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Greatest Persians in history


1.4 percent?

Even that is fake attendance b/c they force ppl to go. Sometimes in elementary school and middle school they forced us to go and pray as a class on Fridays. Of course we would always forget how to pray so we would just bend up and down and giggle like 11 year old girls. I don't think even the teachers knew how to pray.


But lets be honest. We have to thank those mullahs for destroying Islam in Iran. Nobody could have done a better job.
He has lost whatever I am out, whoever comes to this thread will see I was right and he was reduced to pot shots.

I offer 5 riyals, will you convert? Unlike the arabs I don't ask for complete insanity. I won't require you to lie on my behalf.
Who said I was arguing with him.

I never discuss anything with wahabis. I don't consider them as my equal.
Like you are some special master race? I know you are proud of your ethnicity, but that doesn't mean it is better than others' history and culture.

But lets be honest. We have to thank those mullahs for destroying Islam in Iran. Nobody could have done a better job.


No sultan, shah, king or overlord ever destroyed Islam in Iran like these mullahs.

btw, I would love to know if Soheil, Kollang and Bozorgmehr know how to pray. I'd bet everything in my bank account that at least 2/3 or even all of them have no idea how to pray.

Ḥashshāshīn;3739549 said:
Like you are some special master race? I know you are proud of your ethnicity, but that doesn't mean it is better than others' history and culture.

wahabism is a race? lmao
I think revival of old Persia will be in Pakistan's favor :D Provided you successfully pull it, what would be your stance on:

1- Relationship with Islamic world.
2- Nuclear status of Iran
3- Expansion, Reunification of old Persia

No sultan, shah, king or overlord ever destroyed Islam in Iran like these mullahs.

btw, I would love to know if Soheil, Kollang and Bozorgmehr know how to pray. I'd bet everything in my bank account that at least 2/3 or even all of them have no idea how to pray.

It wouldn't surprise me. :D
I think revival of old Persia will be in Pakistan's favor :D Provided you successfully pull it, what would be your stance on:

1- Relationship with Islamic world.
2- Nuclear status of Iran
3- Expansion, Reunification of old Persia
That's not going to happen anytime soon. Iran will have to go to war with Turkey, the Arabs, central Asians, Afghanistan and Pakistan to achieve this.
I think revival of old Persia will be in Pakistan's favor :D Provided you successfully pull it, what would be your stance on:

1- Relationship with Islamic world.
2- Nuclear status of Iran
3- Expansion, Reunification of old Persia

We don't need to revive anything, we're already revived.

The mullahs and the unbelievers will be taken care of by time. 200 years ago there wasn't a single person like me and nobody knew about Parsi history. 100 years ago nationalism began. 50 years ago some people in my parent's generation were successfully converted. We're their kids. In another 100 years the arabs and their slaves will be on their way out.
Wow! You must be the first Iranian I've encountered with such slight historical knowledge. Let me educate you than:

No, it isn't only a name of an city. That city was called Pasargadae, referring to the famous clan. You had the Achaemenids, who created the first Persian empire and they were the most famous tribe of the Pasargadae clan. The name 'Persian' or 'Pars' derives from this 'Pasargadae' clan and have nothing to do with Greeks inventing a new name for Iran or something like that.

Internet History Sourcebooks

First learn the history of your own country, before trying to denouncing my remarks. Fool.

I didn't know you were a fan of Herodotus, that famous ancient Persophile! He also claimed that more than 2 million Iranians invaded greece and were nearly defeated by 3000 Greeks. I guess you have to take the good with the bad, when you're in a jam for sources.

But If you happen to wish to have a look at a more scholarly and objective source, here's one for you:

PASARGADAE, the spacious capital and last resting place of Cyrus the Great (559-530 BCE). Located in northern Fārs in the fertile and well-watered Dasht-i Murghab (Dašt-e morḡāb), the site stands 1,900 m above sea level at 30°15’ N and 53°14’ E. In a straight line, Pasargadae lies 40 km to the northeast of Persepolis; and, while the modern road takes 80 km to cover the distance between the two sites, the route taken by the pre-modern highway, following the relatively direct course of the River Pulvar through the spectacular Tang-i Bulaghi (Tang-e Bolāḡi), was only 50 km in length.

