note: Those who read why India's balkanization is viable should also read why I don't care.

I am a civilian. I know nothing about security issues - internal or external. But I am the person on ground and I can vouch for the plethora of inter-community dislike or animosity. Why, I have read that even the cadets of that sacred institution - whose objective is to protect the country - the magnificent NDA, practice provincialism. The senior cadets often befriend and spare the juniors the ragging if they hail from their own state.

This is an incomplete list of who hates/dislikes whom and other subversive elements in India:

* Hindus hate Muslims and vice versa

* Negligible hate between Hindus and Christians but mixing of the rituals of the two religions and Hindu-Christian marriage are a taboo

* In some rural regions of Hindi belt the caste violence is so intense that entire families are wiped out including children

* The numbers of tribals - who serve as cannon fodder in naxalite groups - is high. They are a great destabilizing factor.

* Northies hate Southies and vice versa

* A percentage of Maharashtrians dislike bhaiyyas of UP and Bihar

* A percentage of Maharashtrians dislike/hate Kannadigas

* Kannadigas hate almost everyone else and vice versa

* Tamilians hate almost everyone else

* A percentage of Keralites hate Kannadigas

* Northies find Telugu speaking people (both from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh) particularly disgusting and nauseating and have given them jocular names

* Many states in North East - with the exception of Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and nowadays hopefully Assam - hate mainland India

* Mainland Indians don't necessarily hate North East Indians but have a strong dislike and aversion to them and discriminate against them due to their Mongoloid features

* Goans are a special kind of idiots. They brawl with domestic tourists from all over the country but suck up to Whites and allow their nudity.

* Silver lining is nobody hates Sikhs and Sikhs hate nobody. Khalistan is history.

India also has two or three powerful enemies with whom it shares very long borders. But this situation is not an unusual case. In fact everywhere in the world balkanization process is ignited by foreign hand only.

One factor that works against the balkanization of India is the docility of South Indians. For balkanization, probably the entire populace should be of rebellious and perhaps a bit boisterous nature.

Why I don't care about India's fate?

Earlier I would root for singlehanded Indian victory over multiple external and internal enemies like Pakistan, China, USA, naxalites, Bangladesh etc. I would wonder if India is good enough to win and follow this "game". It would take exceptional intellect to prevent a tinderbox like India from inflaming. If one is able to hold India together like the British did, it would be nothing short of a work of a genius.

But I have had a bad experience with a genius. I was disappointed. Ever since, I have a dislike for geniuses. An explanatory paragraph:

I hate geniuses. I hate scientists, mathematicians, chess champions, prodigious engineers, prodigious economists and other technical prodigies. Earlier when I hadn't met one (or thought that I hadn't) I guessed being in the company of a genius would be riveting, thrilling, exciting etc. Like watching 1978 movie ‘Don’, reading the entertaining excerpts of the novel 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' (by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), listening to great music etc. I had incorrectly thought that their presence is something worth looking forward to in life. But the reality really seems to be different. Now I know the feel of a company of a genius may be no better than workplace banality. I had presumed meeting a genius would be fun. But meeting with genius turned out to be an ordinary experience. It was not much pleasure.

It's very painful. If the best of humankind are boring, then is there anything to look forward to?

Since then, I am past caring. I stopped bothering about whether the establishment pulls the challenging feat off or whether they fail. The moment I think of the actuality of geniuses I instantly lose interest in the games of international politics.

Well whatever happens it is not our doing frankly. You indians have to accept it.
If kashmir dispute is solved amicably then India has no external enemies.
Sadly this new indian regime and frankly old indian regimes also only delayed the solution. The solution is so simple.
India is far bigger. Only need to make some sacrifices for solving issues and stop challenging the creation of Pakistan.
There is no use for that now after 70 years.
Well if you solve your issues with Pakistan and don't challenge India. Then you would be fine.
What petty things, like border disputes. In the end of no where you are fighting for few kms of land where no body is going to live. 1 fire and 1 death can cause a war between 2 countries.
And then this obsession of Pakistan.
This obsession even turning into madness.
While your government claiming to take land from Pakistan as though you don't have enough land. Its really sad the pathetic state of affairs in India.
It's not only modi. Modi use it for his politics. Just like dawood Ibrahim dies whenever anything big happens to divert people's attention.
The old Congress though blamed by bjp as pro pakustan party never solved or genuinely try to solve the issue. They inky delayed. When there is huge freedom struggle they start talks with pakistan and when things get better, they ignore.
So it's an Indian failure of 2 things.
Not accepting Pakistan as a reality.
And when they accept it as a reality, a South Asian neighbour with many similarities, indians just need to solve the dispute as per the aspirations of people. What is the tiny state of jammu and kashmir to India.
Giving it to Pakistan would strengthen Indian union.
Anyways I talk too ideally. So none of what I say is practical.
Note: Those who read why India's balkanization is viable should also read why I don't care.

