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How will America attack ????

You're one of those reformer lovers.

And JCPOA worshippers.

Firstly I meant nuclear program. Secondly considering today's world situation having nukes is necessary, you reformers like it or not.
Nuke and nuclear program are complete different matters .

And both current and previous supreme leader of Iran said no to the idea of nukes . Mr. Khamenei even made a decree against it.
So unless you can find a supreme leader that endorse nukes no it won't matter I'm reformist or conservatives or anti revolutionary Iran won't have nuke program
southern front:


during last three decades, Iran successfully neutralized threats from North (soviet), West(Saddam and ISIS) and East(Taliban) but threat at south is still remain and need to neutralize rapidly otherwise they would hit Iran assets and interest in west and central Asia.

Iran does not have land border with non of the PGCC countries and all of them are Iran sea neighbors; in addition all of these countries have big American bases inside their territories, so they became Good assets for Americans to launch war against Iran from there but for many reasons that would not happen b/c this bases are known for Iran army and Iran would not hesitate to hit bases with it's ballistic missiles also that would provide good excuse for Iran to hit PGCC's Infrastructure as well.
as we can see in map most of the PGCC Infrastructures and population are near to Iran coasts in other hand Iran big cities and most of Iran's population are far from front line and hard to reach by Americans from southern front.

also I believe countries like Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and UAE would stand against Saudi and Bahrain to help Americans to attack Iran from their territories.
as result PGCC countries just would give their air borders to American for Attack Iran, furthermore they would provide money for Americans to break cost of war with Iran.

Diego Garcia Island:


Diego Garcia Island in Indian ocean is one of big American bases independent from host countries opinion, so American can use this base how they like.
this base in Indian Ocean is far enough from Iran main land to support American war against Iran without considering Iran big retaliation.
also this base is near enough to Iran to support American Naval forces to attack Iran.

we spoke about all of four fronts (west-north-east-south) and we found that war with big probability would come from south and there is really small probability for war in other fronts.

Iran just have sea borders in south, so American would attack Iran with their naval fleet and Iran Islands and coasts would be front lines in War.

now we finish my first part of fantasy assumption about American war with Iran.
the next parts are :
2. first wave of American attack
3. WAR
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Israel,UAE and Saudi Arabia are sure to join.
First wave - F-35s and f-18 growlers for Jamming and SEAD/DEAD ,particularly targeting s-300 systems.Packages protected by F-22 air escort.Accompanied by simultaneous waves of tomahawk launches from warships on command and control installations.And B-2s with Massive ordnance earth penetrator bombs to take out the underground hardened nuclear facilities.Extensive jamming and electronic warfare on all targets.Once air defences gone sustained 24/7 pounding with 4th gen aircraft from airbases and aircraft carriers.

What USA can do relatively easily -
1.Wipe out the obsolete Iranian airforce(will take them 72-96 hrs).They simply cant stand up to F-22s,ELINT,AWACS and massive jamming.
2.Take out the air defence network.More difficult and will take losses,but still feasible,will take upwards of a week.Iranian air defence is robust but still not capable of handling B-2s,F-35s,stealth drones and growler mass jamming.

Problems for USA -
1.Iranian ballistic missiles.Systems like arrow,patriot are at best 50%-75% effective.Some will get through and will be targeted at israel and saudi arabia/UAE.Major problem as israel's population is densely concentrated and there will be significant civilian casualities.Missile launcher TELs are elusive and very difficult to stop all.
2.Iran can disrupt shipping in persian gulf with coastal anti ship missiles.
3.Question mark on what will happen in Iraq?Which is halfway a client state of iran atm with presence of heavy iranian militias.Hezbollah will also begin all out rocket attacks on israel(though likely to lose )
4.War will have negative image in UN.Iran will be projected as defender.Also another war in ME unpopular in US public opinion.
5.Russia and China may covertly aid Iran,or seeing USA occupied in ME find oppurtunity to make a move in baltics or south china sea.
6.Turmoil in world oil prices.

