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Pakistan blames US for its polio mess

Hey, if Pakistan didn't hide Bin Laden, none of this would have happened.:tup:

Pakistan has been on a collision course with 7th century Islam ever since Jinnah's untimely death. Even without Bin Laden or the 9/11 attack on the USA, Pakistan would be struggling with the inconsistency of trying to be both modern and an Islamic State. When Pakistan can tolerate Ahmadis, it might be able to conquer polio. Maybe.
Govt need to do proper planning in order to eradicate this $h1tty disease. Scare the people...scare them of this polio so much that the death sounds small compared to this. Also there should be polio vaccination teams at every entrance points/railway stations/airports of the provinces...any one entering of exiting the province must be given the vaccination drops.
Cry me a river. Only Pakistani STUPIDITY is responsible for Pakistan's "dismal record on polio". Pakistanis are too cowardly to operate a proven health program so that their own children are not crippled for the rest of their lives. How could any intelligent government hide behind such a lame excuse? Answer: The Government of Pakistan is not intelligent. Q.E.D.
Except the fact that the OBL raid did massive damage to the campaign cannot be ignored. vaccination critics and deniers were given ample excuses and ammunition with the raid.

Oh, and don't pretend there aren't any anti-vaccine groups in the US, need I remind you of the mess with the so called "vaccines cause autism" issue?

Pakistan has been on a collision course with 7th century Islam ever since Jinnah's untimely death. Even without Bin Laden or the 9/11 attack on the USA, Pakistan would be struggling with the inconsistency of trying to be both modern and an Islamic State. When Pakistan can tolerate Ahmadis, it might be able to conquer polio. Maybe.
Your comparisons are flawed, nothing more. Islam is a belief system that has nothing to do with being anti-modernity and anti-technology, unless you count internet **** to being a modern society.

Also, what do Ahmadis have to do with polio? Your comparison makes no sense, unless you're saying that Ahmadis somehow caused the spread of polio in Pakistan as some form of revenge.

Dr. Afridi's project was Hepatitas A vaccination. Nothing to do with polio vaccination. Interested Pakistanis can use the internet to trace back how and when polio worked its way into the story.
It doesn't matter about the disease, all vaccination programs are being lumped together, because of the suspicion that they're funded by foreign agencies. With the revelation of the US funding Afridi's fake program, do you really blame people for not trusting in these programs? Especially since they're in the middle of a war zone and don't know who to trust?
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Pakistan has been on a collision course with 7th century Islam ever since Jinnah's untimely death. Even without Bin Laden or the 9/11 attack on the USA, Pakistan would be struggling with the inconsistency of trying to be both modern and an Islamic State. When Pakistan can tolerate Ahmadis, it might be able to conquer polio. Maybe.

Ahmadis and polio? what?
It doesn't matter about the disease, all vaccination programs are being lumped together, because of the suspicion that they're funded by foreign agencies.
And no Pakistani is brave enough to say, "Wait a minute, we're being really stupid here...?"

"...With the revelation of the US funding Afridi's fake program -"
It wasn't "fake", it was real. That he didn't complete the program is due to the fact he was arrested and thus prevented from doing so.

...Especially since they're in the middle of a war zone and don't know who to trust?
I think you're the first person here to claim Abbottabad was "in the middle of a war zone."
Ahmadis and polio? what?

I mean, when Pakistani political culture is "modern" enough to accept a religious movement that somewhat challenges Islam, such as the Bahaii's and Ahmadi's, then it will have demonstrated enough secularity to also support something as non-Quranic as a polio eradication campaign. My personal test of whether or not Pakistan has conquered its Islamic demons is when it can allow its fellow Pakistanis of the Ahmadi faith to breathe freely.
Militant groups are attacking polio workers as a way to force the Pakistani government to succumb to their demands, wouldn’t it be more accurate to blame the entity that is actually causing the death of polio workers and scaring people into refusing the vaccine, than the UN and the U.S? Majority of the cases are in the tribal areas where the militancy is fighting the Pakistani military, therefore isn’t it more of a security issue than a mistrust one? It would be more beneficial to focus on finding ways to conduct polio vaccinations in areas where the militants are enforcing their rules.

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
And no Pakistani is brave enough to say, "Wait a minute, we're being really stupid here...?"
Says you, because obviously you know every single Pakistani that ever existed, am I right?

It wasn't "fake", it was real. That he didn't complete the program is due to the fact he was arrested and thus prevented from doing so.
It was fake Shakil Afridi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Shakil Afridi (Urdu: شکیل آفریدی‎) — or Shakeel Afridi — is a Pakistani physician who helped the CIA run a fake vaccine program in Abbottabad, Pakistan, to confirmOsama bin Laden's presence in the city by obtaining DNA samples."

I think you're the first person here to claim Abbottabad was "in the middle of a war zone."

Uh, no. I didn't claim Abbottabad was a war zone. No one can deny that the Abbottabad incident has made people in the tribal belt more paranoid. It's called spillover effect (wiki link).

Militant groups are attacking polio workers as a way to force the Pakistani government to succumb to their demands, wouldn’t it be more accurate to blame the entity that is actually causing the death of polio workers and scaring people into refusing the vaccine, than the UN and the U.S? Majority of the cases are in the tribal areas where the militancy is fighting the Pakistani military, therefore isn’t it more of a security issue than a mistrust one? It would be more beneficial to focus on finding ways to conduct polio vaccinations in areas where the militants are enforcing their rules.

