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GHASSED,Iranian smart bomb


Sep 23, 2012
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The Ghassed was designed in accordance with the needs of the Iranian air force to strategic arsenals and bombs. Once Ghassed is deployed, Iranian fighter jets can destroy enemy targets by this high-precision bomb without coming into the range of enemy fire.
The Ghassed is a powered air-to-surface missile designed for strikes at long range against various targets. It is a rocket-boosted version of the MK-84 bomb, with the rocket motor increasing the launch range and so giving the launch aircraft protection from whatever defenses may protect the target. Ghassed can be deployed by Iran's F-4 and F-5 fighter jets.

A TV/IR-guided bomb has either a conventional television video camera or an infrared camera (for night vision) mounted to its nose. In remote-operation mode, the controller relays information through radio signals to a human operator, who is usually onboard the bomber plane. The remote operator relays commands to the control system to steer the bomb through the air -- the bomb acts something like a remote-control plane. In this mode, the operator may launch the bomb without a specific target and sight, and then pick up the target from the video as the bomb gets closer to the ground.



Ghassed 1:

TV/IR Guided Smart bombs

range: 40 KM

Warhead :2000-pound (900 kg)

Ghassed 2:

range: over 50 KM

Warhead :2000-pound (900 kg)







Ghassed 3:

A highly-accurate rocket-boosted smart bomb with a range of 100 km and a 2000 lb warhead , enabling IRIAF to strike hostile HVTs .


TV/IR Guided Smart bombs and also are guided by INS/GPS

range: over 100 KM

Warhead :2000-pound (900 kg)


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yes, it's similar to GBU-15 that Iran never had it, because in 1985, initial operational test and evaluation was completed. and GBU-15 consists of modular components that are attached to a general purpose Mark 84 bomb. if you read again the text, you can see i've mentioned that It is a rocket-boosted version of the MK-84 bomb as same as what US did.
we have new ammunition for our bombers, Laser guided smart bombs, our phantoms, specially D ones have equipped with a new laser-targeting pod to guide laser guided bombs. ( you can see in the picture)



The more important is Ghasseds are TV/IR Guided Smart bombs, but now we have a new version of Ghasseds that are Laser Guided smart bombs. in the pictures you can see them that are different than "sattar" laser guided bombs.



GBU-15(V)1/B Guided Bomb Unit

Type: TV guided bomb
Length: 12 ft 10 in
Weight: 2,510 lb
Warhead: 945 lb H-6 high-explosive
Range: 5 miles
Drag factor: 46

The GBU-15 uses a TV or imaging infrared seeker to lock onto its target, then glides to the point of impact using control fins. The GBU should be used for important and hard to destroy targets like command bunkers, hardened aircraft shelters and nuclear weapons plants. In addition, it can be used against targets in civilian areas, The warhead of the GBU-15 is the same as the Mk84.

The first fully operational version was the GBU-15(V)1/B in 1983, followed by the (V)2/B in 1985.

GBU-15 - Smart Weapons
Rockwell GBU-15(V)/B
Free-fall munition

A powered version of the GBU-15 family with a strap-on solid-propellant rocket motor for longer range is known as the AGM-130 guided missile.
Boeing AGM-130

AGM-65 Maverick was used on Iranian F4 Phantoms. The GBU-15(V)1/B uses a daylight-only DSU-27A/B TV image-contrast seeker, and theGBU-15(V)2/B uses a WGU-10/B IIR guidance unit (the same as in the AGM-65D Maverick) for limited night/all-weather capability. .... there's your development path.
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