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How will America attack ????


Jan 6, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Hello dudes,
At this topic I like to discuss How Americans would attack Iran and how Iran would answer to that attack?
from which side
what is their weapons
who is their allies
... and more
war with Americans is the last thing Iranians want and for preventing that Iran should follow some policies in world and region however that is not subject of our discussions.
In this topic we assume all of Iran efforts to halt Americans attack failed and attack is Non-avoidable.
I like to divide war to three parts :
1. before starting war
2. first wave of American attack
3. WAR

America does not attack the strong countries
I am agree with you but I want to simulate American failure or success in acceptable scenario
who is their allies
whole EU, Whole UN, Whole Arab league, TR, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Pakistan ,

better to ask:

Who is on our Side ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

i forgot india ...
Probably American way to attack Iraq give us an idea:


Things that we need to change: expand our nuclear and missile capabilities, increase our military budget (instead of cutting it), and turn our foreign policy back to Ahmadinejad era.

Btw americans in Persian gulf:


Last edited:
war with Americans is the last thing Iranians want and for preventing that Iran should follow some policies in world and region however that is not subject of our discussions.
In this topic we assume all of Iran efforts to halt Americans attack failed and attack is Non-avoidable.
I like to divide war to three parts :
1. before starting war
2. first wave of American attack
3. WAR

I am agree with you but I want to simulate American failure or success in acceptable scenario
Probably at first they would attack military bases, our air defense by tomahawk missiles to pave path for second phase of the war which they would actively enter Iran at least to bomb more facilities with their bombers and weaken any resistance ... so first hours is very important due to the Iranian respond which could suffocate war in the first phase if could repel tomahawk missiles.
war with Americans is the last thing Iranians want and for preventing that Iran should follow some policies in world and region however that is not subject of our discussions.
In this topic we assume all of Iran efforts to halt Americans attack failed and attack is Non-avoidable.
I like to divide war to three parts :
1. before starting war
2. first wave of American attack
3. WAR

I am agree with you but I want to simulate American failure or success in acceptable scenario
Iranians should show the Americans that they don't have anything to lose(since Iran is already under sanctions) all able Iranians who can carry guns from age 12 to 60 should be armed and be ready to fight until death
whole EU, Whole UN, Whole Arab league, TR, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Pakistan ,

better to ask:

Who is on our Side ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

i forgot india ...

I want to stress out that, we didn't allowed US to use Turkey while invading Iraq back in time.

We would stay neutral in case of a conflict.
I start with case one
1. before starting war

at this period main thing is finding direction of attack and Americans allies, the American bases and amount of their weapons

I start to count directions :

Armenestan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Caspian sea (Northern front):
at this front thanks to Russia the attack is impossible.
All of this countries are under sphere of influence of Russia, also non of this countries are Iran enemy to invite Americans to attack Iran
also this front and specially Caspian sea is great gate for Iran to get aid and weapon from both Russia and china in the case of total War with Americans, also Caspian sea coast is far from main possible battle fronts, so logistic line can be safe in addition Caspian sea part of Iran is so mountainous and hard to attack


whole EU, Whole UN, Whole Arab league, TR, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Pakistan ,

better to ask:

Who is on our Side ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

i forgot india ...
Nobody is in our side but I think Russia and china would like to **** Americans with low cost for themselves, so they would help Iran and stand against American invasion in UN and politically.

Probably at first they would attack military bases, our air defense by tomahawk missiles to pave path for second phase of the war which they would actively enter Iran at least to bomb more facilities with their bombers and weaken any resistance ... so first hours is very important due to the Iranian respond which could suffocate war in the first phase if could repel tomahawk missiles.
first I like to find direction of attack

Hello dudes,
At this topic I like to discuss How Americans would attack Iran and how Iran would answer to that attack?
from which side
what is their weapons
who is their allies
... and more

America will never attack Iran....
Iran has done more damage to Muslim World than Amercia could have done.
Nobody is in our side but I think Russia and china would like to **** Americans with low cost for themselves, so they would help Iran and stand against American invasion in UN and politically.

China, Do you thing China Will help, you can expect Russia But not china,

Instent of china you can go back to US and Make peace with them that will be good for iran,
whole EU, Whole UN, Whole Arab league, TR, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Pakistan ,

better to ask:

Who is on our Side ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

i forgot india ...
We got no beef with you... Until we're attacked.
How Americans would attack Iran
In the event the US should attack, then:
Q=from which side; A=from all possible sides
Q=what is their weapons; A=anything and everything in their arsenal that may seem remotely usefull
Q=who is their allies; A=whichever country will conveniently provide support.
whole EU, Whole UN, Whole Arab league, TR, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Pakistan ,

better to ask:

Who is on our Side ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

i forgot india ...

We are not america's allies. We have nothing in common with them. They are a group who we do business with to obtain resources & finances for our vital defence needs. Nothing more.
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