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Hizballah secretly pulling out of its fighter in Syria

Goodbye (Syria)! Go to hell ! :devil:

We will take care ‘definitely’ you after in Lebanon - without the assistance of Syrian Alawites you will be like rats starving - when our brothers are fully liberated from Assad's Alawite. :butcher:

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Le Hezbollah aurait retiré 1 200 combattants de Syrie


Les lourdes pertes enregistrées dans les rangs des combattants du parti chiite auraient motivé ce repli.

Le Hezbollah aurait retiré au cours du week-end dernier 1 200 de ses combattants qu’il avait dépêchés en Syrie pour soutenir les forces du régime syrien dans leurs combats contre les rebelles.

C’est ce que des sources proches du parti ont indiqué à l’agence locale al-Markaziya, et c’est ce qu’un dirigeant d’Amal, en visite à Paris, aurait également confié au quotidien koweïtien as-Siyassa. Selon ce dernier, le Hezbollah et Amal auraient réduit leur présence en Syrie et auraient redistribué 1 200 combattants qu’ils auraient retirés de ce pays sur différentes positions de la Békaa Nord et de la Békaa centrale. Sur les 1 200 combattants, 600 avaient été recrutés du sud et du nord du Litani et envoyés à Qoussair, dans la province de Homs, près de la frontière libanaise, mais n’y ont pas été ramenés, le Hezb ayant préféré les maintenir dans la Békaa.

Selon la source du Hezbollah, cette formation achèverait au cours des prochains mois le retrait de tous ses combattants de Damas et de sa banlieue.

Plusieurs explications ont été données à cette démarche à laquelle les autorités libanaises et les forces du 14 Mars n’avaient pas arrêté d’appeler depuis que le Hezbollah a publiquement annoncé son engagement militaire auprès des forces de Bachar el-Assad.

Les lourdes pertes répétées dans les rangs des combattants hezbollahis, notamment au cours des dernières semaines en Syrie, auraient motivé ce repli, décidé par le secrétaire général du parti, sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, selon le dirigeant d’Amal. Les positions abandonnées auraient été remises à des éléments des gardiens de la révolution iranienne.

D’autres sources attribuent le retrait des 1 200 combattants au rapprochement américano-iranien qui s’est manifesté lors des travaux de la 68e session de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU, une explication qui ne fait cependant pas l’unanimité dans les milieux politiques.

Un premier retrait

Quoi qu’il en soit, des sources libanaises et occidentales des services de renseignements, citées par as-Siyassa, y ont vu un premier pas vers un retour des combattants du Hezbollah à leurs bases au Liban. De mêmes sources, on a estimé que c’est l’incapacité du parti de Dieu à prendre en main efficacement la sécurité dans les régions qu’il contrôle, que ce soit dans la banlieue sud, avec l’explosion de voitures piégées, ou à Baalbeck, avec les derniers affrontements communautaires, qui l’a poussé à faire le rappel de toutes ses troupes.

Le déploiement des forces de l’ordre dans la banlieue sud de Beyrouth s’inscrit dans le même ordre d’idée, rappelle-t-on de mêmes sources. À ce propos, il est intéressant de noter qu’après ce déploiement, le Hezbollah a renforcé, mais discrètement, ses mesures de sécurité dans le périmètre du camp palestinien de Bourj Brajneh, après avoir eu vent de l’arrivée de cellules salafistes sur les lieux. Celles-ci seraient en train de s’organiser en petits groupes et de s’armer.

Selon des sources de sécurité, citées par al-Markaziya, le contrôle du périmètre de Bourj Brajneh s’explique aussi par la détérioration des rapports du Hezbollah avec le Hamas, en raison de leurs divergences de vues sur la Syrie, ainsi qu’avec le Front populaire de libération de la Palestine-Commandement général. Le parti de Dieu accuse le FPLP-CG d’être noyauté par des réseaux hostiles et d’être engagé, au niveau de son commandement, dans un trafic d’armes au profit de l’opposition syrienne.

L'orient Le Jour

Baba Amro is in FSA hands, and in Qusair they hunted nobody as it was evacuated. In Qusair battle alone which took more than 40 days, I remember Hz fans used to post pictures of their rotten terrorists on their FB pages, at least 20-22 of them used to get killed on daily basis, but then they stopped posting anything.

You losers still whining over breaking in the evacuated teeny tiny Qusair while several areas and villages get liberated by the FSA every single day and we don't whine like this, you people are pathetic.

Here is my Psycho pagan terrorist, getting mad..:D Go fling yourself left and right damn you..


Here is my Psycho pagan terrorist, getting mad..:D Go fling yourself left and right damn you..


