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How will America attack ????


Hello dudes,
At this topic I like to discuss How Americans would attack Iran and how Iran would answer to that attack?
from which side
what is their weapons
who is their allies
... and more
Miles away, from the sea and by air...duh. this should be a given now.

Iraq back in those days was alone against West. It had no supplies, no military advisors and specialists, no intelligence help. I remember I've read some interview with Russian specialist who served at S-200 systems in Iraq. They had the direct order not to shoot down Western jets. He was mad when he saw day by day those jets flying right above his head, but what could he do?
If Vietnam had no Soviet/Chinese help it would be crushed by the USA. Iran will enjoy all the help and supplies by Russia and probably China. USA knows it well so they will never attack Iran.
And millions of volunteers
Things are changed . you are not living in 80s anymore ,, sanctions from so many years brooked people(economically ) and corruption stories of mullah brook people emotionally … And think this again , USA will or can bring 200,000 to 500,000 men (illegal in USA , Green card ) to fight iran…
I am not underestimating iran or her power , but my point is iran and elite of iran underestimating USA and allied forces ..

U.S.A will attack from Oman and Qatar.
Oman , Qatar , Iraq and Afghnistan all of these countries have USA...………..
well in the case of foot soldiers we have near 1 million and 40 million man power and do not forget that they already used civil war tactic on Iran from 1980_1988 and it did not worked Arabs did not betray us instead, the first men who took guns for war were Arabs.
Things are changed . you are not living in 80s anymore ,, sanctions from so many years brooked people(economically ) and corruption stories of mullah brook people emotionally … And think this again , USA will or can bring 200,000 to 500,000 men (illegal in USA , Green card ) to fight iran…
I am not underestimating iran or her power , but my point is iran and elite of iran underestimating USA and allied forces ..

Oman , Qatar , Iraq and Afghnistan all of these countries have USA...………..

Iran is a country of 80 Million of which the vast majority show up to vote election after election! Iran is also a country with a conscript system and the vast majority of Iranian are under 40 years old and have had minimum military training.

Iran's Basij force is 10 Million strong card carrying members of which they have over a million who conduct military & Security exercises on a regular bases + another 500,000 from the military and armed forced & reserves + Millions of other volunteers that will sign up if their country is ever attacked. So compared to that 500,000 U.S. solders isn't really a scary number!
Iran is a country of 80 Million of which the vast majority show up to vote election after election! Iran is also a country with a conscript system and the vast majority of Iranian are under 40 years old and have had minimum military training.

Iran's Basij force is 10 Million strong card carrying members of which they have over a million who conduct military & Security exercises on a regular bases + another 500,000 from the military and armed forced & reserves + Millions of other volunteers that will sign up if their country is ever attacked. So compared to that 500,000 U.S. solders isn't really a scary number!
I have no idea who you are and where you from : but let me tell you some facts which most of the Iranians denied : The so called revolution in Iran was funded and supported by West ( And yes Israel was behind that ) .. To make Greater Israel they used Iran as tool ,,, Sunni Shia conflict does this sound any bell …. Under Shah of Iran this was not possible but under mullah of Iran this can be done easily ….. Now just look at history (last 40 years) without sectarian glasses and you will know I am talking truth here ..
Dear Sir , Iraq is gone , Syria and Libya too.. Sectarian war is on peak in those countries and the same war is knocking on the doors of Iran ……
Iran will go to war (today or tomorrow ) and Iran will go to war with Arabs (Sunnis) that's the plan from day one.... USA and EU will join Sunnis ( lol they can even help Iran who knows , they will earn money from both Muslim sides) …
Now compare this with your 10+ million soldiers ready to die ……. And the brainwashing that mullah regime did ..
Now about number of soldiers : Dear Sir keep in mind USA have air force they will level your soldiers out before sending their ground troops …. Iran only chance even with that much manpower is in gorilla war ………. Please do not underestimate your enemy if USA brings 500,000 soldiers then this mean USA is ready to take deaths ..
Iran is a powerful country with strong nation , but mullah regime in Iran used and abused that power ..
I have no idea who you are and where you from : but let me tell you some facts which most of the Iranians denied : The so called revolution in Iran was funded and supported by West ( And yes Israel was behind that ) .. To make Greater Israel they used Iran as tool ,,, Sunni Shia conflict does this sound any bell …. Under Shah of Iran this was not possible but under mullah of Iran this can be done easily ….. Now just look at history (last 40 years) without sectarian glasses and you will know I am talking truth here ..
Dear Sir , Iraq is gone , Syria and Libya too.. Sectarian war is on peak in those countries and the same war is knocking on the doors of Iran ……
Iran will go to war (today or tomorrow ) and Iran will go to war with Arabs (Sunnis) that's the plan from day one.... USA and EU will join Sunnis ( lol they can even help Iran who knows , they will earn money from both Muslim sides) …
Now compare this with your 10+ million soldiers ready to die ……. And the brainwashing that mullah regime did ..
Now about number of soldiers : Dear Sir keep in mind USA have air force they will level your soldiers out before sending their ground troops …. Iran only chance even with that much manpower is in gorilla war ………. Please do not underestimate your enemy if USA brings 500,000 soldiers then this mean USA is ready to take deaths ..
Iran is a powerful country with strong nation , but mullah regime in Iran used and abused that power ..

