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Hagel warns Pakistan to resolve drone strike protests, open shipping routes

Beggers? So what that aye tahir-e-lahooti uss rizk se mout achi and kashkol thor dain ge stuff before elections??
Apparently USAID has been funding somewhere else :)...I hope you can tell us all..
Apparently USAID has been funding somewhere else :)...I hope you can tell us all..

I knew it was coming, yes USAID is only funding in KPK and this aid was actually established solely for KPK province of Pakistan. Happy?

Please help us with any authentic proof of any new USAID project in KPK started under new PTI govt? :azn:

yaar Jazz bhai

There is no kashkol. America+Afghanistan are using the mutually agreed logistic route through Pakistan and paying "tax" for using the roads.

If I go to motorway and the toll plaza guy charges me xxxxx rupees, is he begging?

Why on earth we self deprecate ourselves?

Why oh why we $hit upon ourselves.

Sir I know it, I was replying to guy I quoted in my post, he said beggars can't be choosers. Also we are getting lot of other aids from US, so yes there is kashkol involved.
Sir I know it, I was replying to guy I quoted in my post, he said beggars can't be choosers. Also we are getting lot of other aids from US, so yes there is kashkol involved.

Please study a bit.

US AID stands for United State's Agency for International Development. This agency works to ASSIST in development both economic and military.

Now if one has an assistant to help him get his work done,

Would you term such assistance as "begging"?

please update your understanding.

Living with two bit Urdu newspapers is not a good way to view life.

Thank you
Ego must survive.

Economy can go to hell.

Taliban Khan has an option to go live in the servant quarters of Jamaima Khan's flat.

Rest of the Pakistani nation doesn't have that luxury.

politician needs to be flexible in their policies ,IK is behaving as an adamant kid who is whining all the time for the sole purpose of creating noise to have a moment of attention.

dharna will die out slowly in coming days.
Please study a bit.

US AID stands for United State's Agency for International Development. This agency works to ASSIST in development both economic and military.

Now if one has an assistant to help him get his work done,

Would you term such assistance as "begging"?

please update your understanding.

Living with two bit Urdu newspapers is not a good way to view life.

Thank you

So going by your logic, if this aid will stop then only a few development projects will stop, right? Then why people are acting like we can't live without this aid?
So going by your logic, if this aid will stop then only a few development projects will stop, right? Then why people are acting like we can't live without this aid?


Don't use my posts ONLY to understand the complex role the hard currencies like Dollars and Euros play in our economy.

Please do some study.

We are on the same side. Why we must do noke jhoke saas bahu istyle? :lol:

Here check out this new thread
How do you stop an arsonist from burning down your house?

politician needs to be flexible in their policies ,IK is behaving as an adamant kid who is whining all the time for the sole purpose of creating noise to have a moment of attention.

dharna will die out slowly in coming days.

I have touched upon the very $tupidity in a separate thread. Here.

How do you stop an arsonist from burning down your house?
Ideally the drone strikes and the NATO supply issue must be dehyphenated by policy within Pakistan...protest again drone strikes or any other intrusions seperately and let the supply route carry on or stopped as a seperate policy.

The reason being that drone strike issue is a complicated one what with Pakistan and US admitting that the drone strikes were allowed by Pakistan and also most killed were actually taliban with very few civilian casualties as per a Pakistani report. Another factor is the drone strikes are equally taking out TTP leadership as well. The new ttp leader is more scared of drones rather than Pak fauj.

Besides nato is a group of countries and such blockades creates bad blood with all off them - Nawaz Sharif came up with a statement that all European countries should side with Pakistan against drones (he must be day dreaming of support especially when drones are saving lives of nato forces in Afg).

I for one choose not to believe what American say, being Pakistani its my duty to believe what my govt says and everyone including Musharaf, PPP and PMLN is denying if there was a permission. If I choose not to believe what my govt say then I have no right to do any criticism on them. But thats not the issue here, issue is no country have a right to attack the sovereignty of another country, and US should not do it unless Pakistani govt accepts it openly.
I for one choose not to believe what American say, being Pakistani its my duty to believe what my govt says and everyone including Musharaf, PPP and PMLN is denying if there was a permission. If I choose not to believe what my govt say then I have no right to do any criticism on them. But thats not the issue here, issue is no country have a right to attack the sovereignty of another country, and US should not do it unless Pakistani govt accepts it openly.

This is not an American say vs. Pakistan say discussion.

The reality is that

We the Pakistanis utterly refuse to control our forking border with Afghanistan.

We let Terrorists come and live and f@rt and breed in our so called forking territory.

Then we cry hai hai hai hai

When a cat comes chasing rats infesting our country.

Hope you understand.

Thank you

check out the thread

What should Pakistanis do when American Cat chases terrorist Rats?
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This is not an American say vs. Pakistan say discussion.

The reality is that

We the Pakistanis utterly refuse to control our forking border with Afghanistan.

We let Terrorists come and live and f@rt and breed in our so called forking territory.

Then we cry hai hai hai hai

When a cat comes chasing rats infesting our country.

Hope you understand.

Thank you

check out the thread

What should Pakistanis do when American Cat chases terrorist Rats?

thats exactly how my thought is about it, but i was talking about who ays who and who believe who
Actions speaks louder than words........

Meanwhile: NA passes anti-drone resolution urged US to halt drone attacks

If US wants safe exit via Pakistan then they must respect the resolutions of our elected representatives and must respect our people's sentiments.

BTW where are the geniuses who were saying nothing will happen if Nato Supply will be blocked. It will have no effect on US because they have other routes and cost is not an issue? Bullsh!t? @cb4 @hasnain0099 @arushbhai @Fracker @xyxmt @W.11 @batmannow @FaujHistorian ??

If you don't know who said so, than stop mentioning me in your post and STFU. I am not replying a IK Follower. Neither am interested in, so before mentioning me think again who said what and where.
If you don't know who said so, than stop mentioning me in your post and STFU. I am not replying a IK Follower. Neither am interested in, so before mentioning me think again who said what and where.

this guy is always high on something and think everyone wants to know what he is thinking all the time
this is turning out to be interesting.
how long can he deny them the route?
the are using a route through balochistan though .. Nawaz sharif is getting exposed infront of people ... he tell people somethng else and do somethng else

well stopping NATO supply routes will not be very beneficial to the big players in pakistani establishment and we all know who they are and this latest hot air from chuk hagel is for there ears onli and looks like they got the massage

as for alternative supply route which seems like iran is right now reluctant to give to USA/NATO loks like USA/NATO have "like don corleone" siad once "made him an offer he cant refuse" and thats the onli language thse cowboy americans know to speak so well

now if pakistan right now trys to squeeze USA & NATO then i guess it will have to say 'bye-bye' to all the USA & NATO surplus supplies which pakistan so desperatelli neads and dreams of once USA & NATO starts packing there bags

so now its in the court of very power heads in pakistani establishment to make there call and in other words it just might also be a signal to SA royalty to arm twist pakistani establishemnt and there political and beurocratick hirarchy which is so much emotionally attached to saudies

hope things will be normal well beofre they reach a tripping point cause if that happens it will sevearli hurt the interests ofthose who are in driving seat of pakistani establishment

good luck pakistan you need it now more than ever before
yara sence ye ha .. its not up to establishment or Nawaz thjis time ... imran khan is a stub born man.. saudis dont have much influance on PTI ... Nawaz Sharif is in awkward position ..he want to open the supplies but that will expose him badly in public
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