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Chinese written language is one of the hardest to master. Unlike Latin alphabet where there's only 26 letters , there are thousands of Hanzi characters. Mastery of Chinese written language takes years to accomplish.

There is thousands of common used Hanzi, you can combine them to form new words, and those words are easy to understand the meaning and speak out, only if you master the several thousand Hanzi. If you know each Hanzi's meaning, you will know the combination's meaning. While English is different, in each professional field with natural science, every letter can form a totally new words, you can read it, but you will never know its meaning. So this is Hanzi's advantage. With only limited number of characters, you will know more words. Hanzi is more conclusive and broad.
Chinese written language is one of the hardest to master. Unlike Latin alphabet where there's only 26 letters , there are thousands of Hanzi characters. Mastery of Chinese written language takes years to accomplish.

thousands of Hanzi characters are not alphabets, they are words made up by the same type of strokes, as 26 alphabets make up millions of words, which some are also hard to spell out some times? the English dictionary is just as big as the Chinese one right?

I think Japanese should understand this better than any, the difference between Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana, just as we have Pinyin needed to interface with computers which were invented by the west, if so difficult, why is Kanji still being used in Japan?
Chinese written language is one of the hardest to master. Unlike Latin alphabet where there's only 26 letters , there are thousands of Hanzi characters. Mastery of Chinese written language takes years to accomplish.
Chinese abandoned their clothing style, housing style, hair style etc and adopt many kinds of Western style,its time for Chinese to abandon their character, too coz many of them can not write it property now :P
Im saying that Chinese character is hard to memorize and write properly, not abt literacy.

Every VNese can write VNese easily when lots of Chinese worry that they cant write their character property now.

You don't need to memorize all of it, nowadays most of word processing are being done on computer, even people who don't know how to write Chinese character by hand can type it using PinYin input
thousands of Hanzi characters are not alphabets, they are words made up by the same type of strokes, as 26 alphabets make up millions of words, which some are also hard to spell out some times? the English dictionary is just as big as the Chinese one right?

I think Japanese should understand this better than any, the difference between Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana, just as we have Pinyin needed to interface with computers which were invented by the west, if so difficult, why is Kanji still being used in Japan?

This is exactly my point. 汉字说到底就是那么几千个常用字,可以组成很多语言和词语,你只要明白每个字的意思,大概就懂得这个词的意思。英语完全不一样,不同字母组成的新词层出不穷,根本不好记忆的,虽然词根有迹可循,但是词义还是无法明了。
I feel sorry for Vietnam.

Vietnam culture had been changed a lot during French colonial era. The French forced Vietnam abolish her traditional language and adopt French designed alphabet language.Viets were culturally conquered and totally brainwashed by white men.

Why does Vietnam continue to use this language left by former master, even after you get independent from France ? This language is a symbol of shame and humiliation. Why can't Vietnam grow some self-esteem and do what Algeria did, reinstate traditional language's official status(in Algeria's case is Arabic) as soon as you become your own men ?
Because Chinese was also the language of another master, who failed to protect VN from the West. It was never the traditional language of our ancestor, as it was only used by the few elite and governers. Also like I said the leaders at that time (1940s) needed a new writing system for their people (for better education), and latin alphabet was the best candinate.
This is exactly my point. 汉字说到底就是那么几千个常用字,可以组成很多语言和词语,你只要明白每个字的意思,大概就懂得这个词的意思。英语完全不一样,不同字母组成的新词层出不穷,根本不好记忆的,虽然词根有迹可循,但是词义还是无法明了。
and grammar of Chinese is the easiest, whatever the way you combine words, Chinese speaker can understand you immediately, maybe some weird sense, but DOES NO MATTER.
and grammar of Chinese is the easiest, whatever the way you combine words, Chinese speaker can understand you immediately, maybe some weird sense, but DOES NO MATTER.

Using Han Zi (chinese characters) to writing is like learning one foreign language. Our language belong to Mon/Khmer language, Chinese belong to Sino-Tibetan. Only elite people studied Han Zi can understand. I post here one text quoted from my Family Tree:

遵 奉
如 來 遺 教 臣 弟子字 法 道 謹 誠 隍 誠 恐 稽 首 叩 首 百 拜
上 言 伏 以

I translated in to Han Viet sound what elite read and say in voices:

tuân phụng
như lai di giáo thần đệ tử pháp đạo cẩn thành hoàng thành khủng khể thủ khấu thủ bách bái
Thượng ngôn phục dĩ

I think all my country man who did not studied Han Zi, could not understand correctly what is this. This is very stranger sound for ordinary Vietnamese people to hear it.

So, using Latin alphabet for writing Vietnamese is best solution for us.
Because Chinese was also the language of another master, who failed to protect VN from the West. It was never the traditional language of our ancestor, as it was only used by the few elite and governers. Also like I said the leaders at that time (1940s) needed a new writing system for their people (for better education), and latin alphabet was the best candinate.

What about Chữ Nôm ?
Using Han Zi (chinese characters) to writing is like learning one foreign language. Our language belong to Mon/Khmer language, Chinese belong to Sino-Tibetan. Only elite people studied Han Zi can understand. I post here one text quoted from my Family Tree:

遵 奉
如 來 遺 教 臣 弟子字 法 道 謹 誠 隍 誠 恐 稽 首 叩 首 百 拜
上 言 伏 以

I translated in to Han Viet sound what elite read and say in voices:

tuân phụng
như lai di giáo thần đệ tử pháp đạo cẩn thành hoàng thành khủng khể thủ khấu thủ bách bái
Thượng ngôn phục dĩ

I think all my country man who did not studied Han Zi, could not understand correctly what is this. This is very stranger sound for ordinary Vietnamese people to hear it.

So, using Latin alphabet for writing Vietnamese is best solution for us.
Sound is great but I don't understand the meaning :hitwall:
Sound is great but I don't understand the meaning :hitwall:

he he, I think chinese member can understand what does this text mean in Han Zi . but vietnamese member does not understand it even thought it translated in to Han Viet text. :D
Using Han Zi (chinese characters) to writing is like learning one foreign language. Our language belong to Mon/Khmer language, Chinese belong to Sino-Tibetan. Only elite people studied Han Zi can understand. I post here one text quoted from my Family Tree:

遵 奉
如 來 遺 教 臣 弟子字 法 道 謹 誠 隍 誠 恐 稽 首 叩 首 百 拜
上 言 伏 以

I translated in to Han Viet sound what elite read and say in voices:

tuân phụng
như lai di giáo thần đệ tử pháp đạo cẩn thành hoàng thành khủng khể thủ khấu thủ bách bái
Thượng ngôn phục dĩ

I think all my country man who did not studied Han Zi, could not understand correctly what is this. This is very stranger sound for ordinary Vietnamese people to hear it.

So, using Latin alphabet for writing Vietnamese is best solution for us.
Khmer language is non tonal with "rrrr" sound. Thai and Viet are tonal without "rrrr" sound. I bet we are in the same family as Chinese. Thai and Chinese Manddarin share a lot similar words. pa - lips, sai- sand
Khmer language is non tonal with "rrrr" sound. Thai and Viet are tonal without "rrrr" sound. I bet we are in the same family as Chinese. Thai and Chinese Manddarin share a lot similar words. pa - lips, sai- sand
I'm afraid not
Let me tell you the truth:
lips-zui chun 嘴唇,sand-sha 沙(砂)
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