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Greatest Persians in history

Hey man . If you wanna count him as a Turk not Iranian cos his ancestors were Turks a century before he was born , In this case Iranians and Italian guys should cut the world in 2 halves and say half of the world are originally Persian and the other half are Roman cos they belonged to one of these countries or I dunno nations 4000 years ago . right ?

This man was born In Iran even his father was born in Iran and they'd been living in Iran for a century , and they fought for Iran . then you call him a Turk or if I wanna make it clearer you call him a person in Turkey's history which is kinda denied to say by you ?

Distorting the history bring you nothing . by putting Jalaledin or Rumi in your history you can't reach anything cos the world and the historians call them Iranians .

Nobody claims Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi as Turk. He was Tajik or Tajik speaker from todays Afghanistan. Besides, we have enough dervishes, such as Yunus, Bektash. Why insist on Rumi?
Nobody claims Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi as Turk. He was Tajik or Tajik speaker from todays Afghanistan. Besides, we have enough dervishes, such as Yunus, Bektash. Why insist on Rumi?

You probably know that Persians were called Tajiks centuries ago. In fact, Tajiks are still Persian now.
Like i said i need proof for who exactly central asians are?


Turkic people?

Eastern Iranian people?

You probably know that Persians were called Tajiks centuries ago. In fact, Tajiks are still Persian now.

Majority tajiks live in afghanistan and consider themselves afghan.
Like i said i need proof for who exactly central asians are?


Turkic people?

Eastern Iranian people?

Majority tajiks live in afghanistan and consider themselves afghan.

Turks used to call those easterners Tajiks, westerners Ekrad, or Kurds. After Mongol invasion, Tajiks became minority. Turco-Mongol genes dominated Central Asia.
And i know majority afghans consider themselves separate from persians.

Listen, because you don't seem to get it. Tajiks and the Farsi-speaking population of Afghanistan consider themselves to be Persians. Ask any farsi-speaking Afghan. The only people who consider themselves distant from Persians are the Pashto.

But Dari or Pashtun, all hate Pakistan, for some reasons I don't understand.
Turks used to call those easterners Tajiks, westerners Ekrad, or Kurds. After Mongol invasion, Tajiks became minority. Turco-Mongol genes dominated Central Asia.

Pashtuns in afghanistan call these people farsiban means persian speakers.

What's with this?

But Dari or Pashtun, all hate Pakistan, for some reasons I don't understand.

Majority pashtuns live in Pakistan my brother they do not hate Pakistan. Their are 30 million pashtuns in Pakistan and only 13 million in Afghanistan.

But some afghan pashtuns hate Pakistan.
When I read this topic , I notice most of Iranian members lack historical knowledge .... sigh ...

well I don't mind great general and warlord , but I rather to choose great Man who have some effective influence to real Iran ( greater Iran - especially , include Afghanistan ) :

before Islam :

1- Cyrus the great

2- Darious

3- Arascus

4- Shahpur I

5- Anushiravan ( انوشیروان )

After Islam :

1- Abu Muslem Khorasani ( who put an end to Banu Ummayeh )

2- Ya'qub bin Laith

3- Three brothers ( founder of All buyeh - Buyid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

4- Mardavij _ Samanids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5- Ferdowsi ....

5- Nizam al-Mulk ( Nizam al-Mulk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

6- Hassan-i Sabbah ( founder of Assassined group !!! Hassan-i Sabbah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

7- Khajeh Nasir ul Din Tousi ( نصیرالدین Ù…Ø*مد طوسی - ویکی*پدیا

Nasir al-Din al-Tusi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

8- Shah Ismaeil

9- Shah Tahamasb

10- Shah Abbas

11- Karim Khan Zand

12- AGha Mohammad khan Qajar ( he was a savage guy but at least he unit Iran again )

13- Abbas Mirza ( if he would become Shah ..... sigh )

well , I stop it here even though I knخw more great man in past 200 years ....
about Nader and Jallal ul din ....

they were worst .... please go and read historical book to understand what sort of people were ....

در مورد نادر همین بس که بگم ، اگه به هند حمله نمی کرد ، احتمالا حالا بیشتر هندی ها داشتند فارسی حرف می زدنند و شر این انگل یسی ها ما رو نمی گرفت ( زبان رسمی حکومتی که این نادر زد ناک اوتش کرد ، فارسی بود - اصلا سبک شعر هندی در زبان فارسی به همین حکومت و شاعران فارس زبانش منصوب هست ) ... یه تیکه از شاهکارهای این نادر این بود که دستور داد سپاهیانش برای کسب روحیه به زنان و دختران چند شهر ایران تجاوز کنند نکته غمناک این قضیه پرداخت مالیات و پذیرایی مردم شهر از لشکر این آقا است !!

