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Give Hagia Sophia back to Christianity?

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Türkiye;4752174 said:
Give Ayasofya back to gavur? Are you joking?? THOUSANDS of Turkish mujahidin gave there blood to conquer these sites in the name of our prophet Hz. Muhammed SAV and Islam they are now all our shahids. Ayasofya wont remain as a musuem to long our government has plans to convert it back to a Mosque again.

so why did u not demolish it and build a mosque over there?

And Hagia Sofya is a proper church,it looks and is made like a proper orthodox church.

Muslims r not allowed to pray where idol worshiping or any other non islamic practice happen. So this is enough to burst the bubble of yr mandirs being converted to Mosques.

However after reading yr last line, yr opinion is based on $$$ and Status symbol then Morality and righteousness.

Exactly,thats why we want those masjids on temples demolished,not the ones that came about outside.
Bomb it back to stone age if you want.. Most of the Christians do not care about it I guess... I am not going to loose my sleep over it... For me its just an awesome building..
We should leave it as it is, there's enough Mosques already which is Erdogan's only job, even if nobody goes he wants to build one every two metres.

We can give back aya Sofya to Greek Christians to pray if they give 10 big Islands to us including Rhodes.
so why did u not demolish it and build a mosque over there?

And Hagia Sofya is a proper church,it looks and is made like a proper orthodox church.

Exactly,thats why we want those masjids on temples demolished,not the ones that came about outside.

Why waste the time demolish it? It was already converted to a mosque after the conquest of Istanbul and then zionists controlling Turkey made it a musuem.
Türkiye;4752295 said:
Why waste the time demolish it? It was already converted to a mosque after the conquest of Istanbul and then zionists controlling Turkey made it a musuem.

If it wasn't for them Zionists you say your mum was raped.

Lan böyle lerini Atatürk yakıp hepsini yok etmediki rahatlamadik.
Leave it as a museum.

Maybe set aside a small prayer area (or select a day) for any Christians who would like to visit & pray
Bomb it back to stone age if you want.. Most of the Christians do not care about it I guess... I am not going to loose my sleep over it... For me its just an awesome building..

What the....? Ofcourse most of the cristians won't care,catholics,protestants,other sects as they have no business with it not to mention that the catholics robbed it blind during the sacking of Constantinople in the 13th century.Bomb the Vatican to the ground not Hagia Sophia :pissed:

"Christian catholics" crusaders :

"Despite their oaths and the threat of excommunication, the Crusaders systematically violated the city's holy sanctuaries, destroying or stealing all they could lay hands on: nothing was spared. The civilian population of Constantinople were subject to the Crusaders' ruthless lust for spoils and glory: thousands of them were killed in cold blood. Women, even nuns, were raped by the Crusader army, which also sacked churches, monasteries and convents. The very altars of these churches were smashed and torn to pieces for their gold and marble by the warriors who had sworn to fight in service of Christendom without question."


This was the most important reason why Byzantium fell in 1453,thanks to the western "christian" world for weakening it without hope.

For all to those who moan that it could be a mosque again,it's better this way than to receice "catholic treatment"

"The Crusaders vented their hatred for the Greeks most spectacularly in the desecration of the greatest Church in Christendom. They smashed the silver iconostasis, the icons and the holy books of Hagia Sophia, and seated upon the patriarchal throne a w/h/o/r/e who sang coarse songs as they drank wine from the Church's holy vessels. .....

Show me one example of the turks inflicting such heresy and humiliation on the Holy Orthodox Church.
Cardova,Jerusalem, Baghdad, Aleppo and now Damascus. The enemies of Islam are gradually desecrating/ destroying and occupying centers of Muslim civilization. Their final target, before turning round to Mecca - Medina, is the recovery of Constantinople. May Allah give us the eyes and the brains to see the Satanic game developing.

Jerusalem???? :woot:

What sort of weed are you smoking ???

the Question comes in my mind is that today's Christians r secular or atheists. the people who practice the religion r today less then say 1% of today's Christians in all around World.

So giving it back to Christians rather atheists a Religious place that too of such a significance is stupid as what will be the use of it in Christians World? Other then maybe few priests rare visits from pope and just Sunday Prayer.

Muslims r the most practicing Religious people and Quran is the most widely read book in world. So here it should be used as a Mosque as then atleast somebody will come there to offer Prayer 5 times a day. Then just coming in Sunday and easter in Church. The pride of Aya Sofia's Greatness in today's world is definitely with Muslims.

What sort of foolishness is this huh ??
Türkiye;4752295 said:
Why waste the time demolish it? It was already converted to a mosque after the conquest of Istanbul and then zionists controlling Turkey made it a musuem.

yeah but whats the point making it a mosque,it doesnt look like one.

it is a proper eastern orthodox cathedral.
Exactly,thats why we want those masjids on temples demolished,not the ones that came about outside.

And exactly thats why there have been no such Mosques in the first place. Muslims r not Stupid to make them on others worshipping places in the first place.
I would leave you with google to find out functioning mosques which were temples before.
My last line was to do with my appreciation of beauty and aethetics, of grand manmade structures, which I am fan of, than any little money that is made from it.

Dude what i told u was our Religion. This is like i have to google to know who my parents r or what is their name.:lol:

Google is afterall google it has info which is shared in internet by people which can be to promote their agenda.Internet is by far not a place to gain the realistic knowledge and i believe u know this as well.

What our Religion says is in Quran, Hadith and lives of Sabahas. We as a Muslim r supposed to follow that. And it is not allowed to demolish a religious place in Islam of any other religion beside Islam in the first place when it comes to Muslims. Then there is no Question to offer prayers in their religious sights.

So this info who ever gave u or from where ever u read is untrue.

About Second part.

Ok so this means that we r basically discussing beauty and ethics of grand man made structures then morality?
If God forbit Taj Mahal or Grand Mosque of Dehli were build in such a sight like Babri Masjid u would have speared it because of their high value and go after small targets in less know areas like Babri Masjid or something in Utter Pardesh or Behaar?

This is Double standards.
Our victory :what:?? I did'nt know BDeshis captured constantinopole :omghaha:

That's the problem. You never bothered to know about your Muslim neighbor / classmate / colleague / friend.

Jerusalem???? :woot:

What sort of weed are you smoking ???

What sort of foolishness is this huh ??

And you have not been drinking your urine regularly,eh?
@flamer84 dude, I am Orthodox too.. But whats the benefit of digging the past.. It was a lost cause.. Those who fought for it died long time ago and their bones decayed.. Lets move on.
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Now its a Museum right? - Fair enough. It is not the Vatican. So the status quo is ok. Symbolic multi faith gatherings may be allowed with each other's approval. Let the Peace prevail.
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