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You mean your geography? Tajiks did not have a "country" 1000 years ago, and only do recently since 1925 in Iran, and creation of Afghanistan (your homeland) and Tadjikistan.

Your countrymen is Afghans, be proud of your origins instead of talking about Turks. It is also shame how Persians treat their Afghan refugee brethern in their country and deny your roots, the Afghan Tadjik Ferdowsi which you quote would be ashamed of your bunch.
You mean your geography? Tajiks did not have a "country" 1000 years ago, and only do recently since 1925 in Iran, and creation of Afghanistan (your homeland) and Tadjikistan.

It is beyond me how someone who is related to Afghans can talk like that about Azeri Turks, they are just very, very different in everything, and you are nothing else than a Afghan which I have seen in Azerbaijan (refugee). This is not anything negative, but you should be actually proud of your origins and your real bretherns and stop talking about Turks.
If they can't speak Turkish, then they can't be Turkish. Period.
Tadjik brotherhood.


As Azeri Turks in Tabriz say: Azerbaijan is ours, Afghanistan is yours.
You mean your geography? Tajiks did not have a "country" 1000 years ago, and only do recently since 1925 in Iran, and creation of Afghanistan (your homeland) and Tadjikistan.

Your countrymen is Afghans, be proud of your origins instead of talking about Turks. It is also shame how Persians treat their Afghan refugee brethern and deny your roots, the Afghan Tadjik Ferdowsi which you quote would be ashamed of your bunch.

It is beyond me how someone who is related to Afghans can talk like that about Azeri Turks, they are just very, very different in everything, and you are nothing else than a Afghan which I have seen in Azerbaijan (refugee). This is not anything negative, but you should be actually proud of your origins and your real bretherns and stop talking about Turks.
like it or not you are my countryman and once again we will live together in OUR Iran.
can you see that poetry?saying IRAN,IRAN,...
Iran was Iran all the time but foreigners used to call Persia,while persia means land of persia but Iran means land of Aryans including balouchs,kurds,azeris and Persians.
so finally reza shah asked all the countries to call our country Iran,instead of Persia.and they accept it as well.
like Turkey to ask world to call them Turkeye instead of Turkey.

Tadjik brotherhood forever...


Back to Afghanistan. :D
racist countryman!they are your fellows too.
You will live together with your Taliban Afghan brethern in Afghanistan, back to where you came from (I'm just giving your own propaganda dose, if you guys continue, thats how I will continue aswell).
Lol, Türkiye was always Türkiye. Byzantine sources tell Khazars as the Eastern Turkey while Hungarians as Western Turkey. Meanwhile Iran was Persia back then.
Azeris have nothing to do with Iranic races anyways. They are Turkic people, and they are also the most close people to Anatolian Oghuzs.
And if you guys are really interested in Kurds, we can exchange them with Azeris. :D
You were first dwelling in caves of Afghanistan, you only became camel riders in Dasht-e Lut less than 1000 years ago.

How you ever tought why there is such a high concentration of your ethnic kins to east of Iran? Even Kurds are most closely related to Baluches and are assumed to came from east of Iran.

Oh, and if you think this is trolling, then think about your own posts, it is no different. Not that these facts aren't true...
Lol, Türkiye was always Türkiye. Byzantine sources tell Khazars as the Eastern Turkey while Hungarians as Western Turkey. Meanwhile Iran was Persia back then.
Azeris have nothing to do with Iranic races anyways. They are Turkic people, and they are also the most close people to Anatolian Oghuzs.
And if you guys are really interested in Kurds, we can exchange them with Azeris. :D

Origin of the Azerbaijanis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
speaking turkish doesnt make them turks anymore.its proved that azeris are Aryans by blood.

Iran was alway Iran.it was europeans who used to call our country Persia.i showed you a Persian poetry that mentioning Iran as our country.
anyway you can ask UN to use Turkiye instead of Turkey like what we did in 1925.

You were first dwelling in caves of Afghanistan, you only became camel riders in Dasht-e Lut less than 1000 years ago.

How you ever tought why there is such a high concentration of your ethnic kins to east of Iran? Even Kurds are most closely related to Baluches and are assumed to came from east of Iran.

Oh, and if you this is trolling, then think about your own posts, it is no different. It is not possible to deal with you guys differently, so I step to your trolling level, not that these facts aren't true...
realy?so who built this 2500 years ago?

oh as an Iranian you should know more about your race.dont you?
beside that why Azerbaijan is a persian name?why do you celebrate noruz?
Says the guy who is most likely of Arab blood, like rest of Persians.

BTW, how nice of you to skip the other part, which says that Azeri Turks of Caucasus are supposely related to Caucasians, mostly descedents of tribes of Caucasian Albania. So, if we were to believe this, you are claiming that Azeri Turks of Caucasus and Iran are in fact two different peoples? How is this possible? :D

This is where the argument gets totally absurd.

realy?so who built this 2500 years ago?

Ever heard of Elamites? Actually, this is right, your are Elamites who were assimilated by Tadjiks from Afghanistan...

