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How will America attack ????

I see 2 possible fronts with (in)direct access to Iran
-First front would be Afghanistan as the USA has a significant presence there.
-second front could be Kuwait, as only a small part of Iraq would have to be crossed in order to reach Iran, to support this front they would probalby use their strong navy and air force, stationed in Saudi Arabia, UAE and the like. Maybe Iraq itself can be used, as we can doubt the capability of Iraq to defend itself, but the USA would face a lot of opposition in the form of guerilla warfare.
Perhaps the Kurds in Syria would be more friendly and host the USA a little, but then you can extend the conflict to Syria as well, as I don't see Assad just sitting there.
I don't see the USA using Turkmenistan or the other 'stans' around it, as Russia has influence there.
Turkey will not allow the USA to use their territory, unless they have a serious beef with Iran on their own, which they do not. Same can be applied to Pakistan and Pakistan has India to worry about.
I think the Caucasus cannot be used for obvious reasons.

Everything they can possibly use, obvious weapons would be cruise missiles, jet fighters, (stealth)bombers, Aircraft carriers and submarines. Perhaps the USA could even use conventional warheads on their ballistic missilies.

The only real ally would be Hezbollah and other foreign (Shia) muslims fighting for Iran. Also a few volunteers from all over the world can be expected. Perhaps mercenaries can be recruited.
Russia would definitely use Iran as proxy against the Usa, by diplomatic support and delivery of weapons and supplies. Perhaps they could even send a few hunderd 'advisers' or 'volunteers', I think Russian support would be reasonbly significant.
Then China would also deliver aid in the form of weapons and give diplomatic support, but probably in a lesser intensity than Russia.

USA would most likely have the Saudis, UAE and NATO nations aiding them

The war ending in an American victory is quite unlikely, if not a pyrrhic victory, I think. Iran has the Caspian sea to use as a supply like from Russia and especially the west of Iran is very difficult to traverse.
Thanks dude
finally Good Analyse
I divide war to three zone and now we are in first zone which is before war period.
I am counting possible fronts and will continue this for next days and also writing about next zones of war after that.
unlike you I think the only way which Americans have to attack Iran is Diego Garcia island in Indian ocean.
and I believe cruise missiles would come from Makran coast.
if Iran wants to be successful, should take out shit from this island.
we will reach there soon in my topic, the next front is turkey and Iraq; I will write about them soon.

at end this is my fantasy scenario for War, nobody should take it serious.
they will drop another economic bomb on us like they did it in 1391 and this time we are ready
so the damage will not be like last time
but what is our answer ? I don't know
I see 2 possible fronts with (in)direct access to Iran
-First front would be Afghanistan as the USA has a significant presence there.
-second front could be Kuwait, as only a small part of Iraq would have to be crossed in order to reach Iran, to support this front they would probalby use their strong navy and air force, stationed in Saudi Arabia, UAE and the like. Maybe Iraq itself can be used, as we can doubt the capability of Iraq to defend itself, but the USA would face a lot of opposition in the form of guerilla warfare.
Perhaps the Kurds in Syria would be more friendly and host the USA a little, but then you can extend the conflict to Syria as well, as I don't see Assad just sitting there.
I don't see the USA using Turkmenistan or the other 'stans' around it, as Russia has influence there.
Turkey will not allow the USA to use their territory, unless they have a serious beef with Iran on their own, which they do not. Same can be applied to Pakistan and Pakistan has India to worry about.
I think the Caucasus cannot be used for obvious reasons.

Everything they can possibly use, obvious weapons would be cruise missiles, jet fighters, (stealth)bombers, Aircraft carriers and submarines. Perhaps the USA could even use conventional warheads on their ballistic missilies.

The only real ally would be Hezbollah and other foreign (Shia) muslims fighting for Iran. Also a few volunteers from all over the world can be expected. Perhaps mercenaries can be recruited.
Russia would definitely use Iran as proxy against the Usa, by diplomatic support and delivery of weapons and supplies. Perhaps they could even send a few hunderd 'advisers' or 'volunteers', I think Russian support would be reasonbly significant.
Then China would also deliver aid in the form of weapons and give diplomatic support, but probably in a lesser intensity than Russia.

USA would most likely have the Saudis, UAE and NATO nations aiding them

The war ending in an American victory is quite unlikely, if not a pyrrhic victory, I think. Iran has the Caspian sea to use as a supply like from Russia and especially the west of Iran is very difficult to traverse.
By front you mean ground invasion?
I want to stress out that, we didn't allowed US to use Turkey while invading Iraq back in time.

We would stay neutral in case of a conflict.

We got no beef with you... Until we're attacked.

We are not america's allies. We have nothing in common with them. They are a group who we do business with to obtain resources & finances for our vital defence needs. Nothing more.


What do you have to Warranty your words ?

You are just one of millions ...

i meant Regimes and Political persons ... not Peasants ...

i bet for my life ...

your countries will help USA or any other Army that wants to invade our borders ...

i will kill my self, if your leaders did not do this !!!

what do you have to say ?

would you kill yourself, if they did ?
they will drop another economic bomb on us like they did it in 1391 and this time we are ready
so the damage will not be like last time
but what is our answer ? I don't know
Yes, this time we are ready and we have experience from last time
"something that didn't kill us, will make us stronger"
By front you mean ground invasion?
absolutely, ground invasion is suicide act by USA but history prove that stupidity does not have end
remember Nazi attack to mother land of Russia and how they crushed there
I suggest reading up on Operation Nitro Zeus:

The United States had a top-secret operation that gave it the ability to shut down much of Iran's infrastructure ahead of a full-scale war, without a single bomb being dropped.

