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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

Soong May-ling, Chiang kai-shek's wife.

《Cairo Declaration》
That is the root of the present problem! The makers of the Potsdam Declaration failed to determine what "minor islands" would be.
"the islands of Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine".

Japan argues the Senkakus are not part of the deal.
That attitude most applies to you China. Your claim of the SCS bases on:
"we are the first who sailed and catched fish". Who is idiot?

We were the first who sailed in the SCS, this is the fact.

But the Korean has never ruled the northeast part of China, they have pulled out this from their ***.
What did u learn history in Vietnam School ?

1943.11.25 Cairo Conference, U.S / China / Britain. 《Cairo Declaration》




It seems the Russian cooperated further with China together, Russia and China setup a military & security orgination: SCO ( Shanghai Cooperation Organization )




Problem is that without Soviet Union liberated Manchuria, destroyed Japan Imperial Guandong Army there and USA dropped two nukes on Japan, Japan is never given up.

and rest of China is ruled by Mao Zedong CPC and Chang Khaishek KMT until now like two Warlords.

If you like Cairo Declaration very much, you could accept that Taiwan is independence state.

A declassified CIA report written in March 1949 claimed that Taiwan was not part of the Republic of China, and therefore there had been no internationally recognized transfer of Taiwan's territorial sovereignty to China as a result of the Cairo Declaration or the Potsdam Declaration

Cairo Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Problem is that Soviet Union liberated Manchuria, destroyed Japan Imperial Guandong Army there and USA dropped two nukes on Japan. Japan is never given up and rest of China is ruled by Mao Zedong CPC and Chang Khaishek KMT until now like two Warlords.
What a STUPID statement !!!
Do u wanna deny Chinese fight against Japan in WWII ?
Do u wanna deny the legitimacy of today U.N ??
Funny enough !


Read this ==> 《Declaration by United Nations》
The Declaration by United Nations was a World War II document agreed on 1 January 1942 during the Arcadia Conference by 26 governments: the Allied "Big Four" (the US, the UK, the USSR, and China), nine American allies in Central America and the Caribbean, the four British Dominions, British India, and eight Allied governments-in-exile, for a total of twenty-six nations.

During December 1941, Roosevelt devised the name "United Nations" for the Allies of World War II, and the Declaration by United Nations, on 1 January 1942, was the basis of the modern UN. The term United Nations became synonymous during the war with the Allies and was considered to be the formal name that they were fighting under. The text of the declaration affirmed the signatories' perspective "that complete victory over their enemies is essential to defend life, liberty, independence and religious freedom, and to preserve human rights and justice in their own lands as well as in other lands, and that they are now engaged in a common struggle against savage and brutal forces seeking to subjugate the world". The principle of "complete victory" established an early precedent for the Allied policy of obtaining the Axis' powers' "unconditional surrender".

And dr. S10 should speak fluently Japanese and troll that how is superious Japan Emperor in WW II.:undecided:

If you like Cairo Declaration very much, you could accept that Taiwan is independence state.

Cairo Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Which country and their governments consider the TaiWan is not a part of China ? Ur VN try it ???

Do u read English in 《Cairo Declaration
The main points of the document were:
  • The Allies are not fighting Japan for their own territorial expansion.
  • The Allies are resolved to bring unrelenting military pressure against Japan until it agrees to unconditional surrender.
  • Japan shall be stripped of all islands she has seized or occupied in the Pacific since the beginning of World War I in 1914.
  • All the territories Japan has taken from China such as Manchuria (Dongbei), Formosa (Taiwan), and the Pescadores (Penghu), shall be restored to the Republic of China.
  • The Allies are determined that Korea shall become free and independent.
  • Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed.
List of World War II conferences

Do u wanna deny the Anti-Fascist Allies declaration in WWII ?
Do u wanna deny the founding nation(China) of United Nation during WWII ??
Do u wanna deny Chinese fights in WWII ???

What u are ? :crazy: Vietnam !:coffee::rofl: Do u like the axis of evil Japan ?

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HeHe...:pop: Comrades & Brothers ?! :coffee:

1950.7.7 China Mao sent General Cheng (陈赓 大将) to help Vietnam Ho, at that time Ho and his VCP hided in Jungles of North Vietnam. 1950 Ho Chi Minh meet General Cheng at his 'office'.



Im COOL ! Pls help us, General Cheng.


