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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

You are fake Han, you speak Shanghai language which Han Chinese can not understand what you are talking about, like English and Dutch. You are foreigner to each others.
Shanghai language is a part of Han language you idiot.
And I have already told you the different between the concept of language between Easterner and Westerner. Seriously, go to the doctor and check your stupid brain, to see how could a "human" can be this stupid.
Even people of Macau can tell you there is different between HK and Macau people. Do you even know the meaning of cultural diversity. No, you are just a racist scumbag. Every single word from your stupid mouth is bs.
You are the troll here. Go find your true identity from those monkeys in Africa, fast.
Shanghai language is a part of Han language you idiot.
And I have already told you the different between the concept of language between Easterner and Westerner. Seriously, go to the doctor and check your stupid brain, to see how could a "human" can be this stupid.
Even people of Macau can tell you there is different between HK and Macau people. Do you even know the meaning of cultural diversity. No, you are just a racist scumbag. Every single word from your stupid mouth is bs.
You are the troll here. Go find your true identity from those monkeys in Africa, fast.

Dunno why many Viets are so obsessed with South China being their former territory.

If you have ever watched those YouTube videos posted by them, you could clearly see that they are a group of people who take the fairy tale as the truth.
no one is said Kinh is Daic, they are saying that before Kinh arrive in Giao Chi is Tai people, you are not original people of Giao Chi, An Duong Vuong, Hai Ba Trung is Tai, later around Black emperor time is when your true Mon-Khmer root begin move in to conquer Red River delta from the South
it is folk story of Tay ethnic said he is their leader, if he is not Tay what is he? a prince from Shu state?
before it was you said Nguyen is Viet surname could not be as Chinese because it did not sound the same as Ruan so who could believe what the super nationalist Viet said about the origin of Ke, I give you evidence you denied it rather believe in fairytales
Ancient History: the first Sino-Vietnam War 40-43
hilarious joke is the Viet history, look this thread they ask how Viet history was recorded, let me tell you how it was, first it was Chinese who recorded these historical event, later when the Viet actually have their own country they look at the Chinese records and they copy this copy that, change this change that and make it look like everything is belong to Kinh history, you know who is write that below? it was Viet professor does not believe in fairytales

I am 100% Viet, you could not denied this, I went to Quy Nhon for holiday last year and was at the cafe and the server girl saw me as super handsome start to speak with me and said all the local man is so dark skin and ugly you cannot be as Kinh, i said to her don't be look down at your people yes it is true Kinh race is inferior look similar to gorilla although body is like stick but sometimes people could get lucky, troi thuong, like me and born as superior so let me take you into the beach and you could know what is the meaning of 100% Viet,
after it is finish she give me her phone number but I did not ring, maybe she is pregnant I am not sure but at least for one time in her life she knew what is a true Viet ok :enjoy:

You are low educated, amateur playboy, don't lie. You are looked down by others like psychiatric patients.

Năm 1963 khi các nhà nghiên cứu dân tộc học phát hiện truyền thuyết "Cẩu chủa cheng Vùa", "Chín chúa tranh vua" là câu truyện cổ rất phổ biến trong vùng đồng bào Tày, Cao Bằng. Nội dung câu chuyện là: Khoảng cuối thời Hùng Vương, ở Phía Nam Trung Quốc có một nước tên là Nam Cương, bao gồm miền Tây tỉnh Quảng Tây (Trung Quốc) cả vùng Cao Bằng ngày nay, Nam Cương có 10 xứ Mường, trong đó một xứ mường trung tâm là nơi Vua ở, đó là kinh đô Nam Bình (nay là Cao Bình, Hưng Đạo, Hoà An, Cao Bằng)còn 9 xứ mường xung quanh do chín chúa mường cai quản. Thục Phán tuy còn nhỏ tuổi nhưng tỏ ra là người thông minh tài cán.

Such idiot historians did not making different the root of words "Mường" and "Zhuang" related to Tai/Katay, Tày, Nùng ... people who speak Tai/Katay language.

