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How the hunt for bin Laden set back the eradication of polio


Apr 27, 2010
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How the hunt for bin Laden set back the eradication of polio

Fake vaccination for Hepatitis B has had a terrible effect on immunization efforts.

The global campaign to eradicate polio and other preventable childhood diseases was struck a blow when the Taliban renewed its efforts to prevent vaccination in areas of Pakistan under its control and in areas where it persuades people through violence.

In certain parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan and in Nigeria there is widespread belief, perpetuated by the Taliban and certain religious leaders, that Western countries are conspiring to sterilize Muslim children under the guise of vaccination.

These preposterous assertions have been around since 2007. The events leading to the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in the northern Pakistani city of Abbottabad have added credence to those assertions.

What does the hunt for bin Laden have to do with vaccinating children in Pakistan?

The decade-old hunt for bin Laden had led CIA in 2009 to a large house in a spacious compound in Abbottabad. Confirmation of bin Laden and his family living in the house came in bits and pieces. These included satellite imaging, intercepted phone messages from couriers, and surveillance of the compound from a nearby house that was rented by the Central Intelligence Agency.

To further confirm the presence of bin Laden and his family in the house, the CIA needed genetic information on the people living there. For that purpose, the CIA set up a fake vaccination program to administer Hepatitis B vaccine to children in Abbottabad. The program started in poor neighborhoods and moved to a relatively affluent neighborhood where the house under surveillance was located.

The idea was to obtain blood samples from children in the house for DNA analysis. A few health workers were able to get into the well-guarded compound. Whether they were able to obtain any blood samples is not known.

In a daring May, 2011, nighttime raid, Navy SEALs flew from Afghanistan to Abbottabad, entered the compound, and killed bin Laden. His body was flown to Afghanistan and later to a U.S. aircraft carrier for burial in the Arabian Sea.

A few days after the raid, Dr. Shakil Afridi, the physician in charge of the fake vaccination project, was arrested by Pakistani police as he was trying to cross the border into Afghanistan. Accused of treason for collaborating with a foreign spy agency, he was sentenced to 33 years in prison. His conviction was reversed on appeal.

But now he has been charged in the death of a patient who he had treated during his job as a surgeon in the tribal areas of Khyber. The United States is trying to get him released from prison.

The fake vaccination for Hepatitis B has had a terrible effect on all immunization efforts in Pakistan; polio, for example.

Polio is endemic in Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Widespread vaccination and eradication of the virus from endemic areas have been successful to the point that in 2011, there were only 650 cases reported from the three countries, compared to 350,000 cases in 1988.

Polio was within striking distance of being totally eradicated. But not any time soon.

According to Leslie Roberts of Columbia University, as reported in Scientific American magazine recently, the fake vaccination project has set back polio eradication by at least 20 years. In this period, there will be a projected 100,000 more cases. “Forever more people would say,” Dr. Roberts wrote, “this disease, this crippled child, is because the U.S. was so crazy to get Osama bin Laden.”

The fake vaccination also raises ethical questions about Dr. Afridi. He knowingly took part in the scheme and was in part responsible, even if indirectly, for causing death and disability to thousands of children who have gone without vaccination for polio and other childhood diseases.

The reality is that the fake vaccination was not a pivotal link in the identification of the residents of Abbottabad compound. The CIA had pinpointed the location and knew who lived in the house.

Men have, through history, found it convenient to trample on the rights of other people by crossing clearly marked moral and ethical barriers. Unfortunately, the medical profession has been willing to accommodate the wish and whim of those wielding power.

In the preceding century we had the thalidomide tragedy, human radiation experiments, the use of mustard gas, and other incidents.

In comparison, the fake vaccination program was of limited scope. But moral and ethical standards espoused by the medical profession do not allow provisos or qualifiers.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. S. Amjad Hussain is a retired Toledo surgeon whose column appears every other week in The Blade.

How the hunt for bin Laden set back the eradication of polio | Norwalk Reflector
This is true that people dont trust and there are much conspiracies out there.
Hate to be cynical here, but it seems like Pakistanis are more irked about the Abottabad raid, the embarrassment it caused to Pakistan, than its blowback on the polio eradication program. Its not like the people in tribal agencies were not already against vaccination! Just do a quick google search on "polio workers killed in Pakistan" and look for pages before 2nd May, 2011, the day when Osama was killed, and you ll get your answer. This is from 2007, No one was "hunting" Osama back then.

Polio cases jump in Pakistan as clerics declare vaccination an American plot | World news | The Guardian

Ironically, by trumpeting and blaming the Americans for the rise in polio cases and for the attacks on polio workers you guys are further exasperating the problem. It almost seems like as if Pakistanis are trying to justify the attacks on polio workers by these extremists and trying to guilt the Americans, when what you should be doing is talk about the ways to deal with the situation effectively!

Was it it irresponsible of America to disclose the details of the operation and how a vaccination drive was used to track Osama down, sure it was, absolutely, highly irresponsible and callous. But so was the persecution and incarceration of Shakil Afridi by Pakistan, that too by tribal laws. Not only did it give it more weight to the outlandish anti "kaafir vaccination" propaganda of the Mullahs, it also made other polio vaccination workers a legitimate target for these tribal extremists.

Americans are sitting thousands of miles away from you, they don't give two shytes if Pakistani kids are crippled by polio or not, they got what they wanted. But these are your kids, Pakistan's future, tying to blame the Americans is not the solution, infact its counter productive. So instead of being hung up on what Americans did, and how wrong it was, you should be looking at ways to control the damage that was done, instead of further aggravating it.

P.S: I know you guys would hate to hear all this, that too from an Indian, but it had to be said.
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Hate to be cynical here, but it seems like Pakistanis are more irked about the Abottabad raid, the embarrassment it caused to Pakistan, than its blowback on the polio eradication program. Its not like the people in tribal agencies were not already against vaccination! Just do a quick google search on "polio workers killed in Pakistan" and look for pages before 2nd May, 2011, the day when Osama was killed, and you ll get your answer. This is from 2007, No one was "hunting" Osama back then.

Polio cases jump in Pakistan as clerics declare vaccination an American plot | World news | The Guardian

Ironically, by trumpeting and blaming the Americans for the rise in polio cases and for the attacks on polio workers you guys are further exasperating the problem. It almost seems like as if Pakistanis are trying to justify the attacks on polio workers by these extremists and trying to guilt the Americans, when what you should be doing is talk about the ways to deal with the situation effectively!

Was it it irresponsible of America to disclose the details of the operation and how a vaccination drive was used to track Osama down, sure it was, absolutely, highly irresponsible and callous. But so was the persecution and incarceration of Shakil Afridi by Pakistan, that too by tribal laws. Not only did it give it more weight to the outlandish anti "kaafir vaccination" propaganda of the Mullahs, it also made other polio vaccination workers a legitimate target for these tribal extremists.

Americans are sitting thousands of miles away from you, they don't give two shytes if Pakistani kids are crippled by polio or not, they got what they wanted. But these are your kids, Pakistan's future, tying to blame the Americans is not the solution, infact its counter productive. So instead of being hung up on what Americans did, and how wrong it was, you should be looking at ways to control the damage that was done, instead of further aggravating it.

P.S: I know you guys would hate to hear all this, that too from an Indian, but it had to be said.

The health sector in Pakistan is also in extreme shambles, there aren't fund for vaccination even for easily curable diseases. So, blaming Americans is easy way out to hide this mismanagement.

Watch this, ignore Zaid Hamid and listen what other guy is saying.

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