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Hezbollah-Israel conflict 2019

I was just going through the IDF twitter page, their Media management game is strong. Their perception building and narrative management is even stronger. ISPR needs to go even higher tech. ISPR has succeeded in building the national narratieve regarding WOT and Army's involvement in Affairs of the State, now its time to project the national narrative onto the world.
i hope so

it was a hit, do not get deterred by hasbara trolls, they get shekels to spread disinformation, its in theyr evil genes

"through deception we wage war"

remember the damaged F-35 who was allegedly hit by a "bird" (it was in fact an AD-missile)

Hezbollah has a second video of the operation from an different angle, lets hope they will release it.....
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it was a hit, do not get deterred by hasbara trolls, they get shekels to spread disinformation, its in theyr evil genes

"through deception we wage war"

Hezbollah has a second video of the operation from an different angle, lets hope they will release it.....

well may guess was based on this video, but now that i look at it, it looks like it was edited the car shows up at no where and again look the back ground when the car shows up.

yes im 90% sure, they released a video of the attack from a security camera, if that was the attack from that day then it shows the car moving away.

It's probably another play from the israelis and they might have used dolls in that footage as well just to make sure no one is harmed.
But to me, both missiles had a direct hit and at least 1 of them had a thermobaric warhead.

I was just going through the IDF twitter page, their Media management game is strong. Their perception building and narrative management is even stronger. ISPR needs to go even higher tech. ISPR has succeeded in building the national narratieve regarding WOT and Army's involvement in Affairs of the State, now its time to project the national narrative onto the world.

The problem is that all main media outlets are controlled by Zionists, so they censor whatever they think is against them or their goals and rules.
That's why most people in the west think iran is the one behind ISIS, alqaeda and all other terrorist groups. Currently the world is all about the social media, if you control that, you control how people think.

well may guess was based on this video, but now that i look at it, it looks like it was edited the car shows up at no where and again look the back ground when the car shows up.

That proves nothing, either they show a clear vid showing the missiles missing and the car passing by or else the missiles hit. Hezbollah's vid is clear enough to show that it was a hit, and even if it missed by a small margin, it still hit really close to the car, and the explosion from the thermonaric warhead should deal enough damage on a lightly armoured car to at least injure some of the people inside.
اسرائیل إدعا در مورد تأسیسات تولید موشک های بالستیک با هدایت دقیق حزب الله لبنان در دره بقاع و ساخت ایران پایگاه نظامی جدید در سوریه

Israel Media (i24news) claims about Lebanon Hezbollah Precision-guided ballistic missiles production facilities in Bekaa valley, and Iran building new military base in Syria

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اسرائیل إدعا در مورد تأسیسات تولید موشک های بالستیک با هدایت دقیق حزب الله لبنان در دره بقاع و ساخت ایران پایگاه نظامی جدید در سوریه

Israel Media (i24news) claims about Lebanon Hezbollah Precision-guided ballistic missiles production facilities in Bekaa valley, and Iran building new military base in Syria

strikes expected?
Looks like more Iranian bases are about to go up in smoke.

Just more stolen millions from the Iranian people wasted on military expansionism and exporting their 'revolution' i.e imperialism all across the middle east.

Meanwhile people in Iran are struggling to afford basic things. What a crazed regime.

As you guys can see, this is how the Zionist based social media shows iran to the rest of the world.

Anyway regarding your stupid claim, israel's intelligence is way off that it cant distinguish between some small bases and normal houses, and iranian bases in Syria.

I remember when Netanyahu said that there was a hidden nuclear weapons facility in iran and they sent their pics and published them online, then it turned out to be a carpet cleaning facility which was in turquzabad or basically in the middle of no where.
strikes expected?
most likely of war break out,
but if they strike Lebanon it self and i think we going strike back from Lebanon

i think they are already attacking Latakia now as we speak, making sure the Iranian Oil Tanker doesn't get close
most likely of war break out,
but if they strike Lebanon it self and i think we going strike back from Lebanon

i think they are already attacking Latakia now as we speak, making sure the Iranian Oil Tanker doesn't get close
Yes if war breaks out these sites will be targets for Israel. Hezbollah needs underground missile bases like Iran has to ensure survivability of its BM stockpile + one day of its production sites.

Hezbollah is already known for its vast experience with tunnels into Israel, so I don't see any obstacle for this.

What you said about the oil tanker is not true. Iran delivers millions of barrels of oil to Syria every month and Israel does nothing (it is commercial shipping via international waters). This ship is controversial only because EU/US made a big fuss about it after it stupidly entered EU waters (sabotaged captain maybe). The plan is for this ship to offload some of its oil to 3 other Iranian tankers in the region (one was delivering oil to a Syrian port just 2 days ago) so that it will be light enough to return to Iran via the Suez.
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