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Pakistani mein kya kisi ko Sanskrit bolni bhi aati hai? :lol:

Im sure there are people who learned to know more about history and origins of Pakistanis. Like Dani Ahmed who unfortunatly passed away recently. And in India there are 10.000 speakers of Sanskrit out of 1.3 billion because of religious reasons. Sanskrit is foreign language for Indians. Its like Pakistanis learning arabic.
Im sure there are people who learned to know more about history and origins of Pakistanis. Like Dani Ahmed who unfortunatly passed away recently. And in India there are 10.000 speakers of Sanskrit out of 1.3 billion because of religious reasons.

Not just 10,000 but millions of people know Sanskrit in India. I studied three languages in school Hindi, English and Sanskrit.

Sanskrit is foreign language for Indians. Its like Pakistanis learning arabic

its like Punjabi is foreign for Pakistanis. :lol::lol::lol:
Not just 10,000 but millions of people know Sanskrit in India. I studied three languages in school Hindi, English and Sanskrit.

its like Punjabi is foreign for Pakistanis. :lol::lol::lol:

Please don't lie, your Indian government say only 10.000 people speak Sanskrit. Why you have to lie? You know Sanskrit just like millions of people in Pakistan know arabic, which not much at all.
Please don't lie, your Indian government say only 10.000 people speakSanskrit. Why you have to lie? You know Sanskrit just like millions of people in Pakistan know arabic, which not much at all.

There are certain people across India who tried to revive Sanskrit as a spoken language.
There are certain people across India who tried to revive Sanskrit as a spoken language.

You don't understand ....... 10,000 people SPEAK Sanskrit. I speak Hindi, English, Malayalam, Marathi ...but i dont 'speak' sanskrit. There is no need. There are only a few villages in India that speak Sanskrit.

But I sure can read , write and understand sanskrit and I am not the only one :tongue:
You don't understand ....... 10,000 people SPEAK Sanskrit. I speak Hindi, English, Malayalam, Marathi ...but i dont 'speak' sanskrit. There is no need. There are only a few villages in India that speak Sanskrit.

But I sure can read , write and understand sanskrit and I am not the only one :tongue:

That's enough to bust the fake meaning of Sanskrit verses being posted here by Jholachhap experts from Pakistan. :lol::lol:
There are certain people across India who tried to revive Sanskrit as a spoken language.

Yes certain about 10.000, and revive? Sanskrit was never language of common people even in its birth place west punjab let alone thousands of KM away!
@shan very interesting and logical comments on this thread shan and very interesting thread..........exacltly u think according to my point of view regarding pakistan and india .....
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Yes certain about 10.000, and revive?

Some villages tried to revive Sanskrit, so they started to speak Sanskrit among themselves as the language of communication.

Sanskrit was never language of common people even in its birth place west punjab let alone thousands of KM away!
West Punjab? :lol::lol: Sanskrit remained a language of communication for centuries among educated community till Muslim dynasties introduced Persian in India. Kalidasa is the most renowned Sanskrit author.
West Punjab? :lol::lol: Sanskrit remained a language of communication for centuries among educated community till Muslim dynasties introduced Persian in India. Kalidasa is the most renowned Sanskrit author.

Can you please provide any proof from neutral sources? Because thats the biggest bs i have heard today. Its a historical fact Sanskrit was never spoken by common people but Brahmins who had monopoly in ancient Pakistan where they originated. Let alone in ancient "India". And Sanskrit is considered "dead" language, only learned and spoken by few because of religious reasons.
Can you please provide any proof from neutral sources? Because thats the biggest bs i have heard today. Its a historical fact Sanskrit was never spoken by common people but Brahmins who had monopoly in ancient Pakistan where they originated. Let alone in ancient "India". And Sanskrit is considered "dead" language, only learned and spoken by few because of religious reasons.

Rigveda mentions about river Yamuna. Get your fact right. When Panini was writing Ashtadhayayi, Sanskrit was still spoken as a language.

Ancient Pakistan?:lol: The name Pakistan was invented somewhere in a dormitory of the Cambridge University.
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