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Hindu Terrorism and Pakistan-India relations

Been a passive monitor of these forums for quite some time and one thing never stops amazing me: It is the level of delusion and denial that our indian neighbors are living in. When it comes to terrorism, it is only Pakistan that is capable of these unhuman acts (so goes their narrative) . Now, we Pakistanis know and acknowledge that there is a terrorist problem in our country. But what about india? Do they not have Hindu terrorists in their homeland, operating with full freedom and backing from the mainstream political parties?

When are they going to wake up acknowledge that these hindu terrorists will never allow peace between the two countries and finally stop supporting those? After all, if you are taking the moral high ground, you should start from yourself first.

So instead of condemning your home minister now, just listen to him for a change and acknowledge that the hindu terrorism is thriving in india with every passing day. And as long as these terrorists get support from common public and media, I do not see any hope for a peace between Pakistan and india.

w.w w. indianexpress. com /news/bjp-rss-conducting-terror-training-camps-shushil-kumar-shinde/1062119/"

Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde today accused BJP and RSS of conducting 'terror training' camps to spread saffron terrorism in the country.

"Reports have come during investigation that BJP and RSS conduct terror training camps to spread terrorism...Bombs were planted in Samjhauta express, Mecca Masjid and also a blast was carried out in Malegaon.

"We will have to think about it seriously and will have to remain alert," he said at the AICC meeting here.

As his remarks came under attack from BJP and RSS, Shinde later said, "This has come so many times in the papers...It is not a new thing that I have said today.

"This is saffron terrorism that I have talked about. It is the same thing and nothing new. It has come in the media several times," the Home Minister said.

To a question if it was Hindu terrorism or saffron terrorism, he said, "This is saffron terrorism (that) I have stated."

Shinde said that infiltration from Pakistan, insurgency in the north east and Naxalism were the main challenges before the country.

"Infiltration is from Pakistan, insurgency is in some states in the north east and Naxalism is another challenge. Environment is being created against peace but the department will do its complete work," he said.

The Home Minister said a solution to Naxalism could through initiation of development in the affected areas.

"Facilities will have be provided to bring peace in Naxal-affected areas," he said.

Firstly if the purpose of your post is to say that we Indians are oblivious to the fundamentalist attitude and ideals and actions of certain groups whether Hindu or whatever religion u are delusional my friend. There is a big brigade who will be crying at top of their voices about this occurrence.

Secondly if u might excuse me by not bringing semantic issue there is a big difference between fundamentalism and Terrorism. You can compare them easily. You see the word for the Hindutva groups first was fundamentalists only however given the romance with the words terrorism and terrorists our secular groups thought that we should have a bigger stick to beat with so right now they have been upgraded v 2.0 to terrorists.

Thirdly these guys which u so eloquently said were being funded by political parties don't roam free in the society, they are arrested and tried for crimes. This is about those who use violence, now coming to those who use speeches are also slapped with legal cases for inciting communal hatred. Will u agree that basing on these actions we are surely correcting the problem through constitutional means??

Where did u see that the capacity to commit inhuman acts is a forte of Pakistan's being said ?? Through out history many persons of different nationalities have committed them!!

How did u come to the conclusion that these fundamentalists don't want unity between India and Pakistan?? have they stated their goals as such or did they commit these atrocities right when peace talks were going on ?? Now i have not made a single comment on Pakistani side and have explained as much as i can on the questions raised. So pray tell me did u mean to say through your post that it is because of these fundamentalist groups we Pakistan and India are not having peace or is there a host of other issues too??
So terror does have a religion, after all..

Good for Mr.Shinde that he had the courage to speak about isolated cases of 'Hindu' terrorism..can he talk about about the mainstream 'Islamic' terrorism too ? Oh wait, in that case, terror has no religion..:)

Good you acknowledge it!
Arey janab, one indian terrorist is right now in the jail in Lahore waiting for hanging.
One was freed few years back as a good will gesture (big mistake on our part, if you ask me).

