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Guarding Iran's AfPak borders

the Eye rani military has issues....they need lots of training


if the girls is Pakistani , then she is hot ...
You know one thing in life that can be of enormous help is objectivity. That is ability to look at a issue from both angles. I agree with you the mullah regime is extremely unpredictable, hyper-sensitive, prone to conspiracy theories and they see a enemy under every rock. Part of this is because of their history post 79 because they have been vilified, threatened, attacked [Saddan's Iraq], sanctioned so they behave in ridicalous ways. However there is also the other aspect. Religion and states don;'t go together. The mullah regime is a Shia iteration of that and proof of how incompetent these type of regimes are.

However going back to be objective. We must understand that we face a existential threat from India that has 7 times our population and spends nearly four times more on defence. And expect that figure to increase steeply after the recent humiliation they got. Given this reality do you really think we need to open another front on the Iranian border?

Can we afford to raise another 2/3 divisions of over 100,000 men, another squadron of jets and deploy on the Iranian border? Or can we weaken our defences on LOC or Indian bordern and move those units to Iranian border? Can we afford that? Look at the state of our economy?

So we must use diplomacy and understand they have issues as well. They are in constant rivalry with Saudia, threatened by Israel and USA. We have very close relations with KSA and USA. That makes them nervous and act in dumb ways. That creates mistrust. This creates the space for outside enemies to use and cause trouble. This is exacttly the Indian policy.

So the way forward is to engage in building trust through diplomatic measure because it is in the benefit of Pakistan and Iran. If you insist on making the situation worse with Iran then your actually helping India. By forcing our defence budget and military assets to be distracted and weakened on the LOC and the inteernational border with India.

Is that smart? I go back to the word I used earlier. Be 'objective' and don't fall for the sectarian rubbish. Because then you are no better then the mullahs you complain about.

Basically I agree with what you say, that we should have good relations with our neighbors (heck even with Indians, if they stop hallucinating).

And tbh, Pakistan has been doing its best to have good relations with Iran, we bent ourselves backwards to please Mullah regime. Heck, we even angered our allies just to please these Mullahs.

We continuously help them by catching "their terrorists". And it is still not enough? What do we get in return?

Sabre rattling, threats and what not. The question is how long can we take that shyt from Mullahs?

Especially when it is they who harbor terrorists who harm us.

At some point in time, we must tell them, enough is enough. Respect must be mutual. And if they want to continue this path, we also have our options.

If they want a solution, there is a simple one. Start with fencing the border. Cooperate with us and lets find those who want to harm our countries.
Here's a short doco on the AfPak junction. Goes to show how difficult it is to guard against intrusion into Iran on this martian landscape:

Thank you Tokhe khar for posting this last segment of the reporting from the eastern border. It is evident how difficult is for both Iran and Pakistan to secure this rugged and vast region . I am sure the Sepah guys are smart enough to do all the right things to make it as difficult as possible for the terrorist to infiltrate into Iran. We should stop asking Pakistan to do some thing because if they want to secure their side this will squeeze their limited resources which is needed in other more important hot spots in their country ( they have much bigger terrorism/insurgency issues that Iran has). To solve this problem for both countries ,Iran should go after the financiers of these terrorist and those guys as we all know live in Saudi and UAE compounds . Arabs have a saying that if you live in a glass house you do not throw rocks. Imagine taking out some of these rich fat farts using similar proxy techniques to bring home the message loud and clear .... every action in Iran/Pak border result in a reaction in Saudi/UAE villas( I guess Sepah is already working on some thing like that). It will be ironic if Pakistanis living and earning wages in these Persian Gulf Quasi states will be the ones who bring the Iran's message to them..
A) I do not care for your racist views. Keep it within your borders
B) Watch his interview and understand how he operated from his base in Iran.
Welcome back Sir :welcome: aur aaty hi chakky chokay uss gareeb ky daand bhi tor diye look at his dp
Iran handed Pak a dossier on the captured hendi. It remains classified. We don't know the truth here. We can only speculate.

Which dossier has Iran handed to Pakistan? And if it is classified, as you claim, how do you know about that?

Please stop fooling us.

As wrote many times before, Iran and Pakistan must cooperate. And it also means controlling your amateur generals who openly threatens us in the media. This can also be done silently by "classified" means.
U don't know much do you.......lol

This was in the news when this guy was captured. Iran has already clarified its position about him. Iran has nothing to hide.

People coming in and going to Afghanistan in that area is also a common occurrence. It's where three countries overlap.

Which dossier has Iran handed to Pakistan? And if it is classified, as you claim, how do you know about that?

Please stop fooling us.

As wrote many times before, Iran and Pakistan must cooperate. And it also means controlling your amateur generals who openly threatens us in the media. This can also be done silently by "classified" means.
U don't know much do you.......lol

This was in the news when this guy was captured. Iran has already clarified its position about him. Iran has nothing to hide.

People coming in and going to Afghanistan in that area is also a common occurrence. It's where three countries overlap.

You are confusing us all.
If something is in the news, how can that be described as "classified"?

Anyway, I think we both agree that the effected countries should cooperate.

And this also means no more verbal non-sense in the media by Irani generals. Let the right people deal with it, both at intelligence sharing and diplomatic levels. This is more result-oriented.
There's no proof who or what this hendi is or what he did. Where you kidnap him from. Nobody knows.
Sir, just calmly read the lines. You are just favouring a terrorist firstly, by judging yourself that, the there is no proof against Indian terrorist and secondly, by directly putting blame against state of Pakistan for kidnapping him. Is this friendly attitude?

Go watch that video.........do you see anyone on your side?.........Do you know how much it costs to station troops there? Aren't we doing your job?
Understand that you are securing the international border and definitely involved cost, but do you realise that this is your duty to secure your motherland, you are not favouring any one else but your own integrity.
In present scenario, our security forces are stretched to the limits and we expect Iran should favour us by securing our back and hope Iran will.

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