Finally,USAF and USN can destroy the iranian air force and perhaps even nuclear facilities,but they can't invade and occupy Iran.Because -
1.There is no narrative to sell to the world,one Iraq disaster is enough.
2.US Army doesn't have enough military capability to invade and sustain an occupation of iran.They don't have the manpower.Army is too small and too overstretched.
3.Unlike Iraq ,Iranians are a people with a cohesive national identity.An ancient people with a history and a proud sense of their own nation with a continuity from the past.Iranian national spirit is far superior,and resistance would be fanatical.Mullah regime will only gain support from iranian masses if faced with foreign invader.Its simply not possible to launch a ground invasion.Ground invasion is impossible also because Iraq won't allow it to be used as launchpad and pakistan won't.Turkey won't either.

So that leaves the aerial campaign,and yes its a distinct possibility they will succeed.the problem would be how to sell it to the world and more importantly how to handle the fallout .ie iranian retaliation with missiles on arabs and israel which would be very difficult to halt completely without ground campaign.Moreover while they may destroy the capacity temporarily,Iran will now forever be trying to get a nuke capability .USA having used force loses the leverage of the threat of the use of force.

Geopolitically it would be a blunder,US economy is not capable of sustaining massive war buildup on 3 fronts -Middle east,Europe against Russia and SCS against China.
You're one of those reformer lovers.

And JCPOA worshippers.

Firstly I meant nuclear program. Secondly considering today's world situation having nukes is necessary, you reformers like it or not.
I think that what poses more danger than the fact that our foes have nukes or not is the idea that would divide us in "us" and "them" ... reformist and conservative , JCPOA worshipers and its opponents ...
American ain't afraid of possible Iranian nukes they alongside their allies have thousands of them in their arsenal but what makes them to be afraid of us is one thing , our unity and I think main reason behind the N deal has been one thing "bringing division amongst Iranians" like a Trojan horse ...
So I think having the idea that the other party/group don't care about future of Iran or they want to hand out Iran in a plate to the American ain't helping ... we all sail the same boat.
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the problem would be how to sell it to the world
Oh, please. They will sink a cruise liner with a couple thousand passengers or blow up a dirty bomb somewhere in Kuwait or Oman and say that Iran did it. And then American representative will speak in the UN with comics in his hands instead of evidences and call the free world to punish the cruel tyrant.
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I dont expect DIRECT military confrontation soon...
They will try firstly all the dirty tricks -> from inside, through proxy.....
Remember, the biggest threat is always from within -> opposition forces, NGO´s, "color revolutions", you know the deal...(Libya, Ukraine, Venezuela...)
If Iran is united, acting together, there is not much they can do from within....
A direct confontation will be devastating for them, to much looses, but again, im thinking rational, on the other side there are many elite psychopats ruling the white house, who are ready to sacrifice millions of americans...so who knows....
I dont think such a war will be handled only with conventional weapons....
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Hitler actually had plans for invasion of America, Germany was developing a stealth bomber to reach America, and German U-Boats also operated near American coast, learn your history.
He didn't care about America all the so called plans are lies

America have no economic or military values like the British empire. I know my history not like the history they teach you in your 27 years old russian soviet made up entitity
He didn't care about America all the so called plans are lies

America have no economic or military values like the British empire. I know my history not like the history they teach you in your 27 years old russian soviet made up entitity

apparently you don't know anything

here is a video of a U-boat that was sunk near American coast.

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Iran will earn Sympathy in case of any usa or israeli attack. So no chance of direct usa attack on Iran.

For sure they will again try to install a fabricated Khilafah on Iran's East (after failing twice.) to keep Iran busy in war.

Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia would try hard to heighten tensions with Iran as soon as he replaces his father. http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13960507001492

Ofcourse it cannot be one person policy. it is mafia that spread iranophobia to show it as iran saudi conflict everywhere.

satans will never allow Iran take a sigh of relief and this time massive pressure expected to buildup against Iran in coming months on all four sides.
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unless iran domestically collapses, The US will NEVER dare attack iran. Period. Neither will Israel.

not because of any humanitarian reasons, as these countries have a bomb first ask questions later policy against opponents they see as weak. The reason is because there are no realistic scenarios ; where Israel and The US would not take heavy damage/casualties in any such conflict.