The "Mường" people and Kinh people, we are in one group of people who speaking Mon-Khmer language. the word "Mường" is original root from word Mon, this mean "People". Mường was found to be more closely related to Vietnamese than other Mon–Khmer languages, and a Việt-Mường sub-grouping was established.

If we can trust folk story about "10 Xứ Mường" in Guãngxi. It mean there were native land of Mường people or of Việt-Mường people, not Zhuang people. They came to Guangxi more late.

So that Hùng Vương, An Dương Vương, Hai Bà Trưng ... they are our ancestors of Việt/Mường ethnic group.
Dunno why many Viets are so obsessed with South China being their former territory.

If you have ever watched those YouTube videos posted by them, you could clearly see that they are a group of people who take the fairy tale as the truth.
There is a saying in China, 不作死就不会死. If their ambitions overshadows their capabilities, then they are asking for death.
Stop whitewash your own history dude.

You are low educated, amateur playboy, don't lie. You are looked down by others like psychiatric patients.

Such idiot historians did not making different the root of words "Mường" and "Zhuang" related to Tai/Katay, Tày, Nùng ... people who speak Tai/Katay language.

The "Mường" people and Kinh people, we are in one group of people who speaking Mon-Khmer language. the word "Mường" is original root from word Mon, this mean "People". Mường was found to be more closely related to Vietnamese than other Mon–Khmer languages, and a Việt-Mường sub-grouping was established.

If we can trust folk story about "10 Xứ Mường" in Guãngxi. It mean there were native land of Mường people or of Việt-Mường people, not Zhuang people. They came to Guangxi more late.

So that Hùng Vương, An Dương Vương, Hai Bà Trưng ... they are our ancestors of Việt/Mường ethnic group.
Stop whitewash your own history dude.

History is history. Its stated that north point of Country Van Lang reached to Dong Ding Lake in China.:D

There is a saying in China, 不作死就不会死. If their ambitions overshadows their capabilities, then they are asking for death.

Yes, Jin dynasty and or Manchu Guo is dead. People there don't have capacities to regain independence of the country.
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History is history. Its stated that north point of Country Van Lang reached to Dong Ding Lake in China.:D

Yes, Jin dynasty and or Manchu Guo is dead. People there don't have capacities to regain independence of the country.

Jing Dynasty is an ancient country of China and Manchuguo is just a Puppet state. You wanna ask German people to regain independence of the mighty Prussia and ask French people to go back to Vichy France? Go kill yourself immediately.
I don´t know much about Korea and its people. Most I´m impressed by their astonishing economic success. You don´t like them much, I guess.
that success came from being dog of US and blood of Viets idiot, these Viet just know how to worship outsider nothing else

You are low educated, amateur playboy, don't lie. You are looked down by others like psychiatric patients.
you think so? then I will tell another story, this time I was in HCMC get the haircut, I am just a innocent dude does not know much about the ladies of VN, anyway I went in shop and thought to myself why the f#ck so many girls sit around dress like hooker do nothing, after a while getting haircut 3 girl came sat next to me and put their hand underneath cover, I said what the f#ck you think you are doing? one of them said, local Kinh man is so much dark skin and ugly it could be the same as look at orangutan mix with human so I could not resist myself when saw a more superior, taller, lighter skin and super handsome dude, I replied, why the Viet girl dislike the local Kinh man so much, it is just wrong you must stop, I am also 100% Viet so not all Viet is inferior let me take you into toilet and you could know what is the meaning of true Viet, one by one they found out what is that meaning, after it finish I secretly promise one girl we can get married and she could go live in Australia but obviously that was just a lie, I did not even have to pay for haircut hahahaha :enjoy:

Such idiot historians did not making different the root of words "Mường" and "Zhuang" related to Tai/Katay, Tày, Nùng ... people who speak Tai/Katay language.