I am a civilian. I know nothing about security issues - internal or external. But I am the person on ground and I can vouch for the plethora of inter-community dislike or animosity. Why, I have read that even the cadets of that sacred institution - whose objective is to protect the country - the magnificent NDA, practice provincialism. The senior cadets often befriend and spare the juniors the ragging if they hail from their own state.

This is an incomplete list of who hates/dislikes whom and other subversive elements in India:

* Hindus hate Muslims and vice versa

* Negligible hate between Hindus and Christians but mixing of the rituals of the two religions and Hindu-Christian marriage are a taboo

* In some rural regions of Hindi belt the caste violence is so intense that entire families are wiped out including children

* The numbers of tribals - who serve as cannon fodder in naxalite groups - is high. They are a great destabilizing factor.

* Northies hate Southies and vice versa

* A percentage of Maharashtrians dislike bhaiyyas of UP and Bihar

* A percentage of Maharashtrians dislike/hate Kannadigas

* Kannadigas hate almost everyone else and vice versa

* Tamilians hate almost everyone else

* A percentage of Keralites hate Kannadigas

* Northies find Telugu speaking people (both from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh) particularly disgusting and nauseating and have given them jocular names

* Many states in North East - with the exception of Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and nowadays hopefully Assam - hate mainland India

* Mainland Indians don't necessarily hate North East Indians but have a strong dislike and aversion to them and discriminate against them due to their Mongoloid features

* Goans are a special kind of idiots. They brawl with domestic tourists from all over the country but suck up to Whites and allow their nudity.

* Silver lining is nobody hates Sikhs and Sikhs hate nobody. Khalistan is history.

India also has two or three powerful enemies with whom it shares very long borders. But this situation is not an unusual case. In fact everywhere in the world balkanization process is ignited by foreign hand only.

One factor that works against the balkanization of India is the docility of South Indians. For balkanization, probably the entire populace should be of rebellious and perhaps a bit boisterous nature.

Why I don't care about India's fate?

Earlier I would root for singlehanded Indian victory over multiple external and internal enemies like Pakistan, China, USA, naxalites, Bangladesh etc. I would wonder if India is good enough to win and follow this "game". It would take exceptional intellect to prevent a tinderbox like India from inflaming. If one is able to hold India together like the British did, it would be nothing short of a work of a genius.

But I have had a bad experience with a genius. I was disappointed. Ever since, I have a dislike for geniuses. An explanatory paragraph:

I hate geniuses. I hate scientists, mathematicians, chess champions, prodigious engineers, prodigious economists and other technical prodigies. Earlier when I hadn't met one (or thought that I hadn't) I guessed being in the company of a genius would be riveting, thrilling, exciting etc. Like watching 1978 movie ‘Don’, reading the entertaining excerpts of the novel 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' (by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), listening to great music etc. I had incorrectly thought that their presence is something worth looking forward to in life. But the reality really seems to be different. Now I know the feel of a company of a genius may be no better than workplace banality. I had presumed meeting a genius would be fun. But meeting with genius turned out to be an ordinary experience. It was not much pleasure.

It's very painful. If the best of humankind are boring, then is there anything to look forward to?

Since then, I am past caring. I stopped bothering about whether the establishment pulls the challenging feat off or whether they fail. The moment I think of the actuality of geniuses I instantly lose interest in the games of international politics.

You are getting confused between genius and charisma.
Note: Those who read why India's balkanization is viable should also read why I don't care.

I am a civilian. I know nothing about security issues - internal or external. But I am the person on ground and I can vouch for the plethora of inter-community dislike or animosity. Why, I have read that even the cadets of that sacred institution - whose objective is to protect the country - the magnificent NDA, practice provincialism. The senior cadets often befriend and spare the juniors the ragging if they hail from their own state.