Also in the American case, there exists a very real possibility of outright defeat/humiliation in the Persian gulf (as their own wargame mellinium challenge showed). The US would never risk such a result. They only prefer "wars" where they can push a couple of buttons, slaughter defenceless people, and have their media networks reporting 24/7 of how uber powerful murican soldiers are defeating evil!!!

keep in mind iran will be fighting right in its own backyard, and has been obsessed with, and preparing for a decade for this exact scenario. the US has never faced such an opponent post ww2.

up to now iran has been fighting a very low level proxy war with the americans, incase of attack on Iranian homeland. all the gloves would immediately come off.

just look at dilemma the muricans would instantly face. Do they take their navy inside a potential shallow death trap called the straight of hormuz/Persian gulf? or do they stay in the indian ocean and let iran anahilate the 5th fleet, their bases, and shut off the straight hormuz?

Do they go into iran conventionally? or do they just sit there while iran directly arms proxies with ATGMs, EFPS, Manpads, IEDs, +++ and probably directly assists them with qods forces/special forces to slaughter American troops in Syria,iraq,Afghanistan?

what will the Israelis do when their tiny, Tightly populated country is under non-stop Iranian missile attacks? Do they attack Hezbollah and get Hezbollah's arsenal on them, directly engage a hezbllah that would probably be directly supported by irgc troops this time? do they also go into the deathtrap known Syria as well? can Israel handle such a multi front war where their own homeland Is under non-stop missile barrage/death? will Israeli's with American passports stick around to fight to the death? or leave to safer places? iran/Hezbollah would not drop their pants and surrender after 6 days..... it would be a grueling, street to street fight against a fanatically determined enemy.

such a war would almost certainly engulf Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and probably a couple of Persian gulf countries. the moment any Iranian oil/ critical infastracutre is targeted. Iran will probably retaliate by targeting the very large, expensive, and strategically critical arab oil infastracture. What would that do to the worlds economy?

after all this, the Iranian government will not even be defeated, but arguably come out stronger. with a furious population demanding that they spend every bit of their national effort into developing nukes+icbms to prevent a future war. (thereby completely defeating the purpose of the war anyway)

this is not yemen. iran is just way too powerful. not even the Zionists/ arrogant, paid off western politicians would have the stomach for such a war......

With that said, this is still a very interesting hypothetical subject and it doesn't hurt to look at the scenarios.

Khuzestan is one interesting place to look at. it is definitely iran's Achilles heel. Its a flat desert terrain, on the borders, with a large arab population, and strategically holding most of irans oil reserves. incase of an all out war, the americans could realistically try to go for a limited invasion. and try to occupy Khuzestan and use it as a trade leverage.
Hello dudes,
before starting part two (first US strikes) of my fantasy scenario about US war with Iran I like to clear that :

I don't want to bring other players in war. actually others just watch the war or financially and logistically support one side of war.
also Iran would not hit the American assets and bases in neighboring countries, also Americans would not use those bases against Iran.
I decide to assume above Assumptions to reduce complexity of my scenario, and just see Iran and USA face to face.

base on my story in first part, the war would come toward Iran from Indian ocean by American naval fleet and Americans would use Diego Garcia island as nearest base to theater.
Oh, please. They will sink a cruise liner with a couple thousand passengers or blow up a dirty bomb somewhere in Kuwait or Oman and say that Iran did it. And then American representative will speak in the UN with comics in his hands instead of evidences and call the free world to punish the cruel tyrant.

This is the cold hard truth about US ways for justification of hostile aggression against countries/entities it does not like.
Part two:
2. first wave of American attack
the under water swords of US to invade:



base on wiki :
Unit cost : 1.8 m$ (block 4)
Warhead : 450 kg
Operational range : not more than 2500 km in longest range block

Launch platforms:
Los Angeles-class submarine:

Active number : 36
Tomahawk fire power : 37
Total Tomahawk for all : 36*37 = 1332

Ohio-class submarine :

Active number : 18
Tomahawk fire power : 154
Total Tomahawk for all : 18*154= 2772

Seawolf-class submarine

Active number : 3
Tomahawk fire power : 50
Total Tomahawk for all : 3*50= 150

Virginia-class submarine

Active number : 13
Tomahawk fire power : 40
Total Tomahawk for all : 13*40= 520


I personally do not believe that American would bring All of their submarines to attack Iran, in addition submarines do not carry only Tomahawk missiles. Submarines should bring torpedoes in torpedo room as well to protect themselves, so base on my calculation Americans are able to fire maximum 2000 Tomahawk cruise missiles from SubWater :-).

1332 + 2772 + 150 + 520 = 4774

if Americans bring half of them to attack Iran : 2387

considering torpedoes as well in tubes : 2000 Tomahawk
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