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Hafiz Saeed on TV Threatens Terror Attacks Against India

As I've tried to mention on numerous occasions, we are not lacking on defensive capabilities when it comes to our borders. Any such threats and actions will be repelled very effectively. Our problem is within our own borders, which is being taken care of. What you guys need to do is not play into the hands of these terrorists either.

And we know that 'this Pakistan' will never change. So when push comes to shove we will make our rules of engagement. Hope none cries then. I am not blaming anyone here.
If things were my way Govt. of Punjab would not have done that since he runs his own charity network and has the means to generate funds through those activities.....but i dont have control over that

what i could tell you is that he may have an anti-indian or pro-Kashmiri agenda but there is no indication that he is the mastermind of the 26/11 attacks or that he's responsible directly or indirectly for the murder of your citizens.....every single time we find ourselves having this debate on PDF...every single time

speeches or rhetoric wont get him arrested or extradited...solid proof would...none exists. Even the Americans have confessed that and you know how they are, they poke their nose into everything


As I said, some charity worker he is.. Asking for Jihad, asking for revenge.. you should nominate him for nobel... Your courts cant even convict people with enough evidence.. Terroists walk out of your court by threatening judge and we expect you to convict this guy even if we provide you with evidence?
As I said, some charity worker he is.. Asking for Jihad, asking for revenge.. you should nominate him for nobel... Your courts cant even convict people with enough evidence.. Terroists walk out of your court by threatening judge and we expect you to convict this guy even if we provide you with evidence?

If you dont trust our courts, take the case to the ICJ
Man needed to fulfill his daily dose of Hate India no matter what campaign. He needs his donations, poor man.
While Indians are feeling so sad for the poor kids, people like you are more than happy to sleep with terrorist bastards.

You dont feel the pain we felt during mumbai attacks and expect us to understand your pain.

We are feeling your pain coz we have already gone through it. We are amazed and distressed on seeing your blind hatred.

So what is the problem with you and it is not first time you did blame Pakistan for Mumbai attacks but never prove it.
So keep you dirty mouth shut and prove it you are not involve in it.
This ops is mainly condut by TTP with the help of RAW in Afghanistan.
Well, Another victory for JUD and Hafiz Saeed, Zaki Ur Rahman Lakhvi is now on bail in Pakistan. I guess Indian blood really is cheaper as far as Pakistanis are concerned.

I guess we will have to accept it.
You and I have to agree here that our justice system is dead. R.I.P!
Its not about Courts , its about country system, ISI is very powerful in the country. and it can do what its want. be its court / Govt or policy.

Do you agree that the person who find the OBL is behind bars in jail and the person who build the building / allocated land is walk free? is that need some court or proof? its all about power and who control its.
As I've tried to mention on numerous occasions, we are not lacking on defensive capabilities when it comes to our borders. Any such threats and actions will be repelled very effectively. Our problem is within our own borders, which is being taken care of. What you guys need to do is not play into the hands of these terrorists either.

We will not play into the hands of terrorists, if you show some action. Unless you show some credible advance in controlling the stateless actors "within" your soil, we cant come into terms in a round table. So how do we achieve that is the question.
I have a *feeling* that Hafiz Saeed is about to be picked up / visited...............

We will not play into the hands of terrorists, if you show some action. Unless you show some credible advance in controlling the stateless actors "within" your soil, we cant come into terms in a round table. So how do we achieve that is the question.
I have been reading this forum for a year now, and the bullshlt i see between our people baffles me, 2 countries sharing a similar culture, similar history, at each others throats.

We have fought countless fraticidal wars, killing brothers who are separated by a imaginary line on the soil.

Its time our people should rise up. Everytime there is an innocent in Pakistan who is killed by terrorism, people in India should rise up in solidarity and everytime an innocent is killed in India by terrorism, people in Pakistan should rise up in solidarity.

Let our people join hands. Once we the people of our respective countries unite, lets see how people like these both here and in Pak can force a war between brothers.
Dada bangali bolei apnar chinta bhabna ta eto ta naive:rolleyes:!!Just spend a few more months in this forum and you'll learn that the amount of hatred between the Indian and Pakistani members here is simply disgusting.Both hate each other from the core of their hearts and barring a few sane members on both sides are constantly at each other's throat.Peace,it seems like a distant dream between our two countries as far as this forum is concerned:(!!
Even UN said , he is terrorist and you continue to protect him. CIJ won't make it any difference , as you continue to live in denial , like OBL and AK Khan.

You failed to provide evidence that could lead to his effective prosecution. We held him under house arrest and the courts released him due to lack of evidence. Dont accuse ME of being in denial - its you people who are in denial.

And if you want to talk about score-settling, then why dont you hand over Col. Purohit and his ilk who bombed Samjhota Express to Pakistan?

Humour me
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