Later, Ho Chi Minh even wrote a letter to General Cheng thanks his helps for Vietam revolution. (BTW Ho Chi Minh understand Chinese very well, but today VNese can't.)
Sure, without Chinese weapons the Vietminh would have hard times to defeat the French in the battle of Dien Bien Phu, even impossible. However, Chinese and Vietnamese army Generals were divided in the questions of tactics and strategy.

When you China noticed the difference could not be overcome you withdrew from the battlefield before the decisive battle began. Anyway I would say China earns a credit.

What a STUPID statement !!!
Do u wanna deny Chinese fight against Japan in WWII ?
Do u wanna deny the legitimacy of today U.N ??
Funny enough !


Read this ==> 《Declaration by United Nations》

Which country and their governments consider the TaiWan is not a part of China ? Ur VN try it ???

Do u read English in 《Cairo Declaration

List of World War II conferences

Do u wanna deny the Anti-Fascist Allies declaration in WWII ?
Do u wanna deny the founding nation(China) of United Nation during WWII ??
Do u wanna deny Chinese fights in WWII ???

What u are ? :crazy: Vietnam !:coffee::rofl: Do u like the axis of evil Japan ?


What is wrong with you ? Kid.

Who liberated Manchuriain WW II, 1,000,000 Japanese soldiers were killed and and captured by Soviet Red Army, and Manchuria was handed back to CCP ?
- Soviet Union.

Who destroyed Japan in WW II with two nukes, it forced Japan Emperor to accept instrument of surrender ?
- United states of America.

Its truth, no need more comment.

What did China in WW II ?
Mao said: "Sitting on mountain, Watching Tigris in fighting". He taken his relax.

What did Vietnam in WW II ?
- Ho Chi Minh and his troops have been taken power from Japanese, part of weapons of Japanese were taken in August Revolution 1945. Ho Chi Minh pro-declared Independence of Vietnam from France Colonial and Japanese Nazism on 2nd September 1945.

Its enough said.
At the time, Vietnam under rule of France.
Vietnamese guerrilla is still weak, ...
Imagine how's fool a weak force fight both Japan and France.

Wish you know that, at the end of war, Japanese expect to transfer the weapon and occupation to Viet Minh ... some Japanese soldiers even join the Viet Minh ...

Don't talk about CCP, it's KMT who have something so-called fighting to Japanese army.

But It's Soviet who fight Japan in Manchuria and USA who order the Japan surrender to KMT.

Why CCP ?
At the time, Vietnam under rule of France.
Vietnamese guerrilla is still weak, ...
Imagine how's fool a weak force fight both Japan and France.

Wish you know that, at the end of war, Japanese expect to transfer the weapon and occupation to Viet Minh ... some Japanese soldiers even join the Viet Minh ...

Don't talk about CCP, it's KMT who have something so-called fighting to Japanese army.

But It's Soviet who fight Japan in Manchuria and USA who order the Japan surrender to KMT.

Why CCP ?

CPC was not the government at the time, but they proposed to fight against the Japanese invasion first, while those KMT cowards first only wanted to kill the Chinese communists instead of the Japanese invaders.

It was a KMT general who forced their leader to cooperate with CPC to fight against Imperial Japan.

Xi'an Incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's very proud of a force who know fight against invaders is good.
No matter which country.

In Vietnam, Viet Minh is the one. But it's more complicated than China.

Viet Nam under rule of France before Invasion of Japan.
At that time they consider it as 1 neck 2 slipknots ...

And Viet Minh ( communism ) still very weak, fight by sticks as I could describe
I must say these Vietnamese members lack basic knowledge of WWII history.:rofl:

All dreaming data from Vietnam.

What is wrong with you ? Kid.

Who liberated Manchuriain WW II, 1,000,000 Japanese soldiers were killed and and captured by Soviet Red Army, and Manchuria was handed back to CCP ?
- Soviet Union.
Red Army soldiers kill 1,000,000 Japanese soldiers in Manchuria of WWII ?

Japan Kwantung Army in Manchuria
Many of its personnel, such as Chiefs of StaffSeishirō Itagaki and Hideki Tōjō were promoted to high positions in both the military and civil government in the Empire of Japan and it was largely responsible for the creation of the Japanese-dominated Empire ofManchukuo.

In August 1945, the army group, only around 600,000 (from total 1,320,000) men at the time, was defeated by and surrendered to Soviet troops as a result of the Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation.

Nexttime, try to say Soviet Union defeat 1,000,000,000 Japanese soldiers.:tdown:

Who destroyed Japan in WW II with two nukes, it forced Japan Emperor to accept instrument of surrender ?
- United states of America.

Its truth, no need more comment.

