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International Mathematical Olympiad 2013 results

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we are talking about your ilk, the Schlitzauge das, as they call you in germany.

First of all it was more than two states in the US .

but 15 mil go to school in shangahi and took the test :rofl:

and " sample of shanghai was extremely small too.

also- unlike your country, we don't have parents outside throwing cheat notes from windows during a test :)

Indian IQ strikes, 10 million from MA and CT took the test????? :omghaha::omghaha:

One Shanghai equates several US states. Grow a brain!
Indian IQ strikes, 10 million from MA and CT took the test????? :omghaha::omghaha:

One Shanghai equates several US states. Grow a brain!

I never said 10 mil took the test , you low IQ chinese... you produced the two numbers

One shanghai means jack on this test. It was rigged and even Time magazine called you guys out.

Face it, you chinese are infamous for cheating and fudging and we see the real results when your ilk goes to other countries... they do sub average in success measures!

If you were such great minds, why are you know for copy and paste and not innovators? :lol:

Funny part is I am going to be at ChinaJoy this year...I can get to laugh at the Low IQ chinese there, when they beg for our tech to be deployed in China. and I say " No No my man--- your copy paste cheating , stealing reputation precedes you. :rofl:
The average Indian male is some 3 inches smaller than the average Nordic female.

Now THAT is embarrassing!

That is 3 more states than the small sample out of the city of shanghai. wall of deceit was busted not by me-- rather by folks , unbiased and outside the the great wall of deceit.

lol a chinese reduced to researching heights.

You know everyone is taller when you and your brethren lay on your backs for one dollah!

Indians are midgets even compared to East Asian midgets. That's the only fact I was propagating here poop skin.
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I never said 10 mil took the test , you low IQ chinese... you produced the two numbers

One shanghai means jack on this test. It was rigged and even Time magazine called you guys out.

Face it, you chinese are infamous for cheating and fudging and we see the real results when your ilk goes to other countries... they do sub average in success measures!

If you were such great minds, why are you know for copy and paste and not innovators? :lol:

Funny part is I am going to be at ChinaJoy this year...I can get to laugh at the Low IQ chinese there, when they beg for our tech to be deployed in China. and I say " No No my man--- your copy paste cheating , stealing reputation precedes you. :rofl:

You asked if 15million for Shanghai took the test, I merely turned the table around. Indian intellect is not fit for logic reasoning:omghaha:

OECD had debunked Time article,
OECD educationtoday: Are the Chinese cheating in PISA or are we cheating ourselves?

China came in 1st while India chickens out of international students assessment programme again - Times Of India

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We look much better than you, in fact we have traits your kind kills themselves to get. Our eyes are large, while yours are tiny and slanted as if you were squinting. We have a nasal bridge, while your nose ends prematurely. The back of our head is not flat, our face is not flat. Our women are beautiful, we have won many Miss Worlds and Universes, how many have your kind won? Our actresses are revered for their beauty, no body talks about orientals.

Oh the antagonists of mankind, just like America used and tossed Japan, you too will have the same fate.

I am surprised you're not banned with your unique way of a racist behavior.
Let me tell you something, Having large eyes, Nasal bridge, elongated face or whatever you say, but you're all fucked up ugly if each of your individual facial combination is all wrong. For all, you could look like Freddy Krueger.
Then having flat nose, small eyes and whatever.... but with the right combination of each facial structure is right, you'll get a very pretty face. There goes your theory of you all being prettier right out of the window and that's the reason, every race has ugly and beautiful people. One more reason is, not every Indian wins the Miss Universe and not every Chinese wins it either.
So screw you with your racist comment. I might get banned for this, but SCREW YOU AGAIN.
Last but not the least, most Indians have the worst facial combination I've ever seen and you must be outright FUGLY!
We look much better than you, in fact we have traits your kind kills themselves to get. Our eyes are large, while yours are tiny and slanted as if you were squinting. We have a nasal bridge, while your nose ends prematurely. The back of our head is not flat, our face is not flat. Our women are beautiful, we have won many Miss Worlds and Universes, how many have your kind won? Our actresses are revered for their beauty, no body talks about orientals.

Oh the antagonists of mankind, just like America used and tossed Japan, you too will have the same fate.
You are an idiot
Which is precisely why we have so many Chinese refugees in India. LOL. Imagine asking a third world country for refugee status - hahahahaha - that's how pathetic China is.