You are actually Semites as it turns out then.
Says the guy who is most likely of Arab blood, like rest of Persians.

BTW, how nice of you to skip the other part, which says that Azeri Turks of Caucasus are supposely related to Caucasians, mostly descedents of tribes of Caucasian Albania. So, if we were to believe this, you are claiming that Azeri Turks of Caucasus and Iran are in fact two different peoples? How is this possible? :D

But Persians from Afghanistan who now are basically Arab blooded should not talk.
be patient and read all of it.lol
my Iranian brother!Iran parliment has forced the government to refer Azerbaijan issue to UN due to turkamanchi treaty.because by now Russia should have given us the lands they occupied at that war due to the treaty.
gov has to refer this after they reduce the tension with west.
btw.we have arab bloods.you have our blood too.so ....
Says the guy who is most likely of Arab blood, like rest of Persians.

BTW, how nice of you to skip the other part, which says that Azeri Turks of Caucasus are supposely related to Caucasians, mostly descedents of tribes of Caucasian Albania. So, if we were to believe this, you are claiming that Azeri Turks of Caucasus and Iran are in fact two different peoples? How is this possible? :D

This is where the argument gets totally absurd.

Ever heard of Elamites? Actually, this is right, your are Elamites who were assimilated by Tadjiks from Afghanistan...

You are actually Semites as it turns out then.
yes they were living in southern Iran 4000 before the Aryans emigration to Iran Plateau.
It is you who should do that, as it claims that Azerbaijani Turks of Caucasia are supposedly descendents of Caucasian Albania while Azerbaijani Turks of Iran are supposedly descendents of Iranian peoples. So it claims that the two are actually different, which is not even worth to talk about. Absurdity.

present-day Iran was ruled by Qajar tribe from 1796 to 1925 and that timeline refers to it, if you didn't knew, the Qajars were originally from Caucasian Azerbaijan, and basically Azerbaijani Turks.

yes they were living in southern Iran 4000 before the Aryans emigration to Iran Plateau.

Just using your own logic, you are Elamites who were assimilated by "Gypsies" which you refer to as "Aryans". But at the same time you refuse the Turkic migration. Delusional Taliban.
It is you who should do that, as it claims that Azerbaijani Turks of Caucasia are supposedly descendents of Caucasian Albania while Azerbaijani Turks of Iran are supposedly descendents of Iranian peoples. So it claims that the two are actually different, which is not even worth to talk about. Absurdity.

present-day Iran was ruled by Qajar tribe from 1796 to 1925 and that timeline refers to it, if you didn't knew, the Qajars were originally from Caucasian Azerbaijan, and basically Azerbaijani Turks.

Just using your own logic, you are Elamites who were assimilated by "Gypsies" which you refer to as "Aryans". But at the same time you refuse the Turkic migration. Delusional Taliban.
its not my logic.because we are not elami by blood.we are Aryans.no one doesnt claim Qajars were Persians.in fact they were turkmen who stayed in Iran and ACCEPTED IRANIAN nationality as well.there are lots of Persian poetries from naser eldin and mozafar eldin shah.and during Qajar era they always have considered themselves as IRANIAN.and you-my countrymen-got seperated from Iran by russians in second Iran-Russia war.very sad.

so as i said Qajars were turkmen not Aryan azeris.

o o.time to study some lessons.will have discussion later insha Allah
According to your logic, you Persians are Elamites, because you use the same logic here.

Thanks for the proof of retarded Persian logic. The Qajars had nothing to do with Central Asian Turkmens, they were relocated to Astarabad by Shah Abbas from Ganja. A good clue would be their Shia belief, have you ever heard of Shia Central Asian Turkmens? The Azerbaijani Khanates of Ganja and Irevan had also Qajar tribe origin. Last Khan of Ganja Khanate: Javad Khan Ziyaodghlu Qajar.

"Qajars first settled during the Mongol period in the vicinity of Azerbaijan and were among the seven Qizilbash tribes that supported the Safavids. The Safavids "left Arran (present-day Republic of Azerbaijan) to local Turkic speaking khans", and, "in 1554 Ganja was governed by Shahverdi Soltan Ziyadoglu Qajar, whose family came to govern Karabakh in southern Arran".

Qajars filled a number of diplomatic missions and governorships in the 16-17th centuries for the Safavids. The Qajars were resettled by Shah Abbas I throughout Persia. The great number of them also settled in Astarabad (present-day Gorgan, Iran) near the south-eastern corner of the Caspian Sea, and it would be this branch of Qajars that would rise to power. The immediate ancestor of Qajars, Shah Qoli Khan Qajar Quvanlu of the Quvanlus of Ganja, married into the Quvanlu Qajars of Astarabad."

You can see the present-day location of Qajars in this map, they speak Azerbaijani Turkish. Nader Shah's ancestors were relocated from Azerbaijan to Khorasan in the same way. You can also spot the Afshar tribe in Khorasan in the same map.

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