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HAL Hands Over Tejas Jets To IAF

Far from questonable IMHO sir. The LCA will take over the MiG-21's air-defence roles and can act as a capabe "rear guard" allowing the "heavy hitters" (MKI, Rafale and FGFA) take part in offensive action into enemy territory.

Replacing the MiG-21 with MKIs (as is happening with some MiG-21 SQDs) is a huge step foreward in terms of capabilties however it is also a huge under-utilisation of resources and ultimately a drain on the IAF's budget. For air-policing of India's skies, point defence and rear-guard tasks the LCA is ideal.

Perhaps, but those tasks are already relegated to other assets. Perhaps as the rear guard it needs to guard the east.. where there arent many "fronts" for the IAF to think about.
Do you have any idea why f-22 and Rafale were delayed? The technologies went into these two projects were the prime reason not to mention budget overruns.
Now, which revolutionary technology does LCA incorporate? Israeli radar? American engine? Or Samtel avionics? Or Derby missile?
We did not put anything revolutionary. Nor we claim any. We were just trying to make a god damn plane first time. In the process we had to re-invent the wheel few time and also do lot of jugaad. See it was our lack of knowledge that caused delays. But if superpowers like US, France can have delays in trying new things, how can't we? This whole project was a learning curve for us. We did develop few critical technologies like FCS, good composite knowledge for future. We could have cut short some time by not going for fancy things like HMDS in first go but our scientist got carried away. They were just trying to dress up their baby.

To be short we had delays. But would you keep trying to produce baby if there is an issue or adopt one? I know answer is "trying".
I dont know, how about designing and setting up an industry that can even produce a jet? That to out of a third world industry.

That happened back in the days of the Marut. it was commendable then. Here is a case of pointless delays that were not needed.
Typical ignorant... No answer so start ranting and trolling. Nowhere have I brought another aircraft in the discussion. Read carefully.

Only if u insist...
You would see blk 2 pics in this very forum, and Tue internal jammer is on the vertical tail same place as gripen and Rafale and j-10b.
its not me its you started trolling .........first know how to do rational argument

as @Abingdonboy said delay was there lot of issue some were inability procure or made technologies
and rest were beyond control like sanctions, and denial of data that with helded by usa

yeah i have seen bk 2.................let it get inducted then will talk .........................just like in case of tejas
Perhaps, but those tasks are already relegated to other assets.
Well as the LCA enters service in ever greater numbers it will carve out its own niche that's for sure. It makes a lot more sense to be sending up the LCA with its single GE engine than the MKI behemoth with two (troublesome) AL-31 engines and costing anywhere between $18,000 and $27,000 per flight hour, for simple air-policing tasks or any other task that doesn't require the "big guns". The USAF operates very simiarly vis a vis their F-16s and F-15s at home.

Perhaps as the rear guard it needs to guard the east.. where there arent many "fronts" for the IAF to think about.
To an extent this is accurate and we already know the first LCA SQD will be based in the South where the threat level is almost nil-that said, this hasn't stopped the IAF from deploying MKI SQDs in the South.

As a "bomb truck" or air defence fighter the LCA Mk.1 is cost-effective and a wise investment, the LCA MK.2 will come with a whole lot more capabilties and "goodies" in a nice small (and relatively cheap) airframe that will bring a lot to the IAF.

That happened back in the days of the Marut. it was commendable then. Here is a case of pointless delays that were not needed.
Between the first flight of the Marut and the LCA there is a gap of 40 years- an entire generation. The lessons learnt from the Marut were all but wasted and when the DRDO embarked on the LCA project they were starting from scratch.

Ground Attack Fighter, GAF-1


Advanced Strike Aircraft



HSS-73/HF-73 Hindustan Supersonic Strike aircraft (proposed by MBB and HAL)


Air Superiority fighter ASF-300




All the designs proposed by HAL after Marut. All of these were denied, probably due to financial reasons.

Much later, DRDO had to set up a completely new agency to produce what would be LCA.
I'm happy to be proven wrong but this is what I know to be true to date....

HMDS isn't that important. Israeli companies routinely upgrade 1950s MiG-21 and F-5 jets with Elbit HMDS. Airframe design is the most important part of a plane and cannot be easily changed. JF-17 is the world's first operational jet having DSI airframe technology.

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