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Ghaggar-Hakra believed to be mythical Rig Veda Sarasvati river proven false

Rigveda mentions about river Yamuna. Get your fact right. When Panini was writing Ashtadhayayi, Sanskrit was still spoken as a language.

Ancient Pakistan?:lol: The name Pakistan was invented somewhere in a dormitory of the Cambridge University.

And word "India" was also invented by British drived from Sindh which is in Pakistan. At least one of us invented our name based on "our" 5 provinces and not others. Please provide neutral source if Sanskrit was language of common people otherwise bug off.
And word "India" was also invented by British drived from Sindh which is in Pakistan. At least one of us invented our name based on "our" 5 provinces and not others. Please provide neutral source if Sanskrit was language of common people otherwise bug off.

British or Greeks? Bharat is our native name.

Read more about Panini to know more about Sanskrit.
Not just 10,000 but millions of people know Sanskrit in India. I studied three languages in school Hindi, English and Sanskrit.

its like Punjabi is foreign for Pakistanis. :lol::lol::lol:

Sanskrit is a dead language , you need to deal with it. punjabi is a living language and cannot be compared with a dead language.
Provide neutral proof of Sanskrit being common men language?

Now you changed your question to "common people". Common people spoke Apbhramsa at time of Maurya Empire while Sanskrit was still used by elites as a spoken language.
Ok i will ask again.

Provide neutral proof of Sanskrit being common people language?

Sanskrit is a dead language , you need to deal with it. punjabi is a living language and cannot be compared with a dead language.

Certain Pakistanis told me Punjabi is spoken very little in cities of Punjab, only widespread in rural areas of Pakistan. Some of them were feeling very happy that Urdu is replacing Punjabi as a single spoken language of Pakistan.
Certain Pakistanis told me Punjabi is spoken very little in cities of Punjab, only widespread in rural areas of Pakistan. Some of them were feeling very happy that Urdu is replacing Punjabi as a single spoken language of Pakistan.

WTF, who nutter told you that? Punjabi is language of 90-100 million Pakistanis. And no it will not replace because both languages have so much in common.
Well that what i heard, its true that Hindko language is dialect of punjabi. Infact i can understand it perfectly while not pashto. But Hindko are generally considered to be ancient people living in that area. So they didnt go with Ranjeet Singh forces. And about Punjabi-pathan, maybe people call them that because they live in KP while speak Punjabi dialect.

Considered to be descendants of those ferocious fighting tribes, the Khokhars and the Gakkars.

For being Maratha i guess? Why does Marathis have to work in South India while biggest industry bollywood is right next door? And its not like he didn't work in bollywood, i still remember his movies. But as is the case with typical non-punjabi and pathans looking people they don't succeed in bollywood.

Why are so many Pakistanis so racist?

And word "India" was also invented by British drived from Sindh which is in Pakistan. At least one of us invented our name based on "our" 5 provinces and not others. Please provide neutral source if Sanskrit was language of common people otherwise bug off.

Oh dear. Going in at the deep end, are we? Is there an unpublished rule against reading posts by the kaffir?
He was not brought up in Maharashtra. Next door was the Tamil film industry. He was a bus conductor in Bangalore before make that extraordinary transition. Maybe some appreciation to where he has gone from such humble beginnings(still remains humble btw) instead of worrying about how he looks.

Success in movies depends on more than looks. Shahrukh Khan is by no means extraordinarily good looking but he catches the eye of the audience & that is all that matters.

It's amazing how many of the younger Pakistanis get quite visceral in their wholly unconcealed racism.
Considered to be descendants of those ferocious fighting tribes, the Khokhars and the Gakkars.

Why are so many Pakistanis so racist?

Oh dear. Going in at the deep end, are we? Is there an unpublished rule against reading posts by the kaffir?

So all you had to pick are those 3 posts to respond with one liners? And i simply asked why Maratha have to leave and work in South Indian industry. Its Indian people who are racists and only want to watch punjabi-pathans in bollywood. Look what KRK said about new Tamil hero in hindi movie.

Anyway any source for Sanskrit being spoken by common people? Because whenever i ask some questions Indic run away.
There isn't any part of India where Sanskrit is mother tongue. The few villages you talk about only learn Sanskrit as second language for religious reasons. :tup: Thats why its dead language and has been for thousands of years. Only spoken by Brahmins in ancient times.
It's amazing how many of the younger Pakistanis get quite visceral in their wholly unconcealed racism.

Haha give me a break, provide proof of my racism. If saying punjabi-pathans dominate bollywood is racism then so be it. Or simply bug off just like Indic did.
So all you had to pick are those 3 posts to respond with one liners? And i simply asked why Maratha have to leave and work in South Indian industry. Its Indian people who are racists and only want to watch punjabi-pathans in bollywood. Look what KRK said about new Tamil hero in hindi movie.

Anyway any source for Sanskrit being spoken by common people? Because whenever i ask some questions Indic run away.

First of all, none of your posts are worth serious consideration, nor much more than a line, except in order to excoriate them in more than a line.

Second, your question was singularly inept, demonstrating that you don't the difference between being a Maratha and living in Maharashtra. Or that a Maratha kingdom existed from the seventeenth century onwards within Tamil Nadu.

Third, if you look around, there are dozens of actors who are neither Punjabi nor Pathan in Hindi movies. It has always been like that. There have been prominent Punjabis, prominent Pathans, prominent Gujaratis, prominent UP-ites or Biharis, prominent Biharis, everybody. It is only your sick obsession with colour, an obsession shared by a large number of you, that makes you think that only a particular set exists.

Fourth, I don't know whether to laugh harder at Indic or at you, for being a pair of ignoramuses who do not know what the name Sanskrit implies, and what it says about the variation that is so described. And I have no intention of enlightening you; what would I do for comic relief in future?

An observation, incorporating some free advice, the only kind that an ignoramus can afford. Sometimes getting away with a one-liner in response to your ineptitude is a very good thing.
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