This is an incomplete list of who hates/dislikes whom and other subversive elements in India:

* Hindus hate Muslims and vice versa

* Negligible hate between Hindus and Christians but mixing of the rituals of the two religions and Hindu-Christian marriage are a taboo

* In some rural regions of Hindi belt the caste violence is so intense that entire families are wiped out including children

* The numbers of tribals - who serve as cannon fodder in naxalite groups - is high. They are a great destabilizing factor.

* Northies hate Southies and vice versa

* A percentage of Maharashtrians dislike bhaiyyas of UP and Bihar

* A percentage of Maharashtrians dislike/hate Kannadigas

* Kannadigas hate almost everyone else and vice versa

* Tamilians hate almost everyone else

* A percentage of Keralites hate Kannadigas

* Northies find Telugu speaking people (both from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh) particularly disgusting and nauseating and have given them jocular names

* Many states in North East - with the exception of Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and nowadays hopefully Assam - hate mainland India

* Mainland Indians don't necessarily hate North East Indians but have a strong dislike and aversion to them and discriminate against them due to their Mongoloid features

* Goans are a special kind of idiots. They brawl with domestic tourists from all over the country but suck up to Whites and allow their nudity.

* Silver lining is nobody hates Sikhs and Sikhs hate nobody. Khalistan is history.

India also has two or three powerful enemies with whom it shares very long borders. But this situation is not an unusual case. In fact everywhere in the world balkanization process is ignited by foreign hand only.

One factor that works against the balkanization of India is the docility of South Indians. For balkanization, probably the entire populace should be of rebellious and perhaps a bit boisterous nature.

Why I don't care about India's fate?

Earlier I would root for singlehanded Indian victory over multiple external and internal enemies like Pakistan, China, USA, naxalites, Bangladesh etc. I would wonder if India is good enough to win and follow this "game". It would take exceptional intellect to prevent a tinderbox like India from inflaming. If one is able to hold India together like the British did, it would be nothing short of a work of a genius.

But I have had a bad experience with a genius. I was disappointed. Ever since, I have a dislike for geniuses. An explanatory paragraph:

I hate geniuses. I hate scientists, mathematicians, chess champions, prodigious engineers, prodigious economists and other technical prodigies. Earlier when I hadn't met one (or thought that I hadn't) I guessed being in the company of a genius would be riveting, thrilling, exciting etc. Like watching 1978 movie ‘Don’, reading the entertaining excerpts of the novel 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' (by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), listening to great music etc. I had incorrectly thought that their presence is something worth looking forward to in life. But the reality really seems to be different. Now I know the feel of a company of a genius may be no better than workplace banality. I had presumed meeting a genius would be fun. But meeting with genius turned out to be an ordinary experience. It was not much pleasure.

It's very painful. If the best of humankind are boring, then is there anything to look forward to?

Since then, I am past caring. I stopped bothering about whether the establishment pulls the challenging feat off or whether they fail. The moment I think of the actuality of geniuses I instantly lose interest in the games of international politics.


So let me get this straight, you have given up on the idea of India and the supposed pride(no matter how hollow it is) that comes with being a citizen of such a huge country just because your expectations were not met with regards to a perceived 'genius'? You thought the genius would solve ALL those inter-communal inter-racial inter-social tensions? Do you seriously think that's the job for a genius? You see, the fundamental problem with you guys is your MINDSET. You DON'T need a genius leader, all you need is a JUST leader who is kind to his people. Or atleast that's what i think. Btw, how do you define genius? A little more elaboration would be nice.
So let me get this straight, you have given up on the idea of India and the supposed pride(no matter how hollow it is) that comes with being a citizen of such a huge country just because your expectations were not met with regards to a perceived 'genius'? You thought the genius would solve ALL those inter-communal inter-racial inter-social tensions? Do you seriously think that's the job for a genius? You see, the fundamental problem with you guys is your MINDSET. You DON'T need a genius leader, all you need is a JUST leader who is kind to his people. Or atleast that's what i think. Btw, how do you define genius? A little more elaboration would be nice.
My expectations were not regarding whether geniuses would be able to keep India United.

My disillusionment was about whether the company of a genius is enjoyable or not, whether their presence gives pleasure or not..

Read first post again.

Answer to second question:

Examples of geniuses are: People like Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton etc.

Note: Those who read why India's balkanization is viable should also read why I don't care.

I am a civilian. I know nothing about security issues - internal or external. But I am the person on ground and I can vouch for the plethora of inter-community dislike or animosity. Why, I have read that even the cadets of that sacred institution - whose objective is to protect the country - the magnificent NDA, practice provincialism. The senior cadets often befriend and spare the juniors the ragging if they hail from their own state.