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command

No, it's mostly mistrust. Hell, vaccine critics also exist in the US, and it's entirely due to mistrust. While it is true that security situation is an issue for the polio workers, it's mistrust that is causing major hurdles for the eradication campaign, because parents no longer trust that the vaccination is real, and may not bring forward their children to get vaccinated. With the OBL incident, this has given even more ammunition to vaccine critics in Pakistan, who claim that polio workers are just CIA agents who want to harm Pakistan and Pakistanis.

I mean, when Pakistani political culture is "modern" enough to accept a religious movement that somewhat challenges Islam, such as the Bahaii's and Ahmadi's, then it will have demonstrated enough secularity to also support something as non-Quranic as a polio eradication campaign. My personal test of whether or not Pakistan has conquered its Islamic demons is when it can allow its fellow Pakistanis of the Ahmadi faith to breathe freely.
You realize that makes little to no sense, right? You're connecting dotes and talking about things you clearly know little about. Who told you that polio eradication is un-Islamic (or non-Quranic as you put it)? Also, Islamic demons? What do you mean by that? There are so many things wrong with your statement.
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I mean, when Pakistani political culture is "modern" enough to accept a religious movement that somewhat challenges Islam, such as the Bahaii's and Ahmadi's, then it will have demonstrated enough secularity to also support something as non-Quranic as a polio eradication campaign. My personal test of whether or not Pakistan has conquered its Islamic demons is when it can allow its fellow Pakistanis of the Ahmadi faith to breathe freely.

Using your logic, land de-salinisation projects are a non-Quranic effort. I don't hear about the the "Pakistani political culture" targeting those workers. The polio issue is not a societal issue as you suggested because Pakistanis don't have a problem with immunizing their children. The militants target people connected to foreign aid groups (polio workers included) because they are considered spies. America has given reason for them to hold that opinion. USAID is one of the many non-profit agencies used to push american agendas onto countries, not to mention that using non-profit organisations like Amnesty International & Red Cross is a preferred CIA tactic to have their spies enter a country. The polio workers weren't even targeted until it was found that Dr. Afridi worked for the CIA though a vaccination campaign.
Using your logic, land de-salinisation projects are a non-Quranic effort. I don't hear about the the "Pakistani political culture" targeting those workers. The polio issue is not a societal issue as you suggested because Pakistanis don't have a problem with immunizing their children. The militants target people connected to foreign aid groups (polio workers included) because they are considered spies. America has given reason for them to hold that opinion. USAID is one of the many non-profit agencies used to push american agendas onto countries, not to mention that using non-profit organisations like Amnesty International & Red Cross is a preferred CIA tactic to have their spies enter a country. The polio workers weren't even targeted until it was found that Dr. Afridi worked for the CIA though a vaccination campaign.

So, why doesn't the GoP have an entirely Pakistani (no foreign aid or foreign group involvement) program of childhood vaccination? Why does Pakistan even need/allow foreign NGO's to operate in places like FATA or Khyber Pakhtunkhwa? And my point about "non-Quranic" is that any modernization program that is not specifically sanctioned by the Quran can be opposed by radical Islamists as being haram. If they so choose, they can oppose de-salinization plants on this basis. If the rest of Pakistani society is too complicit in accepting their "religious" argument, they can get away with it and can recruit madrassa students to blow up themselves and de-salinization workers! I personally believe that Pakistan must develop a culturally agreed upon (i.e., overwhelmingly and commonly held understanding) of the need for the separation of Mosque and State before the scourge of Islamic terrorists will be defeated.
meanwhile,even Bangladesh,Bhutan and Nepal got declared as a "Polio Free Nation".even North korea and Myanmar is better than Pakistan on this aspect.they didn't blame USA and carried out their job to become "Polio Free Country".
Cry me a river. Only Pakistani STUPIDITY is responsible for Pakistan's "dismal record on polio". Pakistanis are too cowardly to operate a proven health program so that their own children are not crippled for the rest of their lives. How could any intelligent government hide behind such a lame excuse? Answer: The Government of Pakistan is not intelligent. Q.E.D.

cry you a river for what, for your humanitarian secret service for whom the lives of kids in third world countries are worth less than lab rats, go wash your face then come talk to us thats if the layer and layer of blood is washed off.

meanwhile,even Bangladesh,Bhutan and Nepal got declared as a "Polio Free Nation".even North korea and Myanmar is better than Pakistan on this aspect.they didn't blame USA and carried out their job to become "Polio Free Country".

maybe you just came out of your rat hole and dont know the different situation we had in Pakistani tribal area, or maybe its the happiness you feel deep inside you that you cant control and had to make a dumb comment

Dr. Afridi's project was Hepatitas A vaccination. Nothing to do with polio vaccination. Interested Pakistanis can use the internet to trace back how and when polio worked its way into the story.

9/11 was committed by flying airplane into the buildings, why is homeland security is checking passenger's shoes and underwear for bombs when there was no bomb in the planes. instead every passenger should be tested if they can fly an airplane
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meanwhile,even Bangladesh,Bhutan and Nepal got declared as a "Polio Free Nation".even North korea and Myanmar is better than Pakistan on this aspect.they didn't blame USA and carried out their job to become "Polio Free Country".

US aint in there backyard, how conveniently you forgot.
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