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How many elites rule Pakistan

Her family is surely one of them...

Alot of the politicians are just the front. Its people/families/landlords behind the scenes who are pulling the strings and their strings are pulled in the west. This is how a few evil families stay in power, they know very well they will end up loosing everything if they don't maintain their contacts. Unfortunately can you actually blame them? People at the bottom are also sellouts, willing to sell everything for their local politicians, and then slowly rise up to the highest level, on the way up you will learn to shut up and work with other evil forces.

Bhuttos are big landlords, Zardaris just overtook from them, Baloch landlords are another one. In Punjab its the big industrials.

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The answer lies in this question probably. WHICH FAMILIES HAD STRONG LINKS TO BRITISH RAJ??


If you thought Pakistan gained independence in 1947, you are sadly mistaken .

But slowly many industrials, businessmen, ex army people, Judiciary and new land mafias etc also became part of the elite, as you grow stronger and richer, you will make contacts with other elites and then make contacts in the west, you will then invest in the west and then become loyal to them, because you gota protect your business interests. Forget Pakistan or the poor people.

What's unfortunate is from my personal experience in AJK, majority of the people also want to reach the top level, they will lie, cheat, betray, steal to reach the top level which is either through business by making money or becoming the pet of politicians who then give them money, contracts, jobs. How can we then blame the military, Judiciary or others from doing the same? Corruption in society goes from the bottom to the top, how can the common people mock the elite when the common people will drink the blood and not even spare the bones of Pakistan if given the chance.
Folks, i always wonder, how many families or elites who control Pakistani economy and the plight of the country ? Do we know is it a combination of 1000 people or 50 families ? Who is incharge of Pakistan economy who controls establishment and politicians ?
initially british left behind 22 families to rule over Pakistan
Damn I didn’t know they actually swap wives. The filth is real

Try going for rishtas even, waha b yehi ha. These military families alwsys showing their military-ness in everything
O ji hum army se hain
G ye army se belong kerte falana col ha Fslsna major ha g

Like wtf its for marriage not business desl but these army families make it a business, no wonder they have issues too now nobody wants army rishtas even!! Lolz
Damn I didn’t know they actually swap wives. The filth is real

Try going for rishtas even, waha b yehi ha. These military families alwsys showing their military-ness in everything
O ji hum army se hain
G ye army se belong kerte falana col ha Fslsna major ha g

Like wtf its for marriage not business desl but these army families make it a business, no wonder they have issues too now nobody wants army rishtas even!! Lolz

All Pakistanis do that, the businessmen boast about their business, the wealthy boast about their wealth, the property owners boast about their property. This is at nearly every gathering.
Real tragedy is that even someone, who rises from the lower echelons of society to the ruling elite, ultimately, adopts their color and becomes as bigger a rascal, as are the earlier ones.
Real tragedy is that even someone, who rises from the lower echelons of society to the ruling elite, ultimately, adopts their color and becomes as bigger a rascal, as are the earlier ones.
There's no legal or peaceful way to fix this, they need to be forcefully dragged out and beaten.
Where'd you think Shehbaz learnt how to get people to divorce their wives because he couldn't take his eyes off of them?
Well such place/country then gets the wrath of Almighty on it, and its punishes everyone then
Just one wardi khandan, the rest is just supporting cast.
Folks, i always wonder, how many families or elites who control Pakistani economy and the plight of the country ? Do we know is it a combination of 1000 people or 50 families ? Who is incharge of Pakistan economy who controls establishment and politicians ?

The entire world is ruled by the elites. I've read some studies a while ago and they reviewed the entire globe, country by country. It stated that less than 1% of the world's population controls about 80% of the resources of the world!!! That's a staggering number. Planet Earth now has 8 billion people so this would mean 80 million people run 80% of the world or 640 billion people (the rest are irrelevant it seems or too poor, etc, etc).

This same principle is applicable on Pakistan. The term "establishment" refers to the military leadership while the economy in a stable environment is run by the Chief Executive, the Finance Minister, the Fed bank (Our State Bank) + Businessmen. All political stakeholders MUST work together to create a stable environment so that the executive of the country can bring in foreign investment to grow the economy. You can apply this explanation to Pakistan and extract your answers :). We lack tolerance and due to which, the entire system is unstable as whoever goes thinks Pakistan was their Dad's house and they should remain forever. Such mindset results in destabilizing the entire country, scaring foreign investors away, further damaging an already damaged economy.
We can’t call them elites, as they’re kanjars of the lowest quality. Call them kanjars with money
No one really "rules" Pakistan. Army and some other govt entities try to manage things, but overall its a lawless territory.
The social and geographical fabric of Pakistan is however infested with gangs. These gangs really dont let anyone to "rule" this country.
These gangs are continuously looting Pakistanis. Water mafia, electricity mafia, medicine mafia, money laundrers, security mafia, procurement mafia, city and district management mafias, law and order mafia... And the list goes on and on..
Real tragedy is that even someone, who rises from the lower echelons of society to the ruling elite, ultimately, adopts their color and becomes as bigger a rascal, as are the earlier ones.

Exactly, but those who don't make it or cannot make it curse them. I would say someone who rises from the bottom to the top is more dangerous than the burger elite. The reason they adopt them is because that's how you stay in the their circle, you start to dress, walk and talk like them, also you gota protect your wealth and properties and any sign of weakness shown, then your right hand man will eat you for breakfast.

In the UK, you will witness taxi drivers and takeaway workers who will join politics and then start by causing issues in the local community, then Masjids and slowly will rise up to stand in the local councils and then MPs, they will collaborate with the police, government, will even sell their souls to reach the top.
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