This is an incomplete list of who hates/dislikes whom and other subversive elements in India:

* Hindus hate Muslims and vice versa

* Negligible hate between Hindus and Christians but mixing of the rituals of the two religions and Hindu-Christian marriage are a taboo

* In some rural regions of Hindi belt the caste violence is so intense that entire families are wiped out including children

* The numbers of tribals - who serve as cannon fodder in naxalite groups - is high. They are a great destabilizing factor.

* Northies hate Southies and vice versa

* A percentage of Maharashtrians dislike bhaiyyas of UP and Bihar

* A percentage of Maharashtrians dislike/hate Kannadigas

* Kannadigas hate almost everyone else and vice versa

* Tamilians hate almost everyone else

* A percentage of Keralites hate Kannadigas

* Northies find Telugu speaking people (both from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh) particularly disgusting and nauseating and have given them jocular names

* Many states in North East - with the exception of Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and nowadays hopefully Assam - hate mainland India

* Mainland Indians don't necessarily hate North East Indians but have a strong dislike and aversion to them and discriminate against them due to their Mongoloid features

* Goans are a special kind of idiots. They brawl with domestic tourists from all over the country but suck up to Whites and allow their nudity.

* Silver lining is nobody hates Sikhs and Sikhs hate nobody. Khalistan is history.

India also has two or three powerful enemies with whom it shares very long borders. But this situation is not an unusual case. In fact everywhere in the world balkanization process is ignited by foreign hand only.

One factor that works against the balkanization of India is the docility of South Indians. For balkanization, probably the entire populace should be of rebellious and perhaps a bit boisterous nature.

Why I don't care about India's fate?

Earlier I would root for singlehanded Indian victory over multiple external and internal enemies like Pakistan, China, USA, naxalites, Bangladesh etc. I would wonder if India is good enough to win and follow this "game". It would take exceptional intellect to prevent a tinderbox like India from inflaming. If one is able to hold India together like the British did, it would be nothing short of a work of a genius.

But I have had a bad experience with a genius. I was disappointed. Ever since, I have a dislike for geniuses. An explanatory paragraph:

I hate geniuses. I hate scientists, mathematicians, chess champions, prodigious engineers, prodigious economists and other technical prodigies. Earlier when I hadn't met one (or thought that I hadn't) I guessed being in the company of a genius would be riveting, thrilling, exciting etc. Like watching 1978 movie ‘Don’, reading the entertaining excerpts of the novel 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' (by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), listening to great music etc. I had incorrectly thought that their presence is something worth looking forward to in life. But the reality really seems to be different. Now I know the feel of a company of a genius may be no better than workplace banality. I had presumed meeting a genius would be fun. But meeting with genius turned out to be an ordinary experience. It was not much pleasure.

It's very painful. If the best of humankind are boring, then is there anything to look forward to?

Since then, I am past caring. I stopped bothering about whether the establishment pulls the challenging feat off or whether they fail. The moment I think of the actuality of geniuses I instantly lose interest in the games of international politics.

Lot of what you said made sense but then you shot yourself in the mouth. How has India, Indian politics, Indian future have anything to do with your personal interaction with genius and your disappointment in that person?

North, South, East, West they may hate each other but they love India. Why? b'coz Indians are smart they know together we are strong without the rest on its own any state of India will be a weak entity.
Most of your states still would be larger or as large as most countries of the world including Pakistan.

Lot of what you said made sense but then you shot yourself in the mouth. How has India, Indian politics, Indian future have anything to do with your personal interaction with genius and your disappointment in that person?

Most of your states still would be larger or as large as most countries of the world including Pakistan.
No connection between my personal experience and Indian politics. But my interaction with the genius made me lose interest in these affairs.

Earlier I would follow it like a cricket and would be delighted every time India hit a six. But once I happened to meet an equally talented batsman and I stopped watching the matches.

Indians dont hate each other . The upper caste indians hate everyone else - the grabbed the fruits of others and want to keep it that way. India is a tool in the hands of hindi belt brahmins to keep sucking wealth from others. They are joined by brahmins of other regions and the charade goes on. Brahmins not only include brahmin caste but few allied groups.
Dismantling of india is best wat to break the caste hold and restore genuine democracy among these ancient peoples.
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