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Then what exactly is Vietnam traditional language, aside from Chinese and Chữ Nôm ?
When talking, we use Vietnamese (grammar + pronunciation).
When writing,Vietnamese used Chinese characters with Chinese grammar. But we pronounce it by Vietnamese voice. Everyone can heard it but only elite can read and understand the meaning :cray:
Khmer language is non tonal with "rrrr" sound. Thai and Viet are tonal without "rrrr" sound. I bet we are in the same family as Chinese. Thai and Chinese Manddarin share a lot similar words. pa - lips, sai- sand

at begining, vietnamese language was no tonal and multy-silable, it is developed later on and becoming tonal and mono-silable.

For exemple, in the past we say "B'lơi" (God or Heaven in English), today we say "Trời" (Hán Việt : Thiên or Tian in Chinese).
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People in China/Taiwan/HK/Japan etc can learn Chinese character, why can't Viets ? It's not like Viets are dumber.
I'm talking about written language

since 2000 year ago, I think only Han Zi and Chữ Nôm existed in Vietnam. I'm doubt about this characters were found by same mighty document preserved by Muong people in Vietnam.

People in China/Taiwan/HK/Japan etc can learn Chinese character, why can't Viets ? It's not like Viets are dumber.
:omghaha:Calm down my Chinese dude!
Everyone on the world can learn Chinese character, not only smart people.
But we see Chinese character is difficult to learn and remember. And Latin writing system is easy.
We Vietnamese have the right to choose what writing system we like :cheers:
People in China/Taiwan/HK/Japan etc can learn Chinese character, why can't Viets ? It's not like Viets are dumber.

don't troll kid.

we don't like idiot chinese say that we copy Han zi from you. It ís better to stop it.
don't troll kid.

we don't like idiot chinese say that we copy Han zi from you. It ís better to stop it.

Does it even matter ? Japanese never mind that Kanji was from China, People never thought about England when they speak English.

Don't be paranoid, we're not going to charge you royalty fees for using Chinese character.:lol:

:omghaha:Calm down my Chinese dude!
Everyone on the world can learn Chinese character, not only smart people.
But we see Chinese character is difficult to learn and remember. And Latin writing system is easy.
We Vietnamese have the right to choose what writing system we like :cheers:

Latin writing doesn't have any historical root in Vietnam, it's not the language your ancestor use.

You claim that you are proud of your long history but refuse your historical language, this makes your claim very unpersuasive.
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Latin writing doesn't have any historical root in Vietnam, it's not the language your ancestor use.
You claim that you are proud of your long history but refuse your historical language, this makes your claim very unpersuasive.
Friend, we proud of our long history but we choose the best thing for our future. It's just the writing system, not the speaking and grammar.
You Chinese has changed the Chinese traditional character to simple character. It's same as us.
Friend, we proud of our long history but we choose the best thing for our future. It's just the writing system, not the speaking and grammar.
You Chinese has changed the Chinese traditional character to simple character. It's same as us.

I am all for traditional character, I hate simplified character, but I don't make rules.

I insist that Han Zi is not difficult for Vietnam public to learn, while our Viets friends insist that it is too difficult for them to learn. So who is the one insulting Vietnamese intelligence and capability now ?
don't troll kid.

we don't like idiot chinese say that we copy Han zi from you. It ís better to stop it.
Except that Vietnamese did copy Hanzi,just like most of your culture is derived from China.

Then again you're trying to deny that 漢 means Chinese,so its not surprising you'll try to deny Hanzi as well.
I am all for traditional character, I hate simplified character, but I don't make rules.

I insist that Han Zi is not difficult for Vietnam public to learn, while our Viets friends insist that it is too difficult for them to learn. So who is the one insulting Vietnamese intelligence and capability now ?
Okay, Han Zi is not difficult for us to learn, but it waste our time to learn when learning Latin is much faster and Han Zi is quite useless in VN.

So we dont wanna waste our time for some unimportant things, thats all, bro :pop:

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