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Hizballah secretly pulling out of its fighter in Syria

He is mad for the fact that we destroyed their Empire and enslaved their women. Not to mention the 600k annihilated by Abu 3udi.:lol:

كل زق و انطم يا اغم
Insulting is part of your Shia doctrine, You didn't spare the prophet's wives and his companions so here I find nothing surprising at all.

Happy Eid btw.:bounce:

You thanked his post and thank you for showing that your shahaba invaded lands for wealth and women not to islam barbaric acts in the name of islam did prophet or Quran say that???
Like Khalid did to Malik bin nuwayrah did islam teaching like this???
like iraq and lebenon ?? :wave:

plus the shia countries have the bulls to protect their country from invasion !!1

no insult bro , but us tries to destroy all muslim countries , no matter shia or sunni....
well i know most population in iraq is shia but Govt there was sunni, and Afghanistan , somalia. Pakistan etc etc
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