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Ghaggar-Hakra believed to be mythical Rig Veda Sarasvati river proven false

First of all, none of your posts are worth serious consideration, nor much more than a line, except in order to excoriate them in more than a line.

Second, your question was singularly inept, demonstrating that you don't the difference between being a Maratha and living in Maharashtra. Or that a Maratha kingdom existed from the seventeenth century onwards within Tamil Nadu.

Third, if you look around, there are dozens of actors who are neither Punjabi nor Pathan in Hindi movies. It has always been like that. There have been prominent Punjabis, prominent Pathans, prominent Gujaratis, prominent UP-ites or Biharis, prominent Biharis, everybody. It is only your sick obsession with colour, an obsession shared by a large number of you, that makes you think that only a particular set exists.

Fourth, I don't know whether to laugh harder at Indic or at you, for being a pair of ignoramuses who do not know what the name Sanskrit implies, and what it says about the variation that is so described. And I have no intention of enlightening you; what would I do for comic relief in future?

An observation, incorporating some free advice, the only kind that an ignoramus can afford. Sometimes getting away with a one-liner in response to your ineptitude is a very good thing.

Another bs written by you, please tell me who are non-punjabi-pathan leading actors of bollywood? With success behind them, otherwise dont waste time by writing bs. Its you guys who are racist, its your obsession with skin colour which make bollywood dominated by punjabi-pathans despite being 2% of population. Rajnikant tried his hand in bollywood

Skin colour obessed nation and you saying im racist? I dont use skin colour when talking about differences because there are facial feutures which make us different and not skin colour.

And no hindu nutter has refused with neutral source my original post and other questions like influence of arabic/farsi in Hindi/Indian punjabi. Or Sanskrit being language of common people in ancient subcontinent. So continue to believe in your false intellect.
Another bs written by you, please tell me who are non-punjabi-pathan leading actors of bollywood? With success behind them, otherwise dont waste time by writing bs. Its you guys who are racist, its your obsession with skin colour which make bollywood dominated by punjabi-pathans despite being 2% of population. Rajnikant tried his hand in bollywood

Skin colour obessed nation and you saying im racist? I dont use skin colour when talking about differences because there are facial feutures which make us different and not skin colour.

And no hindu nutter has refused with neutral source my original post and other questions like influence of arabic/farsi in Hindi/Indian punjabi. Or Sanskrit being language of common people in ancient subcontinent. So continue to believe in your false intellect.

And you think that little squeak will get me hot and bothered and responding?

The difference between you and me, O gallant hero leading your charge against your own private windmills, is sustained ability to talk sense on a variety of topics. I've been there, done that, and now I pick and choose. Pustules with their smarmy little racist jibes don't get answered. And before you start dreaming of making capital of this, you've got answered. Much more attention was paid to you than you deserved, but you got answered. LOL.

Ad for Sanskrit, imagine singing of your Gods in Coptic.

Why must we suffer idiots?
And you think that little squeak will get me hot and bothered and responding?

The difference between you and me, O gallant hero leading your charge against your own private windmills, is sustained ability to talk sense on a variety of topics. I've been there, done that, and now I pick and choose. Pustules with their smarmy little racist jibes don't get answered. And before you start dreaming of making capital of this, you've got answered. Much more attention was paid to you than you deserved, but you got answered. LOL.

Ad for Sanskrit, imagine singing of your Gods in Coptic.

Why must we suffer idiots?

Typical, but you finally admit how racist Indians are by only allowing punjabi-pathans to suceed in bollywood. The inferiority complex and skin obsession is amazing. The difference between you and me is one talk with sources and one out of his ***. I have seen enough hindu historians professionals and think tanks on pdf with nothing more then hatered against Pakistan. Which is expected since 99% are upper caste here.
LOL wikipedia the indian controlled source where they do their propaganda and blame pakistan for it.......

We accept we didnt got the best govs in last century as we as a nation r very young and growing as the time passes.

But like in 71 we were propagating state propaganda because were in better position internationally is same way how u r propagating yr state propaganda by Claiming victory in 65 as today yr in a better position internationally!

So in the end it comes down to who is in better position to propagate their claims then following the reality!!!

We as a Nation have changed our attitudes and grown more towards being positive in matters but the question is have u matured enough to accept yr weaknesses to and have moral courage to accept yr defeat too?

Accept defeat?? :lol::lol:

Your country start that war for J&K and lost it badly .... like always ran back to Pakistan.

If your country really became mature then you should accept the reality that you always got humiliation in war with India.
This is how conversation between Pakistanis and supposed Indian professionals like Joe and other think tanks start.

Pakistanis to Indian: We ruled you for 1000 years, enslaved you blah blah

Indians to Pakistan: Actually you didnt rule us, you just converted and forget about your great history. And just because of being Muslims you guys now claim to be rulers of India for 1000 years.

Pakistanis to Indian: You know what you are right, we converted and our history is indeed great Harappa Civilization, Vedic & Ghandara civilization. And we are proud of it thanks for reminding us.

Indians to Pakistanis: Stop right there, you guys are claiming our heritage. These all are "Indian" civilizations. Please look elsewhere for your identity. :cheesy:
Indians, my dear dear neighbours.

You shouldn't be so confused what you really are and what you use to be.

