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Hezbollah-Israel conflict 2019

Regarding stories and pics of IDF evacuating "dummy" soldiers, my mind is quite confused and i'm worried the result of this isnt good for Israel.

First of all, if these were REAL dummy soldiers, why would ISrael and IDF LITERALLY treat these dummy toys like actual soldiers? Just to deceive Hezbollah into not being more violent? if thats true, then how afraid of HEzbllah is the IDF? Why does Israel have to "ACT"(using and playing roles like in theater with dummy soldiers) to placate Hezbollah? I dont know 1 national armed force that "plays dead" for an enemy thats a militia. Its so confusing to me. Israel already pulled back troops from the border with Lebanon and i thought that was a very bad move by Israel because that shows Israel isnt confident in holding its own border with Hezbollah in Lebanon if hostilities break out...Moving more into Israel cant be good because that already gives Hezbollah considerable valuable Israeli territory to push deeper into Israel or setup camps.

Or maybe Israeli govt and IDF just performed this "dummy" soldiers movie script so the Israeli public doesnt think any real soldiers were hurt by the Hezbollah attack?

All i'll say is, either way you look at it, Israel choked. Israel was either too afraid to take a loss, or Israel took an actual loss. Or is Israel only "strong and can dominate any ME country" when they are in F16 cockpits flying over soldiers on the ground with no AD? Hmm..sketchy crap.
There are some reports that the vehicle was hit with 3 ATGMs at the same time. Other than that the building was hit as well and I am sure that there were lots of casualties and injured soldiers.

Regarding stories and pics of IDF evacuating "dummy" soldiers, my mind is quite confused and i'm worried the result of this isnt good for Israel.

First of all, if these were REAL dummy soldiers, why would ISrael and IDF LITERALLY treat these dummy toys like actual soldiers? Just to deceive Hezbollah into not being more violent? if thats true, then how afraid of HEzbllah is the IDF? Why does Israel have to "ACT"(using and playing roles like in theater with dummy soldiers) to placate Hezbollah? I dont know 1 national armed force that "plays dead" for an enemy thats a militia. Its so confusing to me. Israel already pulled back troops from the border with Lebanon and i thought that was a very bad move by Israel because that shows Israel isnt confident in holding its own border with Hezbollah in Lebanon if hostilities break out...Moving more into Israel cant be good because that already gives Hezbollah considerable valuable Israeli territory to push deeper into Israel or setup camps.

Or maybe Israeli govt and IDF just performed this "dummy" soldiers movie script so the Israeli public doesnt think any real soldiers were hurt by the Hezbollah attack?

All i'll say is, either way you look at it, Israel choked. Israel was either too afraid to take a loss, or Israel took an actual loss. Or is Israel only "strong and can dominate any ME country" when they are in F16 cockpits flying over soldiers on the ground with no AD? Hmm..sketchy crap.

I would call this move just internal propaganda, (same way they do with iran). But tbh israel is completely scared at the moment. It wasnt that strange for them to clear the border after hezbollah said they will attack them, as they have the experience fighting(well better say being engaged by) hezbollah and they know that they cant do anything about them at them moment. Hezbollah have specific tactics that they use to overcome the israelis and that's what scares them. Israelis had 0 courage in general, they would run away with the simplest things, u can see this even when hamas just send a couple small rockets that can simple be intercepted by the iron dome.

And btw, even if israelis are in F-16s and have aerial superiority, they wont be able to do anything, and the evidence on that is in 2006.
حزب الله لبنان فیلم حمله به نیروهای ارتش اسرائیل را منتشر کرد

Lebanon Hezbollah releases footage attack on Israel Army forces

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These Israeli dummies are so clever, first they drive the APC, which is a remarkable achievement in itself. Then they suddenly stop the APC when the first ATGM hits ahead of it.

Then they got struck and all killed or injured, but still - not bad until then for some dummies!

