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Greatest Persians in history


Are you able to understand this official state decree issued by Shah Ismail from 1511? "One of the greatest Persians" in history? :D


Əbülmüzəffər sözümüz

Əmiri-əzəm əkrəm Musa Dorğut oğlu inayət və şəfqətimiz ümidvar olandan sonra şöylə bilsün kim, iftixarül-əazim vəl-əyan Əhməd ağa Qaramanlu ol tərəfə göndərdük və ol yerin ixtiyarligini kəndunə şəfəqqət etdük. Gərək kim, müşarileyh sözümdən və məsləhətimdən çıxmasun və mütabiət və yardım ona qılsun kim, inşaallah-təala hər nə kim, etmək muradi və istəgi olsa, hasildür. Gündən-günə hər iş vaqe bolsa. Əhməd ağa ittifaqi ilə dərgahi-müəllamizə bildirsünlər kim, hər növ buyruğumuz olsa, əməl etsün, könlümüzə xoş dutub mərhəmətimizə əmrdar olsun.

Təhrirən 7 rəbiüləvvəl, sənə 917
yes era you need turkic leaders because turks ruled 1000 years your people this is shame for you :) so you deny turk people in iran so that you changed azerbaijani turk people name why you are call azeri ? please show me azeri name 100 years ago in iran ? i know you cant it . pleae answer me do you spea great persian historu or iran? if persian why you call turkic leaders as persian ? and conquer of istanbul fatih sultan mehmed han said he was king of rome :) yes he was italian :P
You should learn to speak proper English, I didn't understand what you are trying to say.

Are you able to understand this official state decree issued by Shah Ismail from 1511? "One of the greatest Persians" in history? :D
Never stop to humiliate yourself.

I replied to Mertkhan who said non of the kings called himself 'Iranian',which is utter bs.It has nothing to do with their language.I never said Ismail was a 'Persian'.

PS: it's the thousandth time you are posting this pic, Ok we got it what you want to say,now stop.
He said that they used it as a geographical term. Ottoman Sultans called themselves as "Kings of Rome", yet they were not Roman or identified themselves as one.

Azerbaijani poem from late 1700s:

"Vеrdi ağa mənə bir çuxa ki, min dona dəyər,
Qеysəri-Rum gеyən rəxti-humayunə dəyər"

As you see, even back then Ottoman Sultans were known as "Qeysari-Rum".
He said that they used it as a geographical term. Ottoman Sultans called themselves as "Kings of Rome", yet they were not Roman.

Azerbaijani poem from late 1700s:

"Vеrdi ağa mənə bir çuxa ki, min dona dəyər,
Qеysəri-Rum gеyən rəxti-humayunə dəyər"
So,Nader called himself Shah of Iran,but he wasn't Iranian.Never cease to amuse us.
So Ottoman Sultans were Romans? "Iranian" nationality exists only since 1925, it is you Persians with your constant falsification of history that never cease to amuse. No one identified as "Iranian" prior to Pahlavi regime. Iran existed as a geographical term, and there is no denying that many Turkic rulers used it in their titles.
The same way Turkish nationality exists from 1923?? Yes you are right.
Now I understand how nationalism can spoil the brains of naive and stupid people.
I will save your post for later use,it will come in handy to prove your ignorance to members.
As a modern nationality yes. But the Turk ethnic group existed before 1923, as Persians did. There were ethnicities, not nationalities.
Well, you certainly get a meltdown when you realize such a falsification of history by your nation and compatriots. If you actually find me a document where Nadir Shah or Shah Ismail called themselves as "Irooni", I would maybe agree with you, but being King of Iran does not mean being an Iranian king as in modern Iranian nationality. It is nothing more than a geographical term.

I'm sorry if you never got to know that the nationalities is a modern invention. Iranian is a nationality, not ethnicity, and as such was never used by peoples prior to its creation.
Well, you certainly get a meltdown when you realize such a falsification of history by your nation and compatriots. If you actually find me a document where Nadir Shah or anyone else for that matter called themselves as "Irooni", I would maybe agree with you, but being King of Iran does not mean being an Iranian king as in modern Iranian nationality.

I'm sorry if you never got to know that the nationalities is a modern invention. Iranian is a nationality, not ethnicity, and as such was never used by peoples prior to its creation.

Your own post in page 12 of this thread:
What was Persian about Shah Ismail and Nader Shah? If the thread title was "Greatest Iranians in history", it could be understood to some degree, but the thread title is referring to Persian ethnic group.

Feel the stupidity eh?
You achieved you goal for derailing this thread,as you do for every other thread.Mods will know what to do.
I said to "some degree", that is, they ruled the territority of modern-day Iran and as much as modern-day Iran doesn't deserves it, it is the sucessor to their states, thanks to the retarded late kings of Qajars who become ashamed of their Turkic origins.

Persians are a ethnic group (which Shah Ismail or Nadir Shah didn't belong to), Iranian is a nationality which exists since 1925, and Iran is a geographical term.
I said to "some degree", that is, they ruled the territority of modern-day Iran and as much as modern-day Iran doesn't deserves it, it is the sucessor to their states.

Let us get this straight, Persians are a ethnic group, Iranian is a nationality, and "Iranic" is a group of larger ethnicities. Just as Turks, Turkish and Turkic. Although Iranian and Iranic, aswell Turkish and Turkic are fairly new terms.
What does it have to do with Nader Shah being Iranian?
You said he is not,so bring me a proof that Nader says 'I'm not an Iranian',the same for other Safavids. If you can't,then please stop talking.It's really annoying.
Cyrus the great! Perhaps The Greatest in the ancient history!!
It is you who needs to bring proof for your claim, that they claimed to be Iranians. "King of Iran" is not same as "King of Iranians", "Iran" is a geographical term whereas "Iranian" is nationality, and is a fairly modern invention.

So tell me, according to you logic, Ottoman rulers saw themselves as Romans?
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