No need to take Pakistani history as yours, that would be unfair on yourselves.

You are jungle dwellers, since when time began up until now, this is your heritage:


Yes that's right, this monkey you worship was your best friend when you were all alone in the jungles. :omghaha:
This is how conversation between Pakistanis and supposed Indian professionals like Joe and other think tanks start.

Pakistanis to Indian: We ruled you for 1000 years, enslaved you blah blah

Indians to Pakistan: Actually you didnt rule us, you just converted and forget about your great history. And just because of being Muslims you guys now claim to be rulers of India for 1000 years.

Pakistanis to Indian: You know what you are right, we converted and our history is indeed great Harappa Civilization, Vedic & Ghandara civilization. And we are proud of it thanks for reminding us.

Indians to Pakistanis: Stop right there, you guys are claiming our heritage. These all are "Indian" civilizations. Please look elsewhere for your identity. :cheesy:
hhahahahaaha :rofl:
Fourth, I don't know whether to laugh harder at Indic or at you, for being a pair of ignoramuses who do not know what the name Sanskrit implies, and what it says about the variation that is so described. And I have no intention of enlightening you; what would I do for comic relief in future?

Why so Joe Sir.
Accept defeat?? :lol::lol:

Your country start that war for J&K and lost it badly .... like always ran back to Pakistan.

If your country really became mature then you should accept the reality that you always got humiliation in war with India.


Repeating yr state propaganda will not give u any good.

Prove or get enough moral courage to accept defeat.
Similar things are appearing in Russia/Poland etc. The Nazis entered these countries, butchered the people - all due to racism. But there are enough Poles, Ukrainians, Russians etc(people who suffered the most) who dress up in Nazi uniforms and give salutes. In a more civilized society they are called 'Skinheads'. In South Asia, sorry to say, they are you.
Indians, my dear dear neighbours.

You shouldn't be so confused what you really are and what you use to be.

No need to take Pakistani history as yours, that would be unfair on yourselves.

You are jungle dwellers, since when time began up until now, this is your heritage:


Yes that's right, this monkey you worship was your best friend when you were all alone in the jungles. :omghaha:
This is how conversation between Pakistanis and supposed Indian professionals like Joe and other think tanks start.

Pakistanis to Indian: We ruled you for 1000 years, enslaved you blah blah

Indians to Pakistan: Actually you didnt rule us, you just converted and forget about your great history. And just because of being Muslims you guys now claim to be rulers of India for 1000 years.

Pakistanis to Indian: You know what you are right, we converted and our history is indeed great Harappa Civilization, Vedic & Ghandara civilization. And we are proud of it thanks for reminding us.

Indians to Pakistanis: Stop right there, you guys are claiming our heritage. These all are "Indian" civilizations. Please look elsewhere for your identity. :cheesy:

You were claiming something called Pakistani civilization, no such term existed until it was invented in some dormitory of Cambridge University of the United Kingdom.
We share a history that is true.

The difference is this -
While we are proud to follow our ancestral faiths - Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism etc, you look down upon it. While we feel proud of Ranjit Singh, Vedic Culture, Vedic Mathematics etc you strike up Al Beruni etc...

Just to remind you - Pakistan was born in 1947. Period. Cry as much as you want but the birth of Pakistan when Islam first came to South Asia is just as idiotic as BS. In fact it is.

If you want a more contemporary parallel let me know, I would gladly expose you. :yahoo:
Indians, my dear dear neighbours.

You shouldn't be so confused what you really are and what you use to be.

No need to take Pakistani history as yours, that would be unfair on yourselves.

You are jungle dwellers, since when time began up until now, this is your heritage:


Yes that's right, this monkey you worship was your best friend when you were all alone in the jungles. :omghaha:
Similar things are appearing in Russia/Poland etc. The Nazis entered these countries, butchered the people - all due to racism. But there are enough Poles, Ukrainians, Russians etc(people who suffered the most) who dress up in Nazi uniforms and give salutes. In a more civilized society they are called 'Skinheads'. In South Asia, sorry to say, they are you.

Europe didn't have a Gangetic Plain separating it - Indo-Gangetic Plain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The region is known for the Indus Valley Civilization, centered in Pakistan, which was responsible for the birth of ancient South Asian culture.
The flat and fertile terrain has facilitated the repeated rise and expansion of various empires, including the Gupta empire, Kanauj, Magadha, the Maurya Empire, the Mughal Empire and the Sultanate of Delhi – all of which had their demographic and political centers in the Indo-Gangetic plain. During the Vedic and Epic eras of Indian history, this region was referred to as "Aryavarta" (Land of the Aryans) which was bordered on the west by the Indus river, on the east by Anga region of present day easternmost part of Bihar and doorstep of Bengal and on the south by the Vindhya Mountain range. During the Islamic period, the Turkish, Afghan and Iranian rulers referred to this region as "Hindustan" (Land of the Hindus), deriving from the Persian term for the Indus River. This term was later used to refer to the whole of India but even into the modern era, the dialect of Hindi-Urdu spoken in this region is called Hindustani, a term which is also used for the local music and culture

As you can see we are completely different civilizations from the very beginning, it was only your marauding Marauyan monarchy which invaded our land and converted us into your silly jungle religion.
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