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Hafiz Saeed on TV Threatens Terror Attacks Against India

We will see what action Pakistan has taken against LET(Jud) and Hafiz Sayeed in next year.

Nawaz said from now on there will be no difference between Good and Bad Terrorists. Lets see what he does againt Hafiz Sayeed. Lets give some time for things to settle down.
Nawaz said from now on there will be no difference between Good and Bad Terrorists. Lets see what he does againt Hafiz Sayeed. Lets give some time for things to settle down.

See @Judge, words have been spoken as you said. Now lets see if these words turn into action. You are right i am a wishful thinker. And I wish this drastic attack will bring change amongst our people for the betterment of both our nations, so that these types of slaughter of innocents does not take place in the future, not in Pakistan, not in India.
hand him over if he is such a nobody.

anyway, good to see Pakistani members finally! recognize him to be part of the same cancerous ideology they are so determined to root out once and for all from their country. :tup:
Yaar please spare me. I came to know him in this thread only. You guys seem to exaggerating him too much. For me from his speech he is just like a newly joined Indian PDF member in need of some attention and point scoring.
We could have been blaise about it, had it not been for the fact that LeT has mounted innumerable acts of terror in India, including 26/11.
@ares,@Dr. Sen, @SamantK,@Gunsnroses

Why is Hafiz Saeed not blaming Taliban for the attack on school children,why is he dead silent on this,Will some one explain or comment on this. This is not the first time Hafiz Saeed has blamed Mr. Narendra modi,earlier it was for Karachi Airport Attack.

He heads one of the most notorious terror organisation in the world.How else do you expect to justify the murder of innocent people in India?

You will never see people like him urging his followers to go pick up their arms and go fight against TTP in tribal areas. You will never see LeT or JuD fighting against Taliban, because all these organisations are in the end Islamic fanatics and share common ideologies.

All these people(including Taliban) were nurtured and bred by Pakistan as instrument of its state policy.Just that some of them have now turned against their creators and some are still loyal to an extent.
DO you know that ...He is under ISI and Army protection... Do not try be in denial world... you cannot make sure that your pet snake will never bite you...Still pakistani want to shelter those terrorist.... FYI... pakistan is using terrorist as strategic weapon against India from last decades together. ... Now you have started getting test of your own medicine.

BS I myself m from a military background and guess what? Nobody gives a shit crap about him. As for strategic assets not really it was Musharaf who stopped that policy,believe it or not.
Another point to be noted is that whenever a militant dies KAshmiris claim his body,they mourn him and protest against india. Your accusations are nothing but hot air,even if somebody does go to fight in IOK (let's presume) than he goes on his own not with army's backing. But hey we can't convince you guys can we? Perhaps col prohit and gang can ?
my fellow Indians, this is not a place to try to make our priorities as Pakistans first order of business at this juncture. They have to take measures to ensure that terrorism against their people is dealt with first, I am sure they have had their understanding how non state actors with out right cause can create hell on earth.

They will turn their attention towards our priorities, once their priorities are full filled.

as far as HS is considered, Pakistan's ISI or administration will take care of him. if we want him to be shot dead, thats not going to happen as his guilt is not proved in their courts and as far his hate speech is considered, he is exercising his right to freedom of speech.

Pakistan also knows that any misadventure by HS will bring the wrath of international watch dogs during their time of grievance.
why is this moron openly saying he will do terrorism in India and roaming free?

just yesterday we saw the horrific massacre..

guys like these are ones responsible for brain washing the adolescents., instead of taking them in the right path.


Hafiz Saeed, Musharraf blame India for Peshawar carnage

TNN | Dec 17, 2014, 11.30 PM IST

Peshawar School Carnage|Pervez Musharraf|Pakistani Taliban|Hafiz Saeed|Army Public School Peshawar Killings


Hafiz Saeed.

NEW DELHI: A video has emerged that purportedly shows Lashkar-e-Taiba chief and 26/11 mastermind Hafiz Mohammad Saeed blaming India for the carnage carried out by the Pakistani Taliban in an army-run school in Peshawar on Tuesday.

He said it was a conspiracy by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government against Pakistan. The video also showed Saeed threatening India with "revenge" for the Peshawar massacre.

Pervez Musharraf, former Pakistani military dictator and president, has also blamed India for the killing of 132 schoolchildren and 9 teachers in Peshawar on Tuesday.

Talking to CNN-IBN, Musharraf said, "Taliban's commander was supported by Afghanistan and India to carry out terrorist attack in Pakistan."

Earlier on Wednesday, Indian intelligence agencies have sounded an alert regarding Saeed's designs to unleash attacks in India, and blame the same on the Indian security establishment.

The warning, generated by the multi-agency centre on Tuesday, flags the possibility of Saeed-led LeT or Jamaat-ud-Dawah targeting two hotel lobbies in the national capital as well as an unspecified location on the Delhi-Agra highway.

The alert cites Saeed's statements, published in Pakistani newspapers on Tuesday, saying that Indian intelligence agencies would carry out attacks in India, and then blame them on Pakistan's ISI.

Thank you Mr. Social worker. Thank You Pakistan. :agree:
BS I myself m from a military background and guess what? Nobody gives a shit crap about him. As for strategic assets not really it was Musharaf who stopped that policy,believe it or not.
Another point to be noted is that whenever a militant dies KAshmiris claim his body,they mourn him and protest against india. Your accusations are nothing but hot air,even if somebody does go to fight in IOK (let's presume) than he goes on his own not with army's backing. But hey we can't convince you guys can we? Perhaps col prohit and gang can ?

BE IN DENIAL AS MUCH YOU WANT...Just close your eyes and say GOOD NIGHT.....This is not going to change the fact that whole world knows....I am only person in my family working in IT field...Rest of all is working in Defense sector...Let me remind you that before few days back even pentagon excepts that pakistan is using terrorist as their strategic weapon.....
BE IN DENIAL AS MUCH YOU WANT...Just close your eyes and say GOOD NIGHT.....This is not going to change the fact that whole world knows....I am only person in my family working in IT field...Rest of all is working in Defense sector...Let me remind you that before few days back even pentagon excepts that pakistan is using terrorist as their strategic weapon.....
Denial what?
The same report that was rejected by ISAF Commander (Afghanistan)? That report?
He isnt any more jingoistic than your RSS is, and you dont see anywhere near the same noises from our side.

You guys are master in establishing the parity. Parity like Namo with Osamabin laden, RSS with Indian Mujaheddin and Taliban, Shivsena with Al quida, Israel with Hamas and so on.

Your creativity and mastery in establishing parity really deserves a praise.
indians -- why do you insist on making the man you hate so much to help him become a celebrity


Well a charity worker is threatening to attack us.. And this nobody have recieved 61 million Rs from the Pakistan government and government even arranged trains for his meeting. And even he is included in some of the channel discussions..Some common charity worker he is..
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