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Google: Code Jam contest (Programming) result 2012

no use. ...he will still say they are not earning anything along with words like "mighty" shining" etc etc..

yeah like talking to a bunch of guys who are absent minded in the first place.
IT giant? more like an IT huge labor camp jams codes for the west. Regretfully this is exactly what I was targeting, boasting you software business, etc. Mighty Indians bring back the old legend.
whats your problem mate? why is that you always come up with crap and get embarassed your self. if you had to congratulate the winning members of the Code Jam you should have done it with ease, but you twisted when you brought in INDIA into the picture.
Its a proven fact that we write, maintain and support major IT companies in the West. this Code jam result is not going to take away our business.

I think that you are suffering a peculiar form of dis-order that you have no idea of what you are supposed to do, but think 24*7 about INDIA and INDIANS.
Google Code Jam contest is basically a programming contest in which the user is given a set of problems and users will write the program to solve the problem in a given time.

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