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Hezbollah-Israel conflict 2019








Old photos and video from Syrian conflict.

Just accept the fact that the attack failed to inflict any casualties. The only video seen was posted by Al Mayadeen of some Israeli soldiers running away out of the vehicle in time.
i'm replying from an Israeli source and they are accepting it soooo not old. ( and yes like you can out run a anti-tank missile do not believe them, no one can outrun a missile )

Bahrain Instructs Citizens to Leave Lebanon 'Immediately'

1 September, 2019

Bahrain on Sunday instructed its citizens to leave Lebanon “immediately,” citing "security developments.”

Bahrain has previously said its citizens should not travel to Lebanon for any reason.

The Foreign Ministry reiterated “its previous statements which warn against traveling to the Lebanese Republic as a measure to protect citizens from all dangers and ensure their safety,” its statement said.

Sunday’s “call follows the latest security developments in the area which require taking all the necessary measures to ensure safety,” the ministry added.

There was no helicopter, there was an ambulance sent to the base that was shelled by Hezbollah. Hezbollah shelled the outpost or base and struck an military vehicle. Those in the vehicle escaped unharmed. And there were no casualties at the outpost.

No here is denying Lebanese their right to respond, we are just against lies posted in the thread. Just be honest, it's not that hard. And will gain you respect of people in the forum. Instead of making up stuff and calling everyone sectarian terms like 'Wahabi'.

Firstly hezbollah didnt shell anything, it was the israelis who shelled a couple houses in Lebanon.

Secondly, cant u think for a second that an ambulance picked up these 2 only survivors and moved them to the closest hellipad, then they were evacuated by a helicopter to a hospital?

And now you should stop lying or denying that these pics arent related to this conflict. If you are saying that they are from syria, then post a link or a source showing that these pics are not from today's conflict.
So quote my post where I said that. Meanwhile you and every Iranian use a derogatory term towards Sunni Muslims in almost every post. Moderators need to punish you guys.

@Dubious @The Eagle

You guys gotta stop the anti-Sunni hatred in this forum.
Post was deleted when you were banned.

I did not post any derogatory term, keep your victim mentality to yourself Mr "I just made this new account to cry about imaginary Sunni hatred and I will never post again".
So quote my post where I said that. Meanwhile you and every Iranian use a derogatory term towards Sunni Muslims in almost every post. Moderators need to punish you guys.

@Dubious @The Eagle

You guys gotta stop the anti-Sunni hatred in this forum.
I am a Sunni.. the last i want to see is a Israeli Jew supporting a Sunni aganist Shia..we have differences but they are above our hatred for u n will always remain. Play ur dirty fox games elsewhere.
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Following the Hezbollah attack, RT female reporter enters Israeli base and no one stops her, not a living soul!
Israelis have left all of their equipments and escaped to shelters! I mean every f@cking soldier! :lol:

Arab correspondent visits attacked IDF base: Everything is empty - Israel National News

i did not knew Israeli dolls can ride armed cars too and that will show you Israelis are not honest with us here, you guys said all of them were dolls that car got hit with 2 anti-tank missiles.

I think the first explosion is a smoke grenade launched by that vehicle's crew.
Following the Hezbollah attack, RT female reporter enters Israeli base and no one stops her, not a living soul!
Israelis have left all of their equipments and escaped to shelters! I mean every f@cking soldier! :lol:

Arab correspondent visits attacked IDF base: Everything is empty - Israel National News

I think the first explosion is a smoke grenade launched by that vehicle's crew.
How glad are you lol, we knew you're going to attack with ATGMs, why would we stay at those bases as sitting ducks? Your attack failed and did nothing while Hezbollah is minus two fighters
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