جلال الدین هم زمای که لشکر مغول داشت شرق ایران رو به خاک و خون می کشید برای کسب کنیز و غلام ( جهت لواط ) به گرجستان و اون طرف ها لشکر کشی می کرد - این یه گوشه ی کوچک از شاهکارهای این آقا هست ... بقیه ش رو نگم بهتر هست !!
Hey man . If you wanna count him as a Turk not Iranian cos his ancestors were Turks a century before he was born , In this case Iranians and Italian guys should cut the world in 2 halves and say half of the world are originally Persian and the other half are Roman cos they belonged to one of these countries or I dunno nations 4000 years ago . right ?

This man was born In Iran even his father was born in Iran and they'd been living in Iran for a century , and they fought for Iran . then you call him a Turk or if I wanna make it clearer you call him a person in Turkey's history which is kinda denied to say by you ?

Distorting the history bring you nothing . by putting Jalaledin or Rumi in your history you can't reach anything cos the world and the historians call them Iranians .
who fought for iran :D lol they fought for their country sometimes called seljuks sometimes called safavids ... but they have never said they were iranian or they fought for iran . these are your dreams lol .. great persian history need turkic leaders ?? funny

Turks used to call those easterners Tajiks, westerners Ekrad, or Kurds. After Mongol invasion, Tajiks became minority. Turco-Mongol genes dominated Central Asia.

neymiş bu turk mogol geni ?? wtf
Hey man . If you wanna count him as a Turk not Iranian cos his ancestors were Turks a century before he was born , In this case Iranians and Italian guys should cut the world in 2 halves and say half of the world are originally Persian and the other half are Roman cos they belonged to one of these countries or I dunno nations 4000 years ago . right ?

This man was born In Iran even his father was born in Iran and they'd been living in Iran for a century , and they fought for Iran . then you call him a Turk or if I wanna make it clearer you call him a person in Turkey's history which is kinda denied to say by you ?

Distorting the history bring you nothing . by putting Jalaledin or Rumi in your history you can't reach anything cos the world and the historians call them Iranians .

I don't think any of them meant Turkey. The "Turk" designation is not only limited to Turkey, and being from Iran you would know better as you guys generally refer to a quarter of the population inside your country as "Turk", or am I wrong?

Shah Ismail, Nadir Shah were Turks, and this also includes Qajars. No one can claim otherwise.

As for Khwarezmians, it is a well known fact that the dynasty itself was of Turkic origin. It is enough to look at the names of Khwarezmian rulers.
who fought for iran :D lol they fought for their country sometimes called seljuks sometimes called safavids ... but they have never said they were iranian or they fought for iran . these are your dreams lol .. great persian history need turkic leaders ?? funny

neymiş bu turk mogol geni ?? wtf
Stupidity has no borders in this world.Nationalist nutjobs all over the place.
Here's the poem Nader Shah ordered to be added on most coins during his rule:

سکه بر زر کرد نام سلطنت را در جهان.......... نادر ایران زمین و خسرو گیتی ستان


Ask your friends who know Persian to translate it for you,Ottoman-Turk number 2.

Turkish members,leave this thread,if you don't have anything to contribute.
The history can never be falsified...

"Browne observed that the Safavid army’s war cry «was not ‹Long live Persia!› or the like, but, in the Turkish language, ‹O my spiritual guide and master whose sacrifice I am!’»"

"The use of [Azerbaijani] Turkish spread from the court to the magnates and notables and finally to all those who hope to benefit from the shah, so that nowadays it is almost considered shameful for a respectable man not to know [Azerbaijani] Turkish.” The French missionary Sanson, who lived in Iran between 1684-1695, states that Iranians regularly invoked the spiritual power of the king by using expression such as «qorban olim, din imanum padshah, bachunha dunim."

"Chardin explicitly states about the Qizilbash, “these people, as well as their language, are so widespread in the northern part of the country, and later at court, and therefore, mistakenly all Iranians are called Qizilbash."
Stupidity has no borders in this world.Nationalist nutjobs all over the place.
Here's the poem Nader Shah ordered to be added on most coins during his rule:

سکه بر زر کرد نام سلطنت را در جهان.......... نادر ایران زمین و خسرو گیتی ستان


Ask your friends who know Persian to translate it for you,Ottoman-Turk number 2.

yes era you need turkic leaders because turks ruled 1000 years your people this is shame for you :) so you deny turk people in iran so that you changed azerbaijani turk people name why you are call azeri ? please show me azeri name 100 years ago in iran ? i know you cant it . pleae answer me do you speak great persian history or iran? if persian why you call turkic leaders as persian ? and conquer of istanbul fatih sultan mehmed han said he was king of rome :) yes he was italian :P
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