The incredible insight into a highly-classified cyber operation called Nitro Zeus was first exposed in the film "Zero Days" and later corroborated by The New York Times, which interviewed intelligence and military officials who were involved.

The film, directed by Alex Gibney, premieres on Friday.

"We spent hundreds of millions, maybe billions on it," an anonymous National Security Agency source says in the film. "We were inside, waiting, watching. Ready to disrupt, degrade, and destroy those systems with cyber attacks. In comparison, Stuxnet was a back alley operation. [Nitro Zeus] was the plan for a full scale cyber war with no attribution."

The source, whose face and voice are concealed throughout the film, is later revealed to be an actor reciting lines from testimony offered to Director Alex Gibney by CIA and NSA employees.

The focus of the "Zero Days" film is on Stuxnet — the world's first cyber weapon — that was used against Iran's nuclear facilities. But in researching for the film, Gibney found that malicious software was just one small piece of a much larger puzzle.

Nitro Zeus went much further than Stuxnet (the US codename was Olympic Games), giving the NSA the ability to attack Iran's command-and-control systems, so it would not be able to communicate. It could hack in and disable air defenses, so US or Israeli planes would not be shot down. And systems such as the power grid, communications, and financial systems were all infected or backdoored, in case of war.

"This was an enormous, and enormously complex, program," one participant in the program told The New York Times. "Before it was developed, the US had never assembled a combined cyber and kinetic attack plan on this scale."

Stuxnet successfully destroyed roughly one-fifth of Iran's nuclear centrifuges. Nitro Zeus could have done much, much more.

Ultimately, that plan was shelved after Iran slowed its uranium enrichment activities during nuclear negotiations. The US and Iran reached a deal to dismantle much of its nuclear program in January.

But it's frightening to see just how far the US could have gone in its cyber warfare efforts, which included taking out major infrastructure that would no doubt affect Iranian civilians as well.

"When you shut down a country’s power grid," the source says. "It doesn’t just pop back up. It’s more like humpty dumpty. And if all the king’s men can’t turn the lights back on or filter the water for weeks, lots of people will die."

And that's why, perhaps, some US officials are afraid of a devastating cyberattack very similar to Nitro Zeus someday happening here at home.

Though many cybersecurity experts say the rhetoric is somewhat overblown when talking about hacking into critical infrastructure, if there is one thing the Stuxnet attack proved, it's that sophisticated cyber attacks on the grid or other systems are certainly possible.

"The science fiction cyber war scenario is here," the source says. "That’s Nitro Zeus."


What do you have to Warranty your words ?

You are just one of millions ...

i meant Regimes and Political persons ... not Peasants ...

i bet for my life ...

your countries will help USA or any other Army that wants to invade our borders ...

i will kill my self, if your leaders did not do this !!!

what do you have to say ?

would you kill yourself, if they did ?

For the first time in our 70 year history, Pakistan is advancing and becoming more powerful. For the 1st time ever, when the Saudis asked us to crush the Houthis we disobeyed them. If the americans ask us to help them attack Iran, we will disobey them too. Anyway, Iran is too powerful for America to attack. After Iraq and Afghanistan, the americans no longer have the stomach for war.
Nitro Zeus
Americans come up with the most comical names for their operations :cheesy:

All jokes aside, this seems to be really impressive and cyber warfare is a very real thing and if there's one country that could swing with devestation it would be the USA in this regard.
But perhaps 2 can play that game?

What do you have to Warranty your words ?

You are just one of millions ...

i meant Regimes and Political persons ... not Peasants ...

i bet for my life ...

your countries will help USA or any other Army that wants to invade our borders ...

i will kill my self, if your leaders did not do this !!!

what do you have to say ?

would you kill yourself, if they did ?

Turkey's recent history is the warrant for my words. We didn't let US to use Turkey for a ground invasion when it was about Iraq.

At the time Erdoğan wanted to let US but majority of the MPs including AKP ones voted for no. Nobody wanted the blood of Muslims on their hands. People of Turkey were against it too.

I believe it would be same with Iran.

What do you have to Warranty your words ?

You are just one of millions ...

i meant Regimes and Political persons ... not Peasants ...

i bet for my life ...

your countries will help USA or any other Army that wants to invade our borders ...

i will kill my self, if your leaders did not do this !!!

what do you have to say ?

would you kill yourself, if they did ?
Nope. Only an retard can commit suicide on such pity issues.
The CIA has already installed the Molla regime in Iran!!!! Why will they disturb a settled proposition???? According to the last Shah, he had lost to the USA!!!!!

Hello dudes,
At this topic I like to discuss How Americans would attack Iran and how Iran would answer to that attack?
from which side
what is their weapons
who is their allies
... and more

First , they will use reformists to weaken Iran from withen , then they will use reformist and terrorist to start a civil war in Iran and then they will attack Iran ...
Last edited:
What do you have to Warranty your words ?

You are just one of millions ...

i meant Regimes and Political persons ... not Peasants ...

i bet for my life ...

your countries will help USA or any other Army that wants to invade our borders ...

i will kill my self, if your leaders did not do this !!!

what do you have to say ?

would you kill yourself, if they did ?

Pagal ee oye,

Pagal ee oye
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