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Give Hagia Sophia back to Christianity?

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In the immortal words of India's Arundhati Roy over the Babri Masjid - Ram Janam Bhoomi dispute: How deep are you going to dig? What if there was a Hindu site before the Babri Masjid AND what if the Hindu site was as well built over something from even older era?

Let the dead of history be buried and rest where they lie for the eternities but also let's not allow the repeat of the old imperialistic policies going forward; the imperialists have become more subtle now--thanks to the global awareness but their desires are the same ancient ones: To conquer, to plunder, to exploit--even if means killings of millions.
In the immortal words of India's Arundhati Roy over the Babri Masjid - Ram Janam Bhoomi dispute: How deep are you going to dig? What if there was a Hindu site before the Babri Masjid AND what if the Hindu site was as well built over something from even older era?

Let the dead of history be buried and rest where they lie for the eternities but also let's not allow the repeat of the old imperialistic policies going forward; the imperialists have become more subtle now--thanks to the global awareness but their desires are the same ancient ones: To conquer, to plunder, to exploit--even if means killings of millions.

I agree with her.. but along the length and breadth of India there are numerous temples which are converted to mosque.. all hindus wanted was one mosque which is build on a site that is considered holy....
I dont think muslims will keep a church as it is, if the mosque in mecca was converted into a church.

However if the mosque was something as grand as this, or even taj mahal, I would have preferred it to stay.
We have to make it a Mosqeu:laugh:. It wil be a good mesage to greecs...
Hagia Sophia it's a museum now,a testimony to both cultures,better stay this way let's stop bringing ancient hatreds in the era of modern weapons.It doesn't end well.

I would like this back though:^tefan's sword (Topkapi Museum, Istanbul) | Illyria Forums (Balkans/Mediterraneans/World)

Before you jump,i know,i know...it ain't gonna' happen :)))

We have to make it a Mosqeu:laugh:. It wil be a good mesage to greecs...

Sometimes you have to see beyond your emnity with the greeks,Hagia Sophia it's a milestone for all orthodox christians ,russians,romanians,bulgarians,serbs,not only greeks and some of these orthodox respect you and islam and even built mosques as a sign of respect,what's the use in taunting them?

Ist a museum and it will stay as museum, thats the most peaceful solution.
If Europeans give back America and Australia.. we will give back Hagia Sophia.. we promise
Cardova,Jerusalem, Baghdad, Aleppo and now Damascus. The enemies of Islam are gradually desecrating/ destroying and occupying centers of Muslim civilization. Their final target, before turning round to Mecca - Medina, is the recovery of Constantinople. May Allah give us the eyes and the brains to see the Satanic game developing.
Now that it has been converted into a museum, its probably best if it stays a museum. Converting it into a church would probably be seen as an affront by most Turks due to religious and nationalist reasons and a "victory" by Greeks. Converting it into a mosque would also result in a lot of hoopla and considering that there are a fair number of mosques in that area already there is no need to create a new problem. (I remember from my own trip to Istanbul last year how most people in the Sultan Ahmet area are tourists and locals dont really come to pray in Sultan Ahmet except on Fridays and other special occasions, hence there is not really any need for another mosque there).
Jerusalem? if anything else, this one went back to it's rightful owners, the founders of the city of Jerusalem and the builders of Temple mount. Temple mount is the Mecca of the Jews.

As for the Hagia Sofia, the solution achieved seems perfect. Then again I am not sure how much my opinion is worth, since I practice none of the religions involved.
Assassin's Creed or real life? :P

In the immortal words of India's Arundhati Roy over the Babri Masjid - Ram Janam Bhoomi dispute: How deep are you going to dig? What if there was a Hindu site before the Babri Masjid AND what if the Hindu site was as well built over something from even older era?

Let the dead of history be buried and rest where they lie for the eternities but also let's not allow the repeat of the old imperialistic policies going forward; the imperialists have become more subtle now--thanks to the global awareness but their desires are the same ancient ones: To conquer, to plunder, to exploit--even if means killings of millions.

Immortal words of Mrs. Roy? Did you even read the rest of the chapter, let alone the entire book? I'd rate her amongst the worst non-fiction writers of all time.
Came across an interesting article and just wondered what the thoughts of the turkish members would be on this issue.
I do think however that it would be a deft move by the turks-muslims to hand back the Hagia Sophia to the eastern orthodox church as this would strengthen relations with russia/eastern europe/greeks.
OPINION - Letter to the Editor - Give Hagia Sophia back to Christianity

Not before @Armstrong 's only remaining nut falls off would we even consider to give it back! :D
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Came across an interesting article and just wondered what the thoughts of the turkish members would be on this issue.
I do think however that it would be a deft move by the turks-muslims to hand back the Hagia Sophia to the eastern orthodox church as this would strengthen relations with russia/eastern europe/greeks.
OPINION - Letter to the Editor - Give Hagia Sophia back to Christianity

the Question comes in my mind is that today's Christians r secular or atheists. the people who practice the religion r today less then say 1% of today's Christians in all around World.

So giving it back to Christians rather atheists a Religious place that too of such a significance is stupid as what will be the use of it in Christians World? Other then maybe few priests rare visits from pope and just Sunday Prayer.

Rather it should be reopened as Mosque like it was made when Islam came to Turkey. this was converted to Mosque to give gesture that now Turkey will follow Islam nothing else.

Muslims r the most practicing Religious people and Quran is the most widely read book in world. So here it should be used as a Mosque as then atleast somebody will come there to offer Prayer 5 times a day. Then just coming in Sunday and easter in Church. The pride of Aya Sofia's Greatness in today's world is definitely with Muslims.
I agree with her.. but along the length and breadth of India there are numerous temples which are converted to mosque.. all hindus wanted was one mosque which is build on a site that is considered holy....
I dont think muslims will keep a church as it is, if the mosque in mecca was converted into a church.

However if the mosque was something as grand as this, or even taj mahal, I would have preferred it to stay.
Muslims r not allowed to pray where idol worshiping or any other non islamic practice happen. So this is enough to burst the bubble of yr mandirs being converted to Mosques.

However after reading yr last line, yr opinion is based on $$$ and Status symbol then Morality and righteousness.
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