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Hindu Terrorism and Pakistan-India relations

I could have also said, after reading Ramayan you are asking who is RAM. The point is, after posting 10-12 posts if some one asks what are we talking about, it sounds funny. This is a common phrase in India.

Well you should have stuck to your phrase! Because seriously....It did not make sense when you tried it for the Quran...Keep it in mind...Stick with what you are better at do not try to change it for something you do not understand....
terrorism is done by mad men and has nothing to do with faith. like crusaders were justifying their actions by faith however, they were plundering constantinople! similarly the muslim killings of bosnians was religiously fueled but the rapes were not justified by religion!
Madam, where does secularism comes in,

The phrase Ramayan khatam ho gayi tum pooch rahe ho Ram kaun tha, means, Entire discussion and story is over and you are asking who was the main character.

He is pointing out that You all are talking about RSS, but you don't know what RSS is ?

well he used a different example...Stick to your own discussion...
:lol: with 3 examples of a Hindu group planting bombs in last 5-10 years, the home minister of India (who is a Hindu himself) is talking about the dangers of Hindu terrorism..

With thousands killed in Pakistan alone last year due to the bane of Islamic extremism, most Pakistanis cringe at the word Islamic terrorism and are ready to wage Jihad against the ones using the term

Wonder who is in denial :D

Well we have to give it to this guy he accepts terrorism in Pakistan but wants to prove we are no better !!!!
Spies do not terrorize people? Hmmm...Spies are more terrifying! They steal intelligence and kill any innocent getting in the way...

but how does it relate to Hindu Terrorism? India is a secular country even IF there are Indian spies in Pakistan, they could be Muslims too, Sikh too, Christians too.
bhai mere, why are you mixing the terms. Espionage etc are done by some specific organizations in Govt on both sides. Our IB chief is a Muslim so how can you call it a Hindu terrorism IF he is also involved?

Your are specifically talking about Hindu terrorism.

"Cross border terrorism" is the key word here, dude!

An indian terrorist who killed so many Pakistanis by bomb blast was caught red handed, and is waiting for hanging in the jail. You wanted to have an example, I gave you one.
well he used a different example...Stick to your own discussion...

do not be radical now. others understand it well and I do not have to clarify it over and over again just to satisfy your ego.

"Cross border terrorism" is the key word here, dude!

An indian terrorist who killed so many Pakistanis was caught red handed, and is waiting for hanging in the jail. You wanted to have an example, I gave you one.

no The key word is the HIndu Terrorism. We are discussing on that.
Well we have to give it to this guy he accepts terrorism in Pakistan but wants to prove we are no better !!!!

Every time I read a thread like this, it reminds me of Pakistan's Olympic Hockey coach who said when his team got knocked out of Olympics "so what if we are out.. We did better than India " :rofl:
but how does it relate to Hindu Terrorism? India is a secular country even IF there are Indian spies in Pakistan, they could be Muslims too, Sikh too, Christians too.

Hmmmm....surprisingly most found were uncircumcised! So I am leaning towards everything else except Muslims....which is surprising thinking to adjust in a Muslim country you guys would send Muslim spies :D
All I asked is for Contrarian to vouch for his govt as he proudly presents it not being involved in any terrorist attacks!

I asked how does he know, does your govt announce EVERY TIME they plot a terrorist attack or everytime they send a terrorist? And when Pakistan catches 1, all India has to do is deny! So, can you vouch for your country?

What we say is irrelevant,because we are not in position of power.Till this date,there has been no instances of Indian govt sending terrorists to other countries.But multiple Pakistani PM/President have acknowledged that Pakistani state has harboured terrorists(ofcourse they said so when they were either in exile or when not in office).So,I will not ask you the same question,for we and the World already knows that Pakistan had been harbouring terrorism.
do not be radical now. others understand it well and I do not have to clarify it over and over again just to satisfy your ego.

no The key word is the HIndu Terrorism. We are discussing on that.

Well, in a discussion if one goes overboard, it is only wise to tell him about it instead of letting the hatred grow...
Anyway Shinde or no Shinde, I dont care what this bootlicker of the Gandhi clan has to say except just feeling sorry for the political opportunism in my country and how bashing one religion, the majority religion, even without any proof is considered to be the epitome of secularism.

Proud to be a RSS supporter.
Hmmmm....surprisingly most found were uncircumcised! So I am leaning towards everything else except Muslims....which is surprising thinking to adjust in a Muslim country you guys would send Muslim spies :D

I said IF. :tdown:
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