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Travelers to Punjab to show polio vaccination certificates

Its better to do something then nothing at all. And its impossible to check everyone entering punjab, but something is better then nothing. If this is implemented nation wide then every parent will make sure to get certificate even if chances of getting checked is pretty low, will only help Pakistan in the long run.

Impossible financially...this is stunt for WHO.
in another thread you kept talking about 18th amendment and failure of provincial govt to tackle law and order in karachi which neglected federal responsibility who is holding interior ministry and so is responsible for law and order in entire country
in this thread you are blaming the talibans but fail to mention who runs FATA, its the federal govt which runs FATA and should be deemed responsible because they have failed to initiate polio drive in FATA and are in negotiations with the same brutal talibans

First of all, my views on Talibans and policy adopted by PML-N & PTI are very clear and i am very much against it. 2nd it's not there was no effort by govt. for polio vaccination in FATA, they did it because they have to follow the recommendation of WHO, but these efforts were sabotaged by TTP scums to whom @Pak-one love very much because they are his Pakhtun brothers.
till PMLN eradicates polio from FATA it will keep coming to punjab, sindh and KPK, okay, PMLN instead of crying should start polio eradication drive in FATA

PMLN tau khudi kehti thi ke un logon ko taliban ka nizaam chahye
Spot on. FATA is right now under army which is under federal and political administration which is also under federal.
First of all, my views on Talibans and policy adopted by PML-N & PTI are very clear and i am very much against it. 2nd it's not there was no effort by govt. for polio vaccination in FATA, they did it because they have to follow the recommendation of WHO, but these efforts were sabotaged by TTP scums to whom @Pak-one love very much because they are his Pakhtun brothers.

since PMLN is negotiating mood with the talibans why not beg talibans to spare the polio workers?
till PMLN eradicates polio from FATA it will keep coming to punjab, sindh and KPK, okay, PMLN instead of crying should start polio eradication drive in FATA

PMLN tau khudi kehti thi ke un logon ko taliban ka nizaam chahye

Yes as long as polio is in FATA whole country is in danger, so mandatory certicates will only help getting rid of it. Anyway N can't do much, contrary to popular belief Punjabis dont have much power. They just happen to rule Punjab and thats it. Even in FATA Ganja will need whole nation behind them, and there is no chance in hell of happening that.
Yes as long as polio is in FATA whole country is in danger, so mandatory certicates will only help getting rid of it. Anyway N can't do much, contrary to popular belief Punjabis dont have much power. They just happen to rule Punjab and thats it. Even in FATA Ganja will need whole nation behind them, and there is no chance in hell of happening that.

lol then they should resign, since they can't run the federal govt, have no control in FATA or else where except Punjab

i think PMLN should hand over federal to a party which can take responsibility for entire pakistan not just punjab
lol then they should resign, since they can't run the federal govt, have no control in FATA or else where except Punjab

i think PMLN should hand over federal to a party which can take responsibility for entire pakistan not just punjab

No matter who comes nothing will change in case of FATA, we all saw what PPP/ANP combo did.
No matter who comes nothing will change in case of FATA, we all saw what PPP/ANP combo did.

We can effectively blame ANP for the polio mess and over all zardari...pak-one brother can still love & praise afghan anp, no hard feelings pak-one we want you to come on rahe rast.
I know about swat cases, they traced to punjab.
@LoveIcon interrogating people at provincial border, demanding certificates and giving polio drops at check points....is descriminating and humiliating. The army under federal , drops high price bombs on tribal areas but federal cant allocate big budget to eradicate polio from tribal areas.? Instead of blasting them with big bombs, worthless khakis under instruction of governament, should give gift of gulab jaman daba to the family of kid recieving drops.

1. It will be applicable on everyone including residents of Punjab if they go and comeback, so there is no discriminating. I don't know how getting your kids vaccinated is humiliating? If it's humiliation than what about the millions of international travelers who have to go through this first at local airports than in foreign just because conservative people of FATA are against polio and their beloved Talibans are not happy with it?

2. Talk about budget is bullshit as polio campaigns are supported by WHO.

3. Maybe for you khakis are worthless as they blast a$$es of your friends but for us not. And why not you ask your worthless f!lthy pigs aka TTP that at-least don't target polio staff as they are there to save your future generation.

Well thats the idea. This is actually a good initiative of the Punjab govt. others should follow. My bad, I thought that you Punjabis were foresaking us, the rest of Pakistanis(emotional moment so pause). But I did not know that you guys cared for us so much.
Punjab Zindabad.

Heading is usual sensation by media which gave excuse people to bash Punjab.
We can effectively blame ANP for the polio mess and over all zardari...pak-one brother can still love & praise afghan anp, no hard feelings pak-one we want you to come on rahe rast.
Lol why blame ANP and PPP, your army and its children taliban are responsible for mess in FATA.
Those trigger-happy faujis, should carry polio vaccines with them. Those shit-heads are not attempting of taking even single step of winning hearts, may be Allah forgive them if they take the responsibility of polio vaccination.
Anyway latest news from FATA, we can't even blame whole FATA but just North Wasiristan mostly.

PESHAWAR May 05, 2014, 3:54 pm- Three days anti-polio drive has been initiated in all seven Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and six frontier regions (FRs) amid tight security arrangements today.

The anti-polio vaccinators will immunize children below five years of age in the whole tribal region, as target population remains 0.690 million in FATA. Strict security measures have been taken for the polio teams. Two levies officials, will accompany each team in most sensitive areas while one official in less sensitive areas.

It is relevant to mention here that 46 polio cases had been recorded from FATA so far in 2014 out of which 39 were from North Waziristan agency, four from South Waziristan Agency, one from Khyber while two were reported from FR Bannu.

Anti-polio drive underway in FATA amid tight security

As one can see 99% of cases in FATA are from areas where 99% of kids have not gotten polio drops since 2012.
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since PMLN is negotiating mood with the talibans why not beg talibans to spare the polio workers?

I am against this talk bs - we should kill this p!gs once for all and make FATA the province.
No matter who comes nothing will change in case of FATA, we all saw what PPP/ANP combo did.

any party who will own FATA will perform better looks like except Punjab PMLN is not ready to own any other pakistani territory
Lol why blame ANP and PPP, your army and its children taliban are responsible for mess in FATA.
Those trigger-happy faujis, should carry polio vaccines with them. Those shit-heads are not attempting of taking even single step of winning hearts, may be Allah forgive them if they take the responsibility of polio vaccination.

Make up your mind, first you say getting polio drops from punjabis is humiliating and now want army to carry polio vaccines with them?

any party who will own FATA will perform better looks like except Punjab PMLN is not ready to own any other pakistani territory

Why should Punjab be blamed for Sindh polio cases? Instead blame incompetence of MQM/PPP.
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