WoW you are truly delusional!!!
In Syria Assad's father was in power before the Islamic republic and even he was closely allied with Iran and the Shah and sectarianism has been going on there and in our region long before the Islamic Republic!
What happened to Syria is due to the U.S. invasion of Iraq that pushed millions of pro Saddam Baathists into Syria that destroyed the equilibrium that existed there + Saudi funding and arming of terrorists.
And If anything it's Whahabbi ideology backed by the Saudi government who today has overt meetings with Israel who is fueling sectarianism in our region NOT IRAN!!! So your latterly confusing Iran with your filthy Saudi employers.

And you wanna revise history so it conforms to your deluded ideology. But here are the real facts:
Once the Islamic Republic came to power, Saddam backed by Saudi money invaded Iran NOT the other way around. And that war would have ended within a year and a half with a clear Iranian victory if it wasn't for Saudi Money that offered Saddam $80 Billion USD in the early 80's to continue the war backed by U.S. intel and weapons coming in from France, Germany, U.K., USSR,..... while Iran was sanctioned. And as Saddam continued to lose the war during his last 6 years and towards the end had to resort to using WMD (Chemical weapons) while his weapons stockpile kept on increasing so much so that by the end of the war Saddam had 5 times Iran's tank force, 8X APC force, 10X the artillery force, 4x the active helo force, 2-4 times the active Fighter/Bomber force and yet he couldn't take an INCH of our territory so instead he turned around and bit off the hand that fed him by attacking Kuwait.

And Iraq is far from gone! Now Saddam & the rule of a minority sect over Iraq may be done with but the fact that you equate that to Iraq being gone speaks for it's self! And yea that's right because of IRAN no longer will we allow a minority sect to rule over and oppress the majority of our neighbors so get used to it! And if we are being accused of sectarianism simply because we prevented a minority terrorist takfiri group from oppressing the majority of our neighbors then so be it!
It's funny I bet when the U.S. was bombing Iraq for a decade between 1991-2002 (Before the invasion) brainwashed Saudi puppets like you weren't claiming Iraq was GONE. But since Iran prevented a minority sect to take power again it's gone! LOL!

In the late 70's Israel only had a few countries in the region that would even speak to them while Iran led by the Shah was among a very few regional countries that would actually do business with them & have military relations with them and Iran was a secular U.S. puppet state & your delusional enough to think that the Israeli's were ever stupid enough to risk that for an Islamic government is beyond absurd not to mention the fact that Israeli's consider the Shah's father Reza Shah Pahlavi as one of the greatest pro Israeli Iranian leaders of all time!

