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Hafiz Saeed on TV Threatens Terror Attacks Against India

The flip side is that as these ideologies take root in Pakistan, we might have to suffer terrorist strikes now and then. But then, their ability to do that keeps reducing each year as well. And the Greater Good is that we suffer a few terror strikes rather than have a stable and prosperous Pakistan trying to undercut India internationally.

No, when a nation gets the taste of peace and prosperity, just the thought of war, death and destruction, ruining everything will horrify them. I say a prosperous Pakistan will benefit the whole of South Asia.
Nope, he doesn't hold any public/govt office.
Difa e Pak council isn't a govt body either nor does he recieve any money from the govt.His charity runs ambulance services,hospitals,schools and orphanages.And gets donations from public.
DO you know that ...He is under ISI and Army protection... Do not try be in denial world... you cannot make sure that your pet snake will never bite you...Still pakistani want to shelter those terrorist.... FYI... pakistan is using terrorist as strategic weapon against India from last decades together. ... Now you have started getting test of your own medicine.
You need to understand our point of view ..How it feels guy who planned peshavar attack is openly roaming in afghanistan,conducting rallies and thretening again to do more such attacks ??

Now understand OUR point of view - we placed him under house arrest as a pre-cautionary matter despite a lack of court order.....he was taken to the courts

the Lahore High Court - the court with jurisdiction to oversee the matter - released him because of lack of evidence against him. Whether you accept it or not - your courts are like our courts. They operate under Anglo Saxan procedures. In the absence of evidence he was forced to be let go.

dude even i m from rss. Stop comparing us with terrorists like hafeez saeed

Im sorry you belong to such an organization, but its well within your right.
No, when a nation gets the taste of peace and prosperity, just the thought of war, death and destruction, ruining everything will horrify them. I say a prosperous Pakistan will benefit the whole of South Asia.
Empirical evidence says otherwise Dr Sen.

Whenever Pakistan has flush with money and taking good GDP and had a good military, it started an adventure against India. It was the case in 1965 - when Pakistan was far more economically successful than India, then in 1971 - same case(though in this case we were the instigators).

Then in 1999.

The moment Pakistan starts becoming a stable and prosperous country, they get emboldened to go for adventures - this includes the Mumbai attack that came right after Musharraf had boosted their country's economy.

What you say is something you wish, but has not been backed by Pakistan's actions throughout its existence.

Therefore, we must act based on what Pakistan has behaved like till now - which means we must promote Islamism amongst Pakistanis through whatever means necessary short of terrorism. Its the ideology we need to ensure gets spread. The Pakistanis wanted Islam, lets give it.
@ares,@Dr. Sen, @SamantK,@Gunsnroses

Why is Hafiz Saeed not blaming Taliban for the attack on school children,why is he dead silent on this,Will some one explain or comment on this. This is not the first time Hafiz Saeed has blamed Mr. Narendra modi,earlier it was for Karachi Airport Attack.
Things are being done on priority basis now, as I see. If you ask me I want to see every taliban, their sympathizers and their ideology to be buries in a 1 meter grave. If it includes him, so be it. I don't care if he is shouting against India so we should do it. I want to suck the last drop of blood of those who have taken the lives of MY children first.

Look at her innocent face, look into her eyes, look at her smile; will I give a damn to India's priorities! (don't get me wrong here)

There were 168 such innocent people in Mumbai who were shot dead by Hafiz Saeed's people, and he is threatening us with more of the same. And you find it difficult to understand why we care?

Your emotional appeal to look into that kids eyes sounds rather hollow, if you fail to understand that Indians have the same emotion when it comes to the 168 men, women and children who were butchered by his men, and many others orphaned and maimed for life.
Now understand OUR point of view - we placed him under house arrest as a pre-cautionary matter despite a lack of court order.....he was taken to the courts

the Lahore High Court - the court with jurisdiction to oversee the matter - released him because of lack of evidence against him. Whether you accept it or not - your courts are like our courts. They operate under Anglo Saxan procedures. In the absence of evidence he was forced to be let go.