The Name. In 1967, shortly before the completion of his monograph on the Achaemenid Elamite “fortification tablets” found at Persepolis, R. T. Hallock came to realize (D. Stronach, personal communication) that the toponym Batrakata(s), which appears in this and other variant spellings on seven of the tablets, could well represent the Elamite form of the name of Cyrus’ capital. As Hallock (1969, p. 676) went on to indicate, this attractive possibility (first suggested by the relative closeness of the Elamite name to the well-known Greek form of the name, Pasargadai) finds a degree of corroboration in the contents of the tablets in question (dated to the years 497-491) in that they refer, inter alia, to a “royal treasury” and to “royal stores” at this location (see BATRAKATAŠ), the name is first mentioned by Herodotus (i.125), who relates that this was the name of the most renowned of the Persian tribes. But since Herodotus fails to mention Pasargadae as a place-name, the possibility that this claim was based on erroneous information cannot be completely discounted. For many years the only additional support for the name as a tribal designation came from the claims of two much later classical writers (see, e.g., Ptolemy, vi.8.12), to the effect that there was a tribe of this name in Carmania, and to Hans Triedler’s not unreasonable conclusion (1962, col. 778) that the tribe in question could have migrated to this new location. Subsequently, Ilya Gershevitch, in response to the fact that the Greek name happens to occur in a plural form (such as could conceivably refer to a tribal entity as well as to the site), and in response to the newly available Elamite etymologies contained in the fortification tablets, has suggested that the original Iranian tribal name could have held the meaning “those who wield solid clubs” (Gershevitch, 1969, p. 168).

In the main, however, scholarly debate has concentrated on the likely spelling and meaning of the Iranian place-name that stand behind the classical place-name. In this context, most commentators have taken the view that there could have been a metathesis in the form of the name and they have presumed that, in its original form, it would have begun with the spelling “Parsa.” (For hypothetical reconstructions based on this premise, see Stronach, 1978, pp. 280-81 and Boucharlat, 2004, p. 352). It is most unlikely, however, that the readily recognizable form “Parsa” would have undergone a transformation into something else (Martin Schwartz, private communication); and, beyond this, the character of the newly discovered Elamite name, combined with the weight of classical testimony (rehearsed in detail in Triedler, 1962) would seem to rule out the likelihood of the proposed metathesis. If evidence to the contrary is sought, one has to refer either to the first century writings of Quintus Curtius (where the spelling “Parsagada” is attested) or to an explanation given, presumably by a Persian informant, to the historian of the late fourth century BCE, Anaximenes of Lampsakos, to the effect that the name of Cyrus’ capital meant “encampment of the Persians” (Anaximenes, Frag. 19J).

PASARGADAE ? Encyclopaedia Iranica
We don't need to revive anything, we're already revived.

The mullahs and the unbelievers will be taken care of by time. 200 years ago there wasn't a single person like me and nobody knew about Parsi history. 100 years ago nationalism began. 50 years ago some people in my parent's generation were successfully converted. We're their kids. In another 100 years the arabs and their slaves will be on their way out.

So Islam won;t have a place in new Iran? What about your relation as a state with Muslim world and will you continue your Nuclear ambitions.
I didn't know you were a fan of Herodotus, that famous ancient Persophile! He also claimed that more than 2 million Iranians invaded greece and were nearly defeated by 3000 Greeks. I guess you have to take the good with the bad, when you're in a jam for sources.

But If you happen to wish to have a look at a more scholarly and objective source, here's one for you:

PASARGADAE ? Encyclopaedia Iranica

Herodotus works are pretty much accurate about Persian and Iranian history. His claims about Cyrus, Persian tribes and for instance Scythians, have proved to be quite accurate.

And the source you provide, isn't contradicting my claim. They only provide 'a possibility'.
Rational thought is believing in your arab religion and not knowing your history, is that it? Keep it.

No that's not it. But your behaviour and thought process is not very far from that of the followers of the Arab religion. When fanatically adopt whatever point of view you believe to be the opposite of the followers of the Arab religion, you actually become more like them.
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