And unlike Whahabbi ideology, Shiite do NOT proclaim all Sunni's as none Muslim Kafars! But Saudi backed Wahhabi & Takfiri ideology does so if you wanna blame someone don't start by blaming the victims because Iranians didn't convert to Shiite Islam after the fall of the Shah! And Iraqi Shiites & Kurds were being oppressed by Saddam before there was an Islamic Republic, And sectarianism in Syria is nothing new and that country had it's own civil wars and sectarian divides before there was an Islamic Republic and same in Yemen, Lebanon,....!
Libya is a tribal nation and the instability there is the result of Qadaffi's idiocy and has nothing to do with Iran! And if Iranians leaders pay no mind to U.S. threats it's because Iran is a weapons producer and Iranian leaders are sure that the U.S. is fully aware of the capabilities of the weapons Iran is producing and what they can do.

Saudi's are bombing Muslims in Yemen and causing famine in a Muslim country and it's all Iran's fault why because the Saudi's couldn't bring the Yemeni people to their knees it's Iran's fault! Saudi's fund terrorist to try to take over Iraq & they fail because Iran helped to prevent it but it's Iran's fault! Saudi's fund and provide weapons to terrorists in Syria but it's Iran's fault again because they helped prevent Saudi backed terrorists from taking over! Now because the Saudi's keep loosing Iran is fueling sectarianism because a good Iran would be an Iran that would have sat by and watched Takfiri Terrorists take over Iraq & Syria and would have clapped for and maybe even joined in and helped the Saudi's in creating more death and destruction in Yemen!
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Enjoy your own delusional propaganda sir....
Just don't forget to tell people when Iran 's Mullah Declare Assad father and his faith as Shia Islam ??
WoW you are truly delusional!!!
In Syria Assad's father was in power before the Islamic republic and even he was closely allied with Iran and the Shah and sectarianism has been going on there and in our region long before the Islamic Republic!
What happened to Syria is due to the U.S. invasion of Iraq that pushed millions of pro Saddam Baathists into Syria that destroyed the equilibrium that existed there + Saudi funding and arming of terrorists.
And If anything it's Whahabbi ideology backed by the Saudi government who today has overt meetings with Israel who is fueling sectarianism in our region NOT IRAN!!! So your latterly confusing Iran with your filthy Saudi employers.

And you wanna revise history so it conforms to your deluded ideology. But here are the real facts:
Once the Islamic Republic came to power, Saddam backed by Saudi money invaded Iran NOT the other way around. And that war would have ended within a year and a half with a clear Iranian victory if it wasn't for Saudi Money that offered Saddam $80 Billion USD in the early 80's to continue the war backed by U.S. intel and weapons coming in from France, Germany, U.K., USSR,..... while Iran was sanctioned. And as Iraq continued to lose the war during his last 6 years and towards the end had to resort to using WMD (Chemical weapons) his weapons stockpile kept on increasing so much so that by the end of the war Saddam had 5 times Iran's tank force, 8X APC force, 10X the artillery force, 4x the active helo force, 2-4 times the active Fighter/Bomber force and yet he couldn't take an INCH of our territory so instead he turned around and bit of the hand that fed him by attacking Kuwait.

And Iraq is far from gone! Now Saddam & the rule of a minority sect over Iraq may be done with but the fact that you equate that to Iraq being gone speaks for it's self! And yea that's right because of IRAN no longer will we allow a minority sect to rule over and oppress the majority of our neighbors so get used to it! And if we are being accused of sectarianism simply because we prevented a minority terrorist takfiri group from oppressing the majority of our neighbors then so be it!
It's funny I bet when the U.S. was bombing Iraq for a decade between 1991-2002 (Before the invasion) brainwashed Saudi puppets like you weren't claiming Iraq was GONE. But since Iran prevented a minority sect to take power again it's gone! LOL!

In the late 70's Israel only had a few countries in the region that would even speak to them while Iran led by the Shah was among a very few regional countries that would actually do business with them & have military relations with them and Iran was a secular U.S. puppet state & your delusional enough to think that the Israeli's were ever stupid enough to risk that for an Islamic government is beyond absurd not to mention the fact that Israeli's consider the Shah's father Reza Shah Pahlavi as one of the greatest pro Israeli Iranian leaders of all time!