What did China in WW II ?
Mao said: "Sitting on mountain, Watching Tigris in fighting". He taken his relax.
Read 《Declaration by United Nations》again.

Let me show ur fantastic guys, what 1945 《THE JAPANESE SURRENDER DOCUMENTS - WWII》said:

(The Department of State Bulletin, Vol. XIII, No. 318, July 29, 1945)

(1) We - the President of the United States, the President of the National Government of the Republic of China, and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, representing the hundreds of millions of our countrymen, have conferred and agree that Japan shall be given an opportunity to end this war.

(2) The prodigious land, sea and air forces of the United States, the British Empire and of China, many times reinforced by their armies and air fleets from the west, are poised to strike the final blows upon Japan. This military power is sustained and inspired by the determination of all the Allied Nations to prosecute the war against Japan until she ceases to resist.

(Department of State Bulletin, Vol. XIII, No. 320, Aug. 12, 1945)
August 10, 1945

"The Japanese Government are ready to accept the terms enumerated in the joint declaration which was issued at Potsdam on July 26th, 1945, by the heads of the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, and China, and later subscribed to by the Soviet Government, with the understanding that the said declaration does not comprise any demand which prejudices the prerogatives of His Majesty as a Sovereign Ruler.

"The Japanese Government sincerely hope that this understanding is warranted and desire keenly that an explicit indication to that effect will be speedily forthcoming."

In transmitting the above message the Japanese Minister added that his Government begs the Government of the United States to forward its answer through the intermediary of Switzerland. Similar requests are being transmitted to the Governments of Great Britain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics through the intermediary of Sweden, as well as to the Government of China through the intermediary of Switzerland. The Chinese Minister at Berne has already been informed of the foregoing through the channel of the Swiss Political Department.
General Douglas MacArthur has been appointed the Supreme Allied Commander to receive the Japanese surrender. Great Britain, Russia, and China will be represented by high-ranking officers.

August 14, 1945.
Sir: With reference to your communication of today's date, transmitting the reply of the Japanese Government to the communication which I sent through you to the Japanese Government on August 11, on behalf of the Governments of the United States, China, the United Kingdom, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which I regard as full acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration and of my statement of August 11, 1945, I have the honor to inform you that the President of the United States has directed that the following message be sent to you for transmission to the Japanese Government:

We, acting by command of and in behalf of the Emperor of Japan, the Japanese Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, hereby accept the provisions set forth in the declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the United States, China, and Great Britain on 26 July 1945 at Potsdam, and subsequently adhered to by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which four powers are hereafter referred to as the Allied Powers.


Signed at TOKYO BAY, JAPAN at 0904 on the SECOND day of SEPTEMBER, 1945

By Command and in behalf of the Emperor of Japan and the Japanese Government

By Command and in behalf of the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters

Accepted at TOKYO BAY, JAPAN at 0903 on the SECOND day of SEPTEMBER, 1945, for the United States, Republic of China, United Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and in the interests of the other United Nations at war with Japan.

Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers

United States Representative

Republic of China Representative

(7) Translation of Emperor Hirohito's Receipt of the Surrender documents
Accepting the terms set forth in the Declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, and China on July 26th, 1945 at Potsdam and subsequently adhered to by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, We have commanded the Japanese Imperial Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters to sign on Our behalf the Instrument of Surrender presented by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers and to issue General Orders to the Military and Naval Forces in accordance with the direction of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. We command all Our people forthwith to cease hostilities, to lay down their arms and faithfully to carry out all the provisions of Instrument of Surrender and the General Orders issued by the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters hereunder.

(8) INSTRUMENT OF SURRENDER of the Japanese and Japanese-Controlled Armed Forces in the Philippine Islands to the Commanding General United States Army Forces, Western Pacific
Pursuant to and in accordance with the proclamation of the Emperor of Japan accepting the terms set forth in the declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, and China on 26 July 1945; at Potsdam and subsequently adhered to by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; and to the formal instrument of surrender of the Japanese Imperial Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters signed at Tokyo Bay at 0908 on 2 September 1945:


The loser of WWII signing the Instrument of Surrender on behalf of the Japanese Government, formally ending World War II. 《THE JAPANESE SURRENDER DOCUMENTS - WWII》


We, acting by command of and in behalf of the Emperor of Japan, the Japanese Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, hereby accept the provisions set forth in the declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the United States, China, and Great Britain on 26 July 1945 at Potsdam, and subsequently adhered to by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which four powers are hereafter referred to as the Allied Powers.