Bibi's cover up to protect his election chances failed miserably. They will be forced to admit casualties when Hezbollah releases the second video, i.e. when Hezbollah decides.
How glad are you lol, we knew you're going to attack with ATGMs, why would we stay at those bases as sitting ducks? Your attack failed and did nothing while Hezbollah is minus two fighters
So why carry "dummy" IDF soldiers to the hospital like real human soldiers? .
So why carry "dummy" IDF soldiers to the hospital like real human soldiers? .
To make you believe.
Celebrate all you want, as long as we know we didn't have any casualties, while you did, it's fine.

The whole thing was staged. The cameramen, the soldiers, and everything.
To make you believe.
Celebrate all you want, as long as we know we didn't have any casualties, while you did, it's fine.

The whole thing was staged. The cameramen, the soldiers, and everything.

This isn't the first event in history that was staged in order to deceive an enemy.
i did not knew Israeli dolls can ride armed cars too and that will show you Israelis are not honest with us here, you guys said all of them were dolls that car got hit with 2 anti-tank missiles.


Israeli dolls are so sophisticated that they bleed and they need ambulance and choppers to take them to hospital . :chilli:[/QUOTE]
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i did not knew Israeli dolls can ride armed cars too and that will show you Israelis are not honest with us here, you guys said all of them were dolls that car got hit with 2 anti-tank missiles.

Both of those missiles missed.
And the Netanyahu picture is just laughable.
Dolls can seem to bleed if you paint them, same about people.
Both of those missiles missed.
And the Netanyahu picture is just laughable.
Dolls can seem to bleed if you paint them, same about people.

I am pretty sure you didnt watch the vid that was published by Hezbollah, you were probably watching a Hollywood movie which your israeli soldiers performed in and faked a rescue mission of some dummy soldiers.

Make no mistake, this was a huge embarrassing fail for Hezbollah and a slap in the face of Iran.

This was the second or third such embarrassment for Hez and the Iranian regime in just a matter of days after the successful elimination of a Hezbollah cell about to attack Israel, organised by Soleimani himself and the elimination of important machinery in Lebanon that was to produce precision guided missiles.

Hezbollah boasted about their upcoming response and were masterfully duped by Israel.

Israel had set a trap and meticulously planned Hezbollah's embarrassment. They faked Israeli injuries and death to accomplish two things. Hezbollah would think they got 'even' and back off (because they're scared of all out war) and the second achievement was to allow Hezbollah a few hours of media gloating over the "deaths and injuries" caused as well as the "high ranking death" rumour to circulate.

Then the IDF announced no injuries. Can you imagine little Nasrallah in his bunker absolutely furious? :rofl::rofl: not only did Hez fail in their attack, but now they look like liars too.

And Soleimani was furious that the drone attack he planned had failed so spectacularly with Israel actually publishing photos of the terrorists that they themselves took (managed to hack their phones).

A total and utter humiliation for Iran and Hezbollah. There is no escaping that reality.

It seems you got slapped so hard by this move that you lost your brain and started saying nonsense.
Make no mistake, this was a huge embarrassing fail for Hezbollah and a slap in the face of Iran.

This was the second or third such embarrassment for Hez and the Iranian regime in just a matter of days after the successful elimination of a Hezbollah cell about to attack Israel, organised by Soleimani himself and the elimination of important machinery in Lebanon that was to produce precision guided missiles.

Hezbollah boasted about their upcoming response and were masterfully duped by Israel.

Israel had set a trap and meticulously planned Hezbollah's embarrassment. They faked Israeli injuries and death to accomplish two things. Hezbollah would think they got 'even' and back off (because they're scared of all out war) and the second achievement was to allow Hezbollah a few hours of media gloating over the "deaths and injuries" caused as well as the "high ranking death" rumour to circulate.

Then the IDF announced no injuries. Can you imagine little Nasrallah in his bunker absolutely furious? :rofl::rofl: not only did Hez fail in their attack, but now they look like liars too.

And Soleimani was furious that the drone attack he planned had failed so spectacularly with Israel actually publishing photos of the terrorists that they themselves took (managed to hack their phones).

A total and utter humiliation for Iran and Hezbollah. There is no escaping that reality.
And there is a question that why an arab must be so excited that the missile missed the target........Didn't your beloved zionist friends humilate you in last 70 years?!.....unless an wehabi with false flag is speaking
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