And unlike Whahabbi ideology, Shiite do NOT proclaim all Sunni's as none Muslim Kafars! But Saudi backed Wahhabi & Takfiri ideology does so if you wanna blame someone don't start by blaming the victims because Iranians didn't convert to Shiite Islam after the fall of the Shah! And Iraqi Shiites & Kurds were being oppressed by Saddam before there was an Islamic Republic, And sectarianism in Syria is nothing new and that country had it's own civil wars and sectarian divides before there was an Islamic Republic and same in Yemen, Lebanon,....!
Libya is a tribal nation and the instability there is the result of Qadaffi's idiocy and has nothing to do with Iran! And if Iranians leaders pay no mind to U.S. threats it's because Iran is a weapons producer and Iranian leaders are sure that the U.S. is fully aware of the capabilities of the weapons Iran is producing and what they can do.

Saudi's are bombing Muslims in Yemen and causing famine in a Muslim country and it's all Iran's fault why because the Saudi's couldn't bring the Yemeni people to their knees it's Iran's fault! Saudi's fund terrorist to try to take over Iraq & they fail because Iran helped to prevent it but it's Iran's fault! Saudi's fund and provide weapons to terrorists in Syria but it's Iran's fault again because they helped prevent Saudi backed terrorists from taking over! Now because the Saudi's keep loosing Iran is fueling sectarianism because a good Iran would be an Iran that would have sat by and watched Takfiri Terrorists take over Iraq & Syria and would have clapped for and maybe even joined in and helped the Saudi's in creating more death and destruction in Yemen!
Enjoy your own delusional propaganda sir....
Just don't forget to tell people when Iran 's Mullah Declare Assad father and his faith as Shia Islam ??

My delusions! LOL! Is that all you got? Feel free to look up fact check everything I said online!

As for your 2nd ridicules comment
To me anyone that accepted that Ali was the only true religious authority after the prophet is a Shiite in my book! Now that doesn't mean he had to be the 1st kalifate (Political leadership) and at the end of the day history clearly shows that he wasn't the 1st Khalifate and arguing over who should have became the 1st Khalifate over 1000 years later is frankly absurd!
However, an Imam is simply a religious leader so whom you choose to accept as the top authority in religious matters after the prophet is a matter choice and if you accept that Ali was the top authority on Islam after the prophet then to me at least you are a Shiite whether you wanna claim that you are or not makes no difference to me!
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My delusions! LOL! Is that all you got? Feel free to look up fact check everything I said online!

As for your 2nd ridicules comment
To me anyone that accepted that Ali was the only true religious authority after the prophet is a Shiite in my book! Now that doesn't mean he had to be the 1st kalifate (Political leadership) and at the end of the day history clearly shows that he wasn't the 1st Khalifate and arguing over who should have became the 1st Khalifate over 1000 years later is frankly absurd!
However, an Imam is simply a religious leader so whom you choose to accept as the top authority in religious matters after the prophet is a matter choice and if you accept that Ali was the top authority on Islam after the prophet then to me at least you are a Shiite whether you wanna claim that you are or not makes no difference to me!
wow ,, you one kind of brain washed Mullah lover ……. And about Assad and his religion ,,,,, Why and when he was declared Shia by Mullah ????? Simple question … Don't bring faith in Please .,, Just tell me when and why ?


Your patience is admirable; but this brain washed, lunatic Wahabbi is not worth your time!
Thank you Mr Mullah lover Persian sitting in USA …… lmao
Make sure USA don't burn city Qom ………. don't worry about me.. Stay in your dream land , And keep calling all those trying to show you realty , all those trying to counter your propaganda as Wahabi .. Proxies wont going to help you , your propaganda wont and your blackmailing under Shia-ism will run out steam very soon..
@Dubious , @waz ,
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