And we have many Chinese in India selling reasonably well-knit sweaters on the streets. I don't know whether they are legally allowed to do so or not - but we think they need the dough and allow them to do so.

LOL WTF does refugees have to do with a sports discussion? :rofl:

Win a gold medal at the next olympics, then come back :coffee:
I am surprised you're not banned with your unique way of a racist behavior.
Let me tell you something, Having large eyes, Nasal bridge, elongated face or whatever you say, but you're all fucked up ugly if each of your individual facial combination is all wrong. For all, you could look like Freddy Krueger.
Then having flat nose, small eyes and whatever.... but with the right combination of each facial structure is right, you'll get a very pretty face. There goes your theory of you all being prettier right out of the window and that's the reason, every race has ugly and beautiful people. One more reason is, not every Indian wins the Miss Universe and not every Chinese wins it either.
So screw you with your racist comment. I might get banned for this, but SCREW YOU AGAIN.
Last but not the least, most Indians have the worst facial combination I've ever seen and you must be outright FUGLY!

Talk about hypocrisy. Asians, a people who lack introspection.
They try to overcompensate because they know, they truly know deep down, that they have a deficit in achievements. They bring up IQ, china with 105 and South Asia with ~85. But who has added to humanity more? Us, the foundations of mathematics comes from us. Their culture is nothing more than a modification of South Asia's Buddhism. They lack the social skills, and have now positioned themselves as the antagonists of humanity. Their women are not faithful to them, instead they run off with white men. Physically speaking, they attempt to modify their features to give them a more human look. How extreme is it that they get surgery to open their eyes and surgery to fix their nose so they can get a nasal bridge? Do we South Asians go under the knife to alter our appearance? Nope.
Lol. Butthurt indians.
Talk about hypocrisy. Asians, a people who lack introspection.

Ok I'll be the moderator!

East Asians are known for their European nose jobs... Do you readily admit that Indians are bleaching their skin to look like Europeans?
Aryabhatta made earliest contribution to Indian Decimal system. You are first adviced to learn your Chinese history properly. Don't make be bored with your crap. :laugh:
Dude why do you always lose debate? Almost 13000 posts but winning maybe 10 posts. If I ever want to lose an argument or debate i will certainly give you a shout.

I'm getting fetch up with us always winning these competition. Next time, they need to ban us because of "threat of domination". LOL
They will just use indian bell curve to boost up their rankings like they use PPP for GDP
I firmly believe that the only thing Europeans have more in common with Indians than we do East Asians are the shape of our eyelids.

That's about it.

Everything else, from body odor to height, and from skin color to intellect, is much more in-line with East Asians than with Indians.

There are probably exceptions, like some people from North India which exhibit distinctly Caucasian traits (and look more Iranian), and South Chinese who exhibit more Mongoloid/Negroid traits (who look more SE Asian).

Like I said though, they are exceptions.
I am surprised you're not banned with your unique way of a racist behavior.
Let me tell you something, Having large eyes, Nasal bridge, elongated face or whatever you say, but you're all fucked up ugly if each of your individual facial combination is all wrong. For all, you could look like Freddy Krueger.
Then having flat nose, small eyes and whatever.... but with the right combination of each facial structure is right, you'll get a very pretty face. There goes your theory of you all being prettier right out of the window and that's the reason, every race has ugly and beautiful people. One more reason is, not every Indian wins the Miss Universe and not every Chinese wins it either.
So screw you with your racist comment. I might get banned for this, but SCREW YOU AGAIN.
Last but not the least, most Indians have the worst facial combination I've ever seen and you must be outright FUGLY!

It's surprising only when you don't follow the news. They just killed a NE Indian in their capital.. because he "looked Chinese"!
The average Indian male is some 3 inches smaller than the average Nordic female.

Now THAT is embarrassing!

Indians are midgets even compared to East Asian midgets. That's the only fact I was propagating here poop skin.

like I said yellow fella... if you are now reduced to height comparisons, we have won on the issue :lol:
like I said yellow fella... if you are now reduced to height comparisons, we have won on the issue :lol:

Poooop! Haha, I don't actually care, I just wanted to put you in your [little] box.

Anyway, it's a known fact that Europeans are the tallest. Indians are even shorter than the already-short East Asians. How does that make you feel? Knowing that even they consider you midgets? ;)
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