If Hezbollah lose 20 every month you lose hundreds the rotten are your dead dogs you fight against shia minority and this is the result what if you fight iraqi army mahdi army IRGC basij iranian army Hezbollah brigades in Iraq mukhtar army karar army badr corps fadilah party dawa party we will crush you in day
the only time Hezbollah ever fought in Syria was the battle of Qusyr City in Homs, and that is it, now Hezbollah operate on small scales on the Syrian and Lebanese borders, there are towns that are being targeted by F$A terrorists, thus Hezbollah has some of its soldiers in those villages... Hezbollah does not have any of their fighters in Syria anymore, except for the border villages... .

What warriors, brave of the brave.
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Hezbollah states its forbidden for muslims to follow a regime that's not accoding to Quran and Sunna, yet it helps a brutal opressive regime and helps slaugther muslims who want to create an islamic state on Quran and Sunna...

Anyway, Debka as a source? :cuckoo:
Hezbollah states its forbidden for muslims to follow a regime that's not accoding to Quran and Sunna, yet it helps a brutal opressive regime and helps slaugther muslims who want to create an islamic state on Quran and Sunna...

An Islamic state based on suppressing Shias and other minorities you mean? Assad never implemented a Islamic state, but he has helped various organizations with a Islamic orientation, like Hezbollah and Hamas, for quite some time now.
If Hezbollah lose 20 every month you lose hundreds the rotten are your dead dogs you fight against shia minority and this is the result what if you fight iraqi army mahdi army IRGC basij iranian army Hezbollah brigades in Iraq mukhtar army karar army badr corps fadilah party dawa party we will crush you in day

My dear, I said Hz used to lose 20 dogs every single DAY and I used to post their pictures and names from their own websites during Qusair battle. As a matter of fact, all mentioned terror groups are involved in fighting in Syria to support which was one of the strongest armies in the ME with 4700 tanks, 7000 APCs and IFVs, 4000 artillery, 1500 MRLS, 700 bombers/fighters, thousands of ballistic missiles, WMD and hundreds of thousands of trained soldiers and yet most of this arsenal was perished at the hands of Syrian people, most of areas, cities, villages and military positions fell into the hands of the FSA and and more are being liberated on daily basis. You are new here, you missed the updates I used to post in a form of videos so you don't have any chance to deny anything. :)

LOL at the wahabi arabs !! ;)

And what's wrong with those Vahabi Arabs my pagan friend? Does that have anything to do with their loathing of pagan terror groups?
My dear, I said Hz used to lose 20 dogs every single DAY and I used to post their pictures and names from their own websites during Qusair battle. As a matter of fact, all mentioned terror groups are involved in fighting in Syria to support which was one of the strongest armies in the ME with 4700 tanks, 7000 APCs and IFVs, 4000 artillery, 1500 MRLS, 700 bombers/fighters, thousands of ballistic missiles, WMD and hundreds of thousands of trained soldiers and yet most of this arsenal was perished at the hands of Syrian people, most of areas, cities, villages and military positions fell into the hands of the FSA and and more are being liberated on daily basis. You are new here, you missed the updates I used to post in a form of videos so you don't have any chance to deny anything. :)

And what's wrong with those Vahabi Arabs my pagan friend? Does that have anything to do with their loathing of pagan terror groups?
To be honest I am not new here I have read your posts since 2012 and I see that you are saudi fan you always glorifying them u said that they are the best warriors who spread islam to the east and west and the dogs are Hussein and his little puppie Abdullah and we behaeded your hero saddam on the eid becuase we didn't have sheep
To be honest I am not new here I have read your posts since 2012 and I see that you are saudi fan you always glorifying them u said that they are the best warriors who spread islam to the east and west and the dogs are Hussein and his little puppie Abdullah and we behaeded your hero saddam on the eid becuase we didn't have sheep

Well, I don't always "glorify" them, it's just that your likes haven't given us any chance to criticize them with your sick twisted hatred for them. And yeh, you killed Saddam :disagree:

Well, I don't always "glorify" them, it's just that your likes haven't given us any chance to criticize them with your sick twisted hatred for them. And yeh, you killed Saddam :disagree:

فشرت بنص عينك ولك الكلاب عبيد الصهيونية و الأمريكان انتم السفارة الإسرائيلية و لأمريكية عدد حراسها قد جيشكم طلعو الأمريكان و الصهاينة بعدين تكلمو عن المرجلة الي أصلا مالها وجود بقاموسكم حذاء حزب الله تاج راس اكبر فيكم تعالو حاربو ايران حتى نمحيكم من الوجود
فشرت بنص عينك ولك الكلاب عبيد الصهيونية و الأمريكان انتم السفارة الإسرائيلية و لأمريكية عدد حراسها قد جيشكم طلعو الأمريكان و الصهاينة بعدين تكلمو عن المرجلة الي أصلا مالها وجود بقاموسكم حذاء حزب الله تاج راس اكبر فيكم تعالو حاربو ايران حتى نمحيكم من الوجود

اخرس ولك حيوان
اخرس ولك حيوان

Watch your mouth see I made angry because that's the truth you can't stand and don't insult me or I will report you I know truth hurts:rolleyes::D:
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