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How will America attack ????

Well in any case if US decides to Flex its Muscle against Iran.
Beware of the Wahabbi Hordes comming down from Afghanistan route toward you in the form of ISIS or whatever.
India will become cold shouldered neutral.
Russia have guarded Syria like a bulwark There is no way it will allow iran to fall.
Pakistan will be a difficult case. State of Pakistan will openly oppose Any misadventure in Iran so will be army and all Political Parties that's is a said thing. And that might not be for a Love to Iran But a Hatred toward US Specially after how much US have tried to push us to oblivion and have done every possible effort to give Afghanistan In Plate to India and never recognized our sacrifices in war against terror. So Politicians army and General Public will support Iran.
But Again the Non state actors behavior can not be predicted. The Wahhabi and Deobandi Influenced Jamaat will definitely cause trouble in Iran.
Also Depends on Turkish and Chinese Stance toward Iran as Pakistan have this known Weakness to Inclined to Allies more then required
Indeed, in our history we are not stupid to start a war with a powerful country. They usually attack us.
No country cared about you even hitler did not mention you japan attacked you because you boycotted them
Iran has a lot of missiles, but we got satellites that can pinpoint the launch and take'em out before they get a second shot off.
First you have to take out the air defence before you try to take out those mobile launchers... meanwhile thousands of missiles are raining down on bases and vessels alike...

Hello dudes,
At this topic I like to discuss How Americans would attack Iran and how Iran would answer to that attack?
from which side
what is their weapons
who is their allies
... and more
Murica will attack with their dogs like UK, FRANCE, Australia, etc like they did in Korean war. They never fight alone.
Probably attack from bases in Iraq , Afghanistan, and launch cruise missiles from their battle ship
Within minutes of any U.S. attack, all US bases in the region will cease to exist. Iran will also sink the 5th fleet within minutes. Thousands of U.S troops will be captured or killed from Syria to Afghanistan.

This is no boast, it's that simple. U.S. commanders understand this outcome.

Iran has already strategically outmaneuvered the U.S. in the region. The U.S. military's/ CIA's and Trumps daily anti Iran whingeing reflect this reality.

Murica will attack with their dogs like UK, FRANCE, Australia, etc like they did in Korean war. They never fight alone.
Probably attack from bases in Iraq , Afghanistan, and launch cruise missiles from their battle ship
What the IRGC hasn't shown is the radar lock onto the exact U.S. ship that fired these warning shots from hundreds of IRGC shore and ship based Ashm's. In under a minute this U.S. warship would have been at the bottom of the Persian Gulf (rapidly followed by the entire 5th fleet), had the gloves come off....with USN sailors floating in the water in holy matrimony...........:omghaha:

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No country cared about you even hitler did not mention you japan attacked you because you boycotted them

Hitler actually had plans for invasion of America, Germany was developing a stealth bomber to reach America, and German U-Boats also operated near American coast, learn your history.
1- Iran has not given up nukes. Iran has decreased some nuclear activity such as number of centrifuges.

2- Iran will never give up nukes otherwise US will attack.

3- US doesn't play with fire. Us knows Iran is not Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya and it might get humiliated.

4- US can do this US can do that..... These are just assumptions. In action Us can't do much against a 80 million country, 1.5 million manpower and 20 million basiji soldiers with strong navy power, nuclear capability, electronic warfare power, proxies in region, allies like Russia, China and NK, missile cities and go on.
Iran never had any nukes program after me. Khomeini simply said no to even suggesting such program
Iran never had any nukes program after me. Khomeini simply said no to even suggesting such program
You're one of those reformer lovers.

And JCPOA worshippers.

Firstly I meant nuclear program. Secondly considering today's world situation having nukes is necessary, you reformers like it or not.
hello dudes,
now we reach to our Arabs neighbors. Americans have great presence in all of these Arab countries from Iraq till all of the PGCC countries.
I will start with Iraq and then PGCC however all of PGCC countries (Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Saudi) would not stay at same position toward future American war with Iran.

Iraq front:
in the 80's Iran fought 8 years of bloody war with Saddam as result Iran army have known these front well.
Iranian Quds force with the help of Badr army successfully organized similar forces like basij in Iraq under name of PMU.

after 2003 Iran permanently abused western forces in Iraq and they did not able to do any shit against Iran.





Americans and allied forced to leave Iraq before ISIS risen, but ISIS give them excuse to come back and now they have presence in Iraq again however Iran friends in Iraq have upper hand in both military and government of Iraq which would prevent American to use Iraq as base to attack Iran.
actually I believe Americans would try to force Iraq to stand neutral in future war with Iran to stop Iran friends in Iraq to join the war.
Also Americans would evacuate from Iraq before war start. b/c if they stay, PMU would punish them so hard like past times.

in my opinion, Iraqi Kurdistan also would stay neutral in future war b/w Iran and USA and American soldiers would leave there as well.
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