We hereby proclaim the unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers of the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters and of all Japanese armed forces and all armed forces under the Japanese control wherever situated.

We hereby command all Japanese forces wherever situated and the Japanese people to cease hostilities forthwith, to preserve and save from damage all ships, aircraft, and military and civil property and to comply with all requirements which my be imposed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or by agencies of the Japanese Government at his direction.

We hereby command the Japanese Imperial Headquarters to issue at once orders to the Commanders of all Japanese forces and all forces under Japanese control wherever situated to surrender unconditionally themselves and all forces under their control.

We hereby command all civil, military and naval officials to obey and enforce all proclamations, and orders and directives deemed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers to be proper to effectuate this surrender and issued by him or under his authority and we direct all such officials to remain at their posts and to continue to perform their non-combatant duties unless specifically relieved by him or under his authority.

We hereby undertake for the Emperor, the Japanese Government and their successors to carry out the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration in good faith, and to issue whatever orders and take whatever actions may be required by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or by any other designated representative of the Allied Powers for the purpose of giving effect to that Declaration.

We hereby command the Japanese Imperial Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters at once to liberate all allied prisoners of war and civilian internees now under Japanese control and to provide for their protection, care, maintenance and immediate transportation to places as directed.

The authority of the Emperor and the Japanese Government to rule the state shall be subject to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers who will take such steps as he deems proper to effectuate these terms of surrender.

Signed at TOKYO BAY, JAPAN at 0904 on the SECOND day of SEPTEMBER, 1945

By Command and in behalf of the Emperor of Japan and the Japanese Government

By Command and in behalf of the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters

Accepted at TOKYO BAY, JAPAN at 0903 on the SECOND day of SEPTEMBER, 1945, for the United States, Republic of China, United Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and in the interests of the other United Nations at war with Japan.

Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers

United States Representative

Republic of China Representative

United Kingdom Representative

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Representative

Commonwealth of Australia Representative

Dominion of Canada Representative

Provisional Government of the French Republic Representative

Kingdom of the Netherlands Representative

Dominion of New Zealand Representative

What did Vietnam in WW II ?
- Ho Chi Minh and his troops have been taken power from Japanese, part of weapons of Japanese were taken in August Revolution 1945. Ho Chi Minh pro-declared Independence of Vietnam from France Colonial and Japanese Nazism on 2nd September 1945.

Its enough said.

:china: China is the WINNER of WWII, it's defined by International Laws came from 《Declaration by United Nations》,《THE JAPANESE SURRENDER DOCUMENTS - WWII》, BIG FOUR of anti-fascist Allies, 1941-1945 WWII Allies Declarations.

Compared with China did in WWII and defeat Japs, Vietnam is ZERO.

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Pham Tuan flied to the space on the spaceship of CCCP doesn't mean Vietnam could explore the space.

To be frank, where are you Chinese, when Soviet Red Army force Japanese in Manchukuo surrender ?

And without the pushes of Soviet and USA, your weak forces could beat Japanese in China mainland ?
Pham Tuan flied to the space on the spaceship of CCCP doesn't mean Vietnam could explore the space.

To be frank, where are you Chinese, when Soviet Red Army force Japanese in Manchukuo surrender ?

And without the pushes of Soviet and USA, your weak forces could beat Japanese in China mainland ?
China did much better than the slaver of Japs in WWII. :coffee: And the Emperor of Japan in 1945 surrended to Chinese. ↑ Japs wrote 《THE JAPANESE SURRENDER DOCUMENTS》and signed it.
China was occupied by Japan until USSR and USA come for help, ...
And it's KMT , that's why after that China ( now CPC ) continue to say bad about the helpers.

USA come for help Viet Minh too, and in 1945 Independent Day of Vietnam there's Americans together with President Ho Chi Minh.
Pham Tuan flied to the space on the spaceship of CCCP doesn't mean Vietnam could explore the space.

To be frank, where are you Chinese, when Soviet Red Army force Japanese in Manchukuo surrender ?

And without the pushes of Soviet and USA, your weak forces could beat Japanese in China mainland ?

Our "weak force" had resisted Imperial Japan for more than 4 years without the help from USA and USSR.

Imperial Japan invaded us in July 1937, and USA declared the war against Imperial Japan until December 1941.

USSR had to keep an eye on Nazi Germany in Europe, since she couldn't start a full war campaign against Imperial Japan until the defeat of the Nazi Germany.

Imperial Japan had occupied our eastern coast and northeast part, but she had never fully occupied China, unlike France being fully occupied by Nazi Germany.
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