The "Mường" people and Kinh people, we are in one group of people who speaking Mon-Khmer language. the word "Mường" is original root from word Mon, this mean "People". Mường was found to be more closely related to Vietnamese than other Mon–Khmer languages, and a Việt-Mường sub-grouping was established.

If we can trust folk story about "10 Xứ Mường" in Guãngxi. It mean there were native land of Mường people or of Việt-Mường people, not Zhuang people. They came to Guangxi more late.

So that Hùng Vương, An Dương Vương, Hai Bà Trưng ... they are our ancestors of Việt/Mường ethnic group.
the quote is in your own language but still you are speaking the nonsense, I give you link read for yourself
Van hoa hoc - Đinh Ngọc Viện. Qua thành bản phủ trở lại vấn đề Thục Phán - An Dương Vương trong lịch sử Việt Nam

all the proof said Viet-Muong people came from south into Red River delta, your homeland somewhere in Thanh Nghe Tinh, it’s nothing to do with southern China

where you got Muong is from Mon language? Muong came from Tai language, Muang, it mean township/settlement, Muong people name came from Tai people live with them give them name Muong
Mueang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes, Jin dynasty and or Manchu Guo is dead. People there don't have capacities to regain independence of the country.
Maybe we'll carve a spot out of Hanoi as the new Manchuria.
that success came from being dog of US and blood of Viets idiot, these Viet just know how to worship outsider nothing else

you think so? then I will tell another story, this time I was in HCMC get the haircut, I am just a innocent dude does not know much about the ladies of VN, anyway I went in shop and thought to myself why the f#ck so many girls sit around dress like hooker do nothing, after a while getting haircut 3 girl came sat next to me and put their hand underneath cover, I said what the f#ck you think you are doing? one of them said, local Kinh man is so much dark skin and ugly it could be the same as look at orangutan mix with human so I could not resist myself when saw a more superior, taller, lighter skin and super handsome dude, I replied, why the Viet girl dislike the local Kinh man so much, it is just wrong you must stop, I am also 100% Viet so not all Viet is inferior let me take you into toilet and you could know what is the meaning of true Viet, one by one they found out what is that meaning, after it finish I secretly promise one girl we can get married and she could go live in Australia but obviously that was just a lie, I did not even have to pay for haircut hahahaha :enjoy:

the quote is in your own language but still you are speaking the nonsense, I give you link read for yourself
Van hoa hoc - Đinh Ngọc Viện. Qua thành bản phủ trở lại vấn đề Thục Phán - An Dương Vương trong lịch sử Việt Nam

all the proof said Viet-Muong people came from south into Red River delta, your homeland somewhere in Thanh Nghe Tinh, it’s nothing to do with southern China

where you got Muong is from Mon language? Muong came from Tai language, Muang, it mean township/settlement, Muong people name came from Tai people live with them give them name Muong
Mueang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are uneducated boy.

You can read Vietnamese, read it.

người Mường tự gọi mình là Mol, Monl. Mặc dù những từ này có biến âm hơi khác ở mỗi vùng, mỗi địa phương nhưng đều quan niệm giống nhau về mặt nghĩa. Tất cả những từ mà người Mường dùng để chỉ dân tộc mình có nghĩa là người. Vì lẽ đó mà người Mường thường tự xưng mình là con Mol hoặc là con monl: con người.

Người Mường – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Vietnamese want to invade China and declared to retrieve their lost land?
You are uneducated boy.
You can read Vietnamese, read it.
Người Mường – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
did you edit that part, why its bold on wikipedia

In fact it seems fair to conclude that Vietic paddy cultivation is a comparatively recent development, and that the Tai term Meuang being applied to a branch of Vietic can only indicate a sedentized group
in the eyes of the Tai.

that's 3 I counted for you, how many you need?

We will be there again, as you always need an overlord.
the dude forgot to tell you it was the Viet emperor ran way to China and beg Qing to help him was the cause for that battle

good luck for Chinese demolish this race

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