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Hagel warns Pakistan to resolve drone strike protests, open shipping routes

Enlighten me, what is your work? :)
I work for evil RAW :rofl:
I wont tell you what I do. But you can guess fairly from "that" post. It may take some time. Sorry can't write.
Oh Bahi, who said i hate the US, please do a search of my posts, I have a deep respect for them. But i don't think they will stay with Pakistan in the long run.
no I didn't mean you "you" it was generalised "you"

You are starting to sound like a broken record... lol, i have already given you my reasons why i am Pro China in the long run, i cannot speak for all of Pakistan :/
Sometimes broken records play something unexceptional ;)
Yes I get you answer and I know you cant speak for all Pak and didnt want you too. I am asking your opinion on why is so !!!! If cant thats fine by me. Dont worry.

Are you comparing Chinese humanitarian aid to US assistance... :/
no. I am not. I am asking. I am not here to tell you teach you or troll you. All I need is information if you can give. Nothing more nothing less. That was a simple question. As i said I didn't know how much China helped Pak financially. You can correct me at any point. I will accept it.
And i suppose you are Daniel Ellsberg?
a former United States military analyst !!!
Nope. Just an Indian. Nothing more.
As i said I didn't know how much China helped Pak financially.

Some help is beyond financial, some help can be seen as "always there". I have worked with the Chinese, there is bond the Pakistani and Chinese share at a person to person level that is not there with the Americans. And Yes I in my job have worked with people from among other countries including the U.S.
mushi only give you a image of reality , if you dare to resist USA and Nato after 9/11 , we wont be slaves but to be destroyed ... he saves us .. and after 9/11 all world was watching us , if we dont we will have nothing today ..
Of cource Like they Destroyed Taliban In Afganistan .. and are now in total control over Afg , & will now probably walk away like Kings who have conquered a Supper Power Nation , who had Laser Weapons instead of rag tag Ak47 . . Had Space ships instead of Air Force , and probably had 2 barrel Tanks that shoot Fire out of their As* . and the whole NATO & US combines managed to defeat them that in in less then 12 years ..

For once Try to stand up for yourselves .. Realize who you are .. Fight for your Right instead of Begging for it.

You need to Realize when someone is Bluffing , otherwise you will be Running scared for the rest of your life , By a Dog wearing a Lions Skin .
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Of cource Like they Destroyed Taliban In Afganistan .. and are now in total control over Afg , & will now probably walk away like Kings who have conquered a Supper Power Nation , who had Laser Weapons instead of rag tag Ak47 . . Had Space ships instead of Air Force , and probably had 2 barrel Tanks that shoot Fire out of their As* . and the whole NATO & US combines managed to defeat them that in in less then 12 years ..

For once Try to stand up for yourselves .. Realize who you are .. Fight for your Right instead of Begging for it.

You need to Realize when someone is Bluffing , otherwise you will be Running scared for the rest of your life , By a Dog wearing a Lions Skin .

making children and using them for suicide attacks is not a mind blowing strategy plus , have you ever see the condition of Afghanistan ? what is left there istead of destroyed villages and schools and roads ....
and yeah i wanted to know who we are ? ? MUSLIMS ? yeah Alhamdullah we are muslims but have we ever see on ourselfs ? what kind of muslim we are ? ?
stop living in a fantasy that you will say Takbeer and Allah will send Angels to protect you , we are corrupted , in every expect of life,
USA and Nato may be will never win a war against pak , but what about millions of innocent peoples who will suffer just because of a mad leader to fight against almost 40 countries ?!?! think again before you say
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