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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

I am all for traditional character, I hate simplified character, but I don't make rules.

I insist that Han Zi is not difficult for Vietnam public to learn, while our Viets friends insist that it is too difficult for them to learn. So who is the one insulting Vietnamese intelligence and capability now ?
Well, I said that Chinese character are more difficultly to write and remember than Latin.
IMHO, smart people choose the easiest way to do :pleasantry:
Okay, Han Zi is not difficult for us to learn, but it waste our time to learn when learning Latin is much faster and Han Zi is quite useless in VN.

So we dont wanna waste our time for some unimportant things, thats all, bro :pop:

Primary education duration is the same in China and Vietnam, you're not saving any time by learning Latin .
Primary education duration is the same in China and Vietnam, you're not saving any time by learning Latin .
After the Primary education , VN kids can read and write VN character well when Chinese even after high school graduated still forget some characters
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
-Albert Einstein

Quốc ngữ was chosen and widely used by the people in Vietnam as their own system of writing starting around the early 1700s. This was before French Indochina in 1887. At that time, the ruling monarch was still using Confucian Script as the official writing system. It wasn't until 1918-1921 when Confucian Script was completely abolished by the ruling monarch in favor of the majority.

Other writing systems did not work for the people of this land as a whole. There is no one perfect system for all. For now, Quốc ngữ appears to be working for many of the inhabitants out of the 54 ethnic groups in Vietnam. Although, this is just the beginning. A fully educated country is a strong, wealthy and prosperous country.

The issue is not on which writing system is better than the other, nor is it about influences of one culture to another. The above history may be conceived as dangerous for many ruling classes because it demonstrates how the voices of the majority can topple and change status quo. Even so, an elastic government that can check and sustain the balance of powers between itself and the people will not fall. This is what our generation should focus our energy towards building.
I feel sorry for Vietnam.

Vietnam culture had been changed a lot during French colonial era. The French forced Vietnam abolish her traditional language and adopt French designed alphabet language.Viets were culturally conquered and totally brainwashed by white men.

Why does Vietnam continue to use this language left by former master, even after you get independent from France ? This language is a symbol of shame and humiliation. Why can't Vietnam grow some self-esteem and do what Algeria did, reinstate traditional language's official status(in Algeria's case is Arabic) as soon as you become your own men ?
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Well, I said that Chinese character are more difficultly to write and remember than Latin.
IMHO, smart people choose the easiest way to do :pleasantry:

If we write in Pinyin, we'd also spell 100%,
but this is where we are different? our written language is more than just a tool for us, it is what defines our culture(i think Indians, Koreans, Japanese would all agree) , If you had your own, you'd understand :sarcastic:
I would like to add that, even though Confucian Script was abolished, Confucian's teaching still remain and preserved as the base of Vietnamese culture and way of thinking.
I would like to think that Vietnam, is a fusion (a melting pot) of many cultures, which, in itself is unique. Like many soups, it is composed of many different ingredients, but the name of the soup defines itself.

India is a country full of mystics and great sages (Guru) throughout its history. Please specify which scripts are used to define its culture. Please correct me if I am wrong. Currently it is officially Devanagari script, Hindu and English. Other Brahmic scripts within the family include, but not limited to Aramaic script, Gupta script (5th century), Siddhaṃ alphabet (6th century), Grantha alphabet (6th century), Vatteluttu alphabet (8th century), Śāradā script (9th century), Devanagari (10th century), modern Telugu script, undeciphered Indus script, and Tamil (Damili). There is also Vedic sanskrit plus many more.
If we write in Pinyin, we'd also spell 100%,
but this is where we are different? our written language is more than just a tool for us, it is what defines our culture(i think Indians, Koreans, Japanese would all agree) , If you had your own, you'd understand :sarcastic:
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Primary education duration is the same in China and Vietnam, you're not saving any time by learning Latin .
"Quốc ngữ", or VNese latin writing was created by a French Christian priest to match the oral language of VNese people. It focuses on recording the vocal of the language, rather than the meaning of words (while both Chinese and English focus more on the meaning of words, less on the vocal). Also VNese has a loose grammar structure, and the speaking grammar is a nightmare to any foreigners want to learn VNese.

Choosing Latin over Hanzi was a historical choice, and 3-4 generation has passed since then. VNese get used to using latin writing system which has become part of VNese culture, and will resist any changes to that. Also I am learning Japanese and their kanji so I know how hard it is to switch from latin to other type of writing system. Even simple hiragana letters take me hours of practice to write without feeling awkward.
since 2000 year ago, I think only Han Zi and Chữ Nôm existed in Vietnam. I'm doubt about this characters were found by same mighty document preserved by Muong people in Vietnam.

View attachment 50648

I think we have writing characters more early, from 2,500 year.


Bàn về việc sử dụng chữ Hán và nguy cơ nô dịch văn hóa - Góc nhìn - Giaoduc.net.vn
earlier than who? the Filipinos? btw if you say it is Vietnamese, care to translate whats on the writing?

2,500 year is early than 2,000 year what dichoi said.

Han chinese Ma Yuan 馬援 was criminal when he invaded in our country, he burnt our book an stolen our bronze drums to china.
By that time of Ma Yuan, VN was still far from a normal country or a culture...
It is until the VN get independent from China that concept of a country and culture was formed

2,500 year is early than 2,000 year what dichoi said.

Han chinese Ma Yuan 馬援 was criminal when he invaded in our country, he burnt our book an stolen our bronze drums to china.
Chinese characters is more difficult to learn than latins.
That is why many country use language like latins that represent the speaking language, rather than meaning
Yet Chinese the most efficient language in the world.
Also help to keep China united even people speak different language.

"Quốc ngữ", or VNese latin writing was created by a French Christian priest to match the oral language of VNese people. It focuses on recording the vocal of the language, rather than the meaning of words (while both Chinese and English focus more on the meaning of words, less on the vocal). Also VNese has a loose grammar structure, and the speaking grammar is a nightmare to any foreigners want to learn VNese.

Choosing Latin over Hanzi was a historical choice, and 3-4 generation has passed since then. VNese get used to using latin writing system which has become part of VNese culture, and will resist any changes to that. Also I am learning Japanese and their kanji so I know how hard it is to switch from latin to other type of writing system. Even simple hiragana letters take me hours of practice to write without feeling awkward.
Chinese characters is more difficult to learn than latins.
That is why many country use language like latins that represent the speaking language, rather than meaning
Yet Chinese the most efficient language in the world.
Also help to keep China united even people speak different language.
Dude, the sole purpose of any writing system is recording, whether it is dialogues, stories or histories. Don't twist it for any propaganda purpose, like unity or political purpose.
I believe each language and writing system has its own strong points. That's why people keep using them. Those that don't simply cease to exist.
Right, simply the language is to record and communicate..Any language can work
Yet the advantage of Chinese is much significant compare with Latin language..
In modern education, Chinese is not difficult to learn.

Dude, the sole purpose of any writing system is recording, whether it is dialogues, stories or histories. Don't twist it for any propaganda purpose, like unity or political purpose.
I believe each language and writing system has its own strong points. That's why people keep using them. Those that don't simply cease to exist.

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