These two, just top of my head. Not to talk about other countless indian proxy terrorists operating under different fancy names in Pakistan.

bhai mere, why are you mixing the terms. Espionage etc are done by some specific organizations in Govt on both sides. Our IB chief is a Muslim so how can you call it a Hindu terrorism IF he is also involved?

Your are specifically talking about Hindu terrorism.
Good you acknowledge it!

Kind of paradoxical considering the hoopla being raised about "hindu" terrorism, in this thread.

No..terror does have a religion.
Not funny! Seriously offending! No ONE BROUGHT RAM, SARASWATI OR GANESH into this crap!

Keep your hatred for a religion and and a region separate!

I could have also said, after reading Ramayan you are asking who is RAM. The point is, after posting 10-12 posts if some one asks what are we talking about, it sounds funny. This is a common phrase in India.
Rajasthan Sweet Shop. Best Sweets.....Their Halwa is delicious.

Yeah, guess they were delivering "Halwa" to Mohandas Gandhi, when one of them assassinated him.

KRAIT, wake up dude and stop defending terrorists. Living in denial can take you only so far.
Yeah, guess they were delivering "Halwa" to Mohandas Gandhi, when one of them assassinated him.

KRAIT, wake up dude and stop defending terrorists. Living in denial can take you only so far.

I wish you cud understand this
I could have also said, after reading Ramayan you are asking who is RAM. The point is, after posting 10-12 posts if some one asks what are we talking about, it sounds funny. This is a common phrase in India.

after reading Quran you do not know who Mohammad(PBUH) was

IS A COMMON PHRASE in India? THEN that is way beyond disgusting! You people claim it to be a secular country! I would be happy if you also claim and actually acted upon being a country that can respect others!
Yeah, guess they were delivering "Halwa" to Mohandas Gandhi, when one of them assassinated him.
KRAIT, wake up dude and stop defending terrorists. Living in denial can take you only so far.
Yup. Thanks a lot. BTW what's the definition of terrorist ? Never mind. I will try to improve myself.
Arey janab, one indian terrorist is right now in the jail in Lahore waiting for hanging.
One was freed few years back as a good will gesture (big mistake on our part, if you ask me).

These two, just top of my head. Not to talk about other countless indian proxy terrorists operating under different fancy names in Pakistan.

Right but have u seen that they are called spies not terrorists ??
Nawan aya-en te cha gaya ae tha kar k. Welcome PDF-ian

On topic:: Its good in our part that we accepted that terrorism is in Pakistan supported by some internal factions and external factions. And our Security institutions are tackling with this problem very well which will be fruitful for Pakistan in near future.

But India is still in denial and acting like an Ostrich and in future this attitude towards VHP,BJP and RSS is going to haunt India.

:lol: with 3 examples of a Hindu group planting bombs in last 5-10 years, the home minister of India (who is a Hindu himself) is talking about the dangers of Hindu terrorism..

With thousands killed in Pakistan alone last year due to the bane of Islamic extremism, most Pakistanis cringe at the word Islamic terrorism and are ready to wage Jihad against the ones using the term

Wonder who is in denial :D

IS A COMMON PHRASE in India? THEN that is way beyond disgusting! You people claim it to be a secular country! I would be happy if you also claim and actually acted upon being a country that can respect others!

dude you need help.

it has nothing to do with religion.

It only means after going through a book you are asking who the main character was. and there we say after reading Ramayan, or Quran as famous examples. There is no hardheartedness. you won't understand .
Right but have u seen that they are called spies not terrorists ??

Spies do not terrorize people? Hmmm...Spies are more terrifying! They steal intelligence and kill any innocent getting in the way...
IS A COMMON PHRASE in India? THEN that is way beyond disgusting! You people claim it to be a secular country! I would be happy if you also claim and actually acted upon being a country that can respect others!
Madam, where does secularism comes in,

The phrase Ramayan khatam ho gayi tum pooch rahe ho Ram kaun tha, means, Entire discussion and story is over and you are asking who was the main character.

He is pointing out that You all are talking about RSS, but you don't know what RSS is ?
Kind of paradoxical considering the hoopla being raised about "hindu" terrorism, in this thread.

No..terror does have a religion.

This paradox happens in India only
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