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How Americans view other countries: Gallup Poll

alot more than that. maybe close to 100.

reason why askd u that q.. i myself was surprised looking at the figure! i too did expect to be much more than 68%.. but nowhere close to 100 though!!
First tell me something. Is Pakistan even a sovereign country anymore? For AFAIK, a sovereign country makes its own policies and when it comes to that, we all know who's in charge in Pakistan.

Hence I'll take this jab of 'Colonial Mentality', coming as it does from a Pakistani, with a pinch of salt.

Yeah, last time u ranted it was china? no usa? ah... dont know....we should ask ramon davis.

A sovereign country accused of helping taliban,nuclear scandal,ISI etc


Lets see ur case=
We love iran n we r building a port there n all is hunky dorry.

Just left the IPI.
Didnt call em to air show.

Foriegn policy.:lol:
Some Indians are funny. They claim that America is running us, but at the same time, we are shafting America by supporting Taliban. LOL. Contradiction galore.
Some Indians are funny. They claim that America is running us, but at the same time, we are shafting America by supporting Taliban. LOL. Contradiction galore.

And how much are you getting 'shafted' yourself in the process of 'shafting' America? :azn:
So diversion is the only way around this, huh? Typical from your likes.

What? :woot:

Don't you always, at least once every third post of yours, complain about how the WoT is harming Pakistan and Pakistan's economy?
What you said was irrelevant to what I said. Read my post again, and read it carefully this time.
No I don't. I know full well what is being discussed. I made a point, you made a diversion to that, trying to act smart, and are doing so again now.
Do we really care or it does matter for us to react of americans thought about other countries.???
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