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How will America attack ????

do you honestly think Iran only has what like 10 radars? in the whole country? we build a lot of radars with the range of 500 km to 3000 km.















No, I do not think Iran have like only 10 radar installations.

Iraq had a formidable air defense arrangement back in 1991.


500 radar systems (fixed and mobile) spread over 100 sites in total - one of the most dense in the world at the time.

A high count of radar systems is no guarantee that your air defense arrangement is up to the task against the likes of USAF and USN; your grasp of the EW capabilities, strike platforms, and tactics of USAF and USN is rather limited instead.
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dude Iran is not Iraq 2003 look at it this way that if the United States defeats Pakistan in two air strikes and 10 days, than it can do that to Iran too as Iran holds more cards in its hands than Pakistan.

What I wrote. Is exactly what they intend to do.... Cruise missile strikes for a week...

What u wrote is hardly making any sense except you have put pakistan some how some where in comparison...

Real question is that have they caught Iran with pants down??? Iran played with its conventional wisdom too long.. It shud have crossed the nuclear line when it had the chance

I really hope and pray that iran makes it through un hurt and defiant as ever

for a country who never managed to identify its friends and enemies and antagonised every one.... I hope there is a new chance to learn
No, I do not think Iran have like only 10 radar installations.

Iraq had a formidable air defense arrangement back in 1991.


500 radar systems (fixed and mobile) spread over 100 sites in total - one of the most dense in the world at the time. Go figure.

and you do not see the picture we are not Iraq 1991 to simply put it we are almost 4 times bigger than Iran most of our air defences are made by Iran we are the 4th cyber power and 4th drone power and missile power of the West Asia and we have massive EW capability. they need there satellites for a attack on a country as big as Iran and we can simply blind them or sabotage them by cyber attack. there is alot we can do but you think Iran is a backward country no, US it self confesses that Iran can easily build a continental ballistic missile, they saw us working on them for years. and the most important of them all is that they US_Israel lost the element of surprise for 40 years.

What I wrote. Is exactly what they intend to do.... Cruise missile strikes for a week...

What u wrote is hardly making any sense except you have put pakistan some how some where in comparison...

Real question is that have they caught Iran with pants down??? Iran played with its conventional wisdom too long.. It shud have crossed the nuclear line when it had the chance

I really hope and pray that iran makes it through un hurt and defiant as ever

for a country who never managed to identify its friends and enemies and antagonised every one.... I hope there is a new chance to learn

i put Pakistan military next to Iran military and said if US can defeat Pakistan like they defeated Iraq than they can defeat Iran too. and i know they will attack by cruise missiles but that missiles have to come from some where ( ground base or warship or aircraft carrier ) like they did in Syria and Iraq but those countries did not had any missiles that can reach 2500 km to hit them back so they watch there air defences go destroyed but Iran have missiles that can reach them and hit them back in there base that the cruise missiles are being fired from, and how you know we did not build nuks IRGC and army they are not children so that they show every thing they build next morning as for every military in world they kept some of them hidden for 10 years even.
and you do not see the picture we are not Iraq 1991 to simply put it we are almost 4 times bigger than Iran most of our air defences are made by Iran we are the 4th cyber power and 4th drone power and missile power of the West Asia and we have massive EW capability. they need there satellites for a attack on a country as big as Iran and we can simply blind them or sabotage them by cyber attack. there is alot we can do but you think Iran is a backward country no, US it self confesses that Iran can easily build a continental ballistic missile, they saw us working on them for years. and the most important of them all is that they US_Israel lost the element of surprise for 40 years.
Every country have this mantra that it is not Iraq but this is a meaningless boast vis-a-vis USA.

Pakistan is a powerful country with defenses that are sufficient to keep India at bay but these defenses were not up to the task on the night of May 2, 2011 when US decided to take its chances. Iran decided to put Pakistani defenses to the test as well and: https://theaviationgeekclub.com/jf-17-scores-first-aerial-kill-iranian-drone/

Iran is a regional power (I give you this) but not a near-peer adversary to US. However, Iranian members are typically brainwashed to assume otherwise.

No country is BIG ENOUGH for US to not be able to degrade and destroy in a full-scale war, mind you. No, you cannot blind American spy satellites because they have anti-laser coatings and measures - thanks in part to Soviet attempts to blind them back in the days of Cold War. And how will you sabotage them through cyber attacks? American spy satellites are not linked to WWW.