Im sorry you belong to such an organization, but its well within your right.
whats there to be sorry abt joining rss? You ppl have no idea how rss works trust me.
Take him wherever and for whatever you want....please! :lol:
We have appealed your nation to send him here to stand trial. Our request has always been denied. So your generous offer of "take him" sounds meaningless.
@Judge Yes I see your point, and a few pages back, I also mentioned, that the basic mindset of our people must also change. Hatred for each other must stop. Politicians who starts these wars use this hatred which them themselves ingrained into the common mans head.

The common man does not want or start a war, the politicians do. We as the people of our respective countries should extend our hands in friendship and peace so that in the future no politician can use false sentiments to start a war, proxy or otherwise.
@ares,@Dr. Sen, @SamantK,@Gunsnroses

Why is Hafiz Saeed not blaming Taliban for the attack on school children,why is he dead silent on this,Will some one explain or comment on this. This is not the first time Hafiz Saeed has blamed Mr. Narendra modi,earlier it was for Karachi Airport Attack.

Yaar please spare me. I came to know him in this thread only. You guys seem to exaggerating him too much. For me from his speech he is just like a newly joined Indian PDF member in need of some attention and point scoring.
@Judge Yes I see your point, and a few pages back, I also mentioned, that the basic mindset of our people must also change. Hatred for each other must stop. Politicians who starts these wars use this hatred which them themselves ingrained into the common mans head.

The common man does not want or start a war, the politicians do. We as the people of our respective countries should extend our hands in friendship and peace so that in the future no politician can use false sentiments to start a war, proxy or otherwise.
Dr Sen, it is the common man who is following Hafiz Saeed, Zaid Hamid, Lal Masjid Cleric and thousands of other mullahs. It is the common man who feels that Islam will bring them glory.

It is not the elites of Pakistan coming from DHA colonies(in case you do not know, it is the premium townships set up by PA all over Pakistan) to attend these rallies. They sip their black coffee and go for shopping.

You are confusing what the reality is with what you 'want' the reality to be.

You/We will be able to formulate a solution only when we see the reality clearly. If we are blinded or coloured by our cultural lenses, we will not formulate a solution that fixes the problem.
@Judge i am willing to accept that I may be wrong. The posts I read here from Pak members make him look like a laughing stock to them.

Keeping in mind what you said, i may need to increase my knowledge of this man and his followers, which i will do.

Edit: i remember Pak posters writing that they should burn down all these madrasahs after the Peshawar school attack. And the school silent vigil across India today, maybe, just maybe we are moving in the right direction.
KARACHI: As India has made a visibly marked effort to mourn with Pakistan and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has condemned the attack in Peshawar in no uncertain terms, former military ruler Pervez Musharraf has in an interview blamed Pakistan’s eastern neighbour and the former Afghan government of Hamid Karzai for the carnage.

In an interview with CNN-IBN, Musharraf, who himself was once a strong proponent of peace with India despite his prior role in the Kargil debacle, said in response to a question: "Do you know who is Maulana Fazlullah? He is the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan commander. He is in Afghanistan. And I am reasonably sure that he was supported by former Karzai government and RAW to carry out terror attacks in Pakistan."

The former president’s comments come as the nation is mourning the deaths of school children and other victims of the Taliban massacre and discussions are underway urging action along with introspection.

Musharraf accused Afghanistan of sheltering Fazlullah, saying the chief of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was “supported by the government of Hamid Karzai”.

He added that Fazlullah was “being supported by RAW to carry out these attacks in Pakistan”.

Source: DAWN.COM

That is the former president, Chief of the Army and the Joint Chief of Staffs Committee!! He knows what he is talking about. Regardless of how involved RAW may or may not be in this particular attack, Indian involvement cannot be ruled out because they have sheltered, supported, trained and supplied TTP throughout its existence.
@Judge i am willing to accept that I may be wrong. The posts I read here from Pak members make him look like a laughing stock to them.

Keeping in mind what you said, i may need to increase my knowledge of this man and his followers, which i will do.

Edit: i remember Pak posters writing that they should burn down all these madrasahs after the Peshawar school attack. And the school silent vigil across India today, maybe, just maybe we are moving in the right direction
Maybe, we must always be open to accept and acknowledge new changes and developments. So far, Pakistan is only words and no action. And by no action , I mean the Islamists who focus on India. They seem to be well protected by their Establishment.
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