Never said that Iran is a backward country but why project yourself as something you are clearly not? US can smash Israel in a full-scale war (hypothetically speaking) so this make Israel a backward country? Be realistic.

Best course of action for Iran is to negotiate its way out of the current chapter of crisis with Trump administration because there is no Iraq to divert attention of US away from Iran this time.
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The war will be fought on ground. No US soldier or American company/personnel will be save in the region anymore. No embassy, no consulate, no companies, no oil deal with Iraq.. all personel will be kidnapped immediately. The region will be a death zone for any US presence. I believe this will be the answer of Iran and its allies.

That's a strategy of wanting to keep the war on other lands, mainly Iraq. A targeted repeat of the 2004-2008 era. But the US is not going to fall for that and limit its ops to Iraq, they'd go to Iran this time
That's a strategy of wanting to keep the war on other lands, mainly Iraq. A targeted repeat of the 2004-2008 era. But the US is not going to fall for that and limit its ops to Iraq, they'd go to Iran this time
We must fight them everywhere and together. Else they will subjugate all of us for coming 500 years.
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100s of CMs and 100s of SRBM or LR-MLRS/MR-MLRS...…. after that civil war (north or east or west or some south front proxy force , just like afghnistan , Iraq or Libya or even Venezuela ) , then airstrike and then in the end maybe foot soldiers (USA can bring 200,000 to 500,000 soldiers ,,, so many illegal in USA)……
So many countries will may the cost of war ( will cost less to USA tax payer ) and don't forget iran also have oil + gas so that will double the profit..
No doubt war is the most profitable business since 1000s of years …….
We must fight them everywhere and together. Else they will subjugate all of us for coming 500 years.

Middle East disagrees. This is the nature of us humans, we don't mind if others suffers or experience shit. Many feel joy in fact.

Kuwait and Saudi enabled the US destruction of the Saddam regime. Before 1991 US had little middle Eastern military presence
Iraq back in those days was alone against West. It had no supplies, no military advisors and specialists, no intelligence help. I remember I've read some interview with Russian specialist who served at S-200 systems in Iraq. They had the direct order not to shoot down Western jets. He was mad when he saw day by day those jets flying right above his head, but what could he do?
If Vietnam had no Soviet/Chinese help it would be crushed by the USA. Iran will enjoy all the help and supplies by Russia and probably China. USA knows it well so they will never attack Iran.
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Every country have this mantra that it is not Iraq but this is a meaningless boast vis-a-vis USA.

Pakistan is a powerful country with defenses that are sufficient to keep India at bay but these defenses were not up to the task on the night of May 2, 2011 when US decided to take its chances. Iran decided to put Pakistani defenses to the test as well and: https://theaviationgeekclub.com/jf-17-scores-first-aerial-kill-iranian-drone/

Iran is a regional power (I give you this) but not a near-peer adversary to US. However, Iranian members are typically brainwashed to assume otherwise.

No country is BIG ENOUGH for US to not be able to degrade and destroy in a full-scale war, mind you. No, you cannot blind American spy satellites because they have anti-laser coatings and measures - thanks in part to Soviet attempts to blind them back in the days of Cold War. And how will you sabotage them through cyber attacks? American spy satellites are not linked to WWW.

Never said that Iran is a backward country but why project yourself as something you are clearly not? US can smash Israel in a full-scale war (hypothetically speaking) so this make Israel a backward country? Be realistic.

Best course of action for Iran is to negotiate its way out of the current chapter of crisis with Trump administration because there is no Iraq to divert attention of US away from Iran this time.

yes my argue is not that Iran is undefeatable no country is undefeatable the goal is to have enough deterrence so US can not attack you Iran have the power to hit them back and hit them hard make the war extremely high in cost with very high casualties in the short period of time and to spread the war in the whole Middle East that Iran can do very well.

That's a strategy of wanting to keep the war on other lands, mainly Iraq. A targeted repeat of the 2004-2008 era. But the US is not going to fall for that and limit its ops to Iraq, they'd go to Iran this time

i do not think there will be any war with Iran.

100s of CMs and 100s of SRBM or LR-MLRS/MR-MLRS...…. after that civil war (north or east or west or some south front proxy force , just like afghnistan , Iraq or Libya or even Venezuela ) , then airstrike and then in the end maybe foot soldiers (USA can bring 200,000 to 500,000 soldiers ,,, so many illegal in USA)……
So many countries will may the cost of war ( will cost less to USA tax payer ) and don't forget iran also have oil + gas so that will double the profit..
No doubt war is the most profitable business since 1000s of years …….

well in the case of foot soldiers we have near 1 million and 40 million man power and do not forget that they already used civil war tactic on Iran from 1980_1988 and it did not worked Arabs did not betray us instead, the first men who took guns for war were Arabs.
Usa will hit them with 500 cruise missiles per day for 10 days in row... By the end nothing will be left of missile factories airforce and nuclear reactors

The real question is how will Iran fight back?????
They don't have such capability to fire 500 cruise missiles per day for 10 days from distance.
For doing something near to what you said, they must bring more than half of their naval fleets to Arabian sea and gulf of Aden. and create very dense area with their vessels which is big targets for Iran.
If US attacks and lets assume coz there is big "If" ...
1: US wld do it with alliance of gulf countries and Nato .
2 : intense targeted cruise missiles and air strikes from 4 directions , afghanistan , iraq , Saudi and gulf countries and from the sea . Target will be to neutralize their missile sites , communication centres and air defence .
3 : Land invasion less likely but if it happens US will push arab countries to send more of their troops ranging from 300k to 500k.US and Nato troops wld range from 200000 to 300000 .
4: If things get messy for Saudis they will use Islamic military allaince to protect their boundaries . Pakistan will definately send its troops to protect saudi arabia whether someone hate it or someone get cramps , its bitter truth . Majority of pakistani dont want to be part of it but pakistan wld be sucked in at one point . Saudi has always supported pakistan and vice versa but unfortunately iran has always shown hostility to pakistan .
5 : Saudis main goal is Iran like afghanistan destroyed and tootheless . Iranians ultimate goal is to have hold on MAKKAH and MEDINA and persian empire like hegemony in region .
6 :During Conflict US wld try its best to choke all routes of iranian military or economic supply line .
If US attacks and lets assume coz there is big "If" ...
1: US wld do it with alliance of gulf countries and Nato .
2 : intense targeted cruise missiles and air strikes from 4 directions , afghanistan , iraq , Saudi and gulf countries and from the sea . Target will be to neutralize their missile sites , communication centres and air defence .
3 : Land invasion less likely but if it happens US will push arab countries to send more of their troops ranging from 300k to 500k.US and Nato troops wld range from 200000 to 300000 .
4: If things get messy for Saudis they will use Islamic military allaince to protect their boundaries . Pakistan will definately send its troops to protect saudi arabia whether someone hate it or someone get cramps , its bitter truth . Majority of pakistani dont want to be part of it but pakistan wld be sucked in at one point . Saudi has always supported pakistan and vice versa but unfortunately iran has always shown hostility to pakistan .
5 : Saudis main goal is Iran like afghanistan destroyed and tootheless . Iranians ultimate goal is to have hold on MAKKAH and MEDINA and persian empire like hegemony in region .
6 :During Conflict US wld try its best to choke all routes of iranian military or economic supply line .
Nato is not going to take part in any of this. Didn't you hear that the Spanish frigate that was part of the Abraham Lincoln strike group broke formation and left? If US decides to do anything it will be them and probably KSA and would highly doubt UAE would take part. One missile in Dubai and they will lose all their GDP. Same for Israel, I don't think they would take part directly either.
If the U.S. had any intention of attacking Iran I would think it's would go like this:

1st U.S. has not attacked a country capable of mass producing over 90% of it's own yearly acquisitions since WW2 so I would guess if they wanted to attack Iran they would keep their initial attacks limited hoping that Iran wouldn't respond due to how limited the attacks were. (Although if Iran doesn't respond harshly we will be faced with limited U.S. attacks for the next decade just like Iraq between 1991-2001) So they would do the same thing they did with Iraq over a decade before the even attempt an invasion.

This is how they would do their limited attack, they'll deploy a vast force but carry out a very limited attack to persuade Iran not to respond but will likely have enough forces and equipment deployed if they do. They my even drop a nuke in a place that would do limited damage to scare Iran....

U.S. spy's and Iranian traitors in the Iranian government will be hard at it making a case NOT to respond due to how limited the attacks were and they'll likely paint the Trump administration as a crazy fool who made a mistake and they'll say things like Trump is a rare case in US politics and now that the attack is over we should just wait him out or he'll nuke us or Trump will blame it on Bolton and Pompao & fire them and the traitors in Iran will try to sell that.... Regardless, if Iran doesn't respond with force and harshly it will be the beginning